The easy answer is that it was my Mom's, sort of. As I grew up I often looked through the cedar chest that was full of my Mom's unusual things. I always saw a couple of bags of fabric. I guess the plan was that they might be, someday, a dress or a curtain or who knows what they would be, some day, in the mind of my Mom? Maybe she just liked the material. I have a first hand knowledge of a "material/fabric collector first class" even today so I understand the possibilities.
Many years later my Dad would often say, after my Mom was gone, "take what you want". I took the fabric. My sister later took the cedar chest. My brother took furniture. Anyway it was a long time after my Dad passed on that I asked my Sister in Law to make a quilt for me. This is a picture of what she created using those materials.
So both the colors and the design of this quilt is interesting to me. I liken it to "being like music", in a way. This may be a jump to suggest that a quilt is like music. But isn't music just a pattern put into notes?

Why not Music from a Quilt
Design might be reflective by "notes" if a "heartbeat itself" can be?
I saw a program where a human heart that had problems was studied. It's beat was tracked on paper. Then "notes" were drawn in on that same paper suggesting a rhythm. It was played with musical instruments. It's sound and melody was a dull even sound. Then a healthy heart's beat was tracked. Notes were placed. When they were played it was a rhythm that repeated in variations. It had it's own melody, and was interesting and pleasant, as compared to the unhealthy heart.
More thoughts similiar to that are at this site:
Back to the quilt story..................... The fabric's were from the 1940's
The patterns of the overall finished quilt may be the result of the "random and specific" fabric's or it may have been more impacted by the quilt designer? Either way the quilt seems to have a mood. Maybe it can be charted with notes and played?
Albert Einstein's book "Essays in Science is not in my top 50 but it is very good. I have mentioned this book before in a previous blog. He is a great guy to feature on "RandomSpecificThoughts" since he seems to not see anything "random". The quilt may be random or specific depending on point of view.
1 comment:
That would be in Grandma Warren's living room? A few years later but some of those same warm memories~ Looking at this quilt makes me feel that warm feeling again. And I can smell that homemade bread "accompanied" by Grandma's homemade grape jelly :) Comfort is music all it's own..
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