Is Memory Intellegence?
I found this arrangement of color in a labeled memory? Interesting to try to see why this picutre is symbolic of memory.
I looked in a book about "Symbolism" and found that on the cover it had something that looked like this picutre only with different colors. Then again it looked like a picture in space.
The book suggested that colors can be symbolic. Green being a standard symbol of life. Blue, which is in the center of the green, would represent heavenly or celestial, maybe even spirtual. So maybe we find memory represented by these colors as well as this image?
memory is of imagining.
For Stephen King the core, he claims, is mixed with events but also with imagined images. All remembered but then developed into stories.
Apparently for King memories do not need to be specific.
In fact it seems like he is ok if they are just
"Specific Random Thoughts".
King in his forward qutoes a well know book that writers seem to have all read. In Elements of Style, he says, in the chapter titled "Principles of Composition":
Omit needless words.
In the book on symbolism it suggested that gold reflected wisdom.
The picture might then be seen as a life or spirit surrounded by learned wisdom representing memory.
Of course the "picture" omits needless words.
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