Maybe everything happens for a reason? This cartoon sort of raises that issue. Then if that is so perhaps all thoughts might not be Random. They might be "specific" to the past and then also coming events? This blog is just that. "Random Specific Thoughts".
I have often thought that everything happens for a reason. With that said, I will just in somewhat of a random way try to find some thoughts that interest me and seem to point in a direction.
Today I read in the paper a report literacy. The article said that a group of colleage students were asked to name their favorite author. What surprised me, and was the core point in this article, was that no one out of a couple of dozen students could think of any author. Finally a student raised their hand and said, Dan Brown. The Davinci Code was interesting. It wasn't really great literature. One of my favorite authors summed it up why this seems like such a lose with this quote:
The good of Literature is that
We want to be more than ourselves……
We want to see with other eyes
To imagine with other’s imaginations,
To feel with other’s hearts, as well as our own.
Quote by C.S. Lewis
Another favorite author and person is Albert Einstein. Lots of reasons but one of the things he said about scientific truth was to liken it, from his point of view, to a "firm belief, a belief bound up with deep feeling, in a superior mind that reveals itself in the world of experience. He said that for him this represents his conception of God".
Interesting how much is felt and believed and imagined. Interesting how important feelings are. Things were magic for Einstien. His quote below about miracles is a good one.
There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” -Albert Einstein, 1879 - 1955.
So blog number one. I guess I will see what direction this blog approach takes. It may be Random. It might be specific. It will be........................ "just some thoughts".
Way To Go Big Bro! :)
I think you will love having a blog. It really is like a journal but something that you can share with all of us.
Thanks for doing it.
So much dialogue in such a little space! Hey Ya'll! And howdy from Idaho :)
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