Eyes are a representation of light and
knowledge. These seem to be full of knowledge.
They seem to reflect the very spirit of a person.
Why then do some eyes reflect more knowledge than others?

It is Sunday. A good day to think about light and knowledge and the spirit of man. A good day to think about being better than we are. A good day to try to think about "good men". Some men just deserve to be our hero's. My Dad. My Grandfathers are hero's. When I remember my Grandfather Jones I remember his deep set eyes. The years that I remember him he was blind but his face was a lot like Lincoln's face. He to me looked a little like Lincoln.
I have been to the Lincoln memorial a few times. Each time I go I stand and look at his face and his eyes. Then I turn to the right and read what is written into the wall. His Second Inaugural address is considered by many people his greatest speech. The speech has so much to think about but one part I am impressed with is this:
"both read the same Bible, and pray to the same God; and each
invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men
should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread
from the sweat of other men's faces; but let us judge not that we be not
judged. The prayers of both could not be answered' that of
neither has been answereed fully. "
Within this speech, especially in the words above, I think Lincoln makes a comment that explains a lot. He may have been judging the thoughts and intents of those who used or misused the Bible for partisan purposes. However I think he wasn't just affirming that statement in what he said but in effect interrogating those that listened. The sentence "and each invokes His aid against the other" is really a question about the reality of the human condition.
The question still hold true. Politician's continue go to war in the name of "right". Then since right is on their side the end justifys the means. Polarization is what happens when both sides begin to look like each other and both claim God is on their side.
But then it is just Sunday and I was just thinking about my Grandfather and how to me he looked liked Lincoln. Then too I was just looking inside myself for some thoughts for this blog. I am not sure that the blog gets read much but then if it is just a time that I am left with my own thoughts some, that is fine. Then that reminds me of a thought by Maya Angelou.

Maya Angelou's book "Even the Stars look Lonesome" builds off of her own youth and in some ways, if you have read her many other books, is predicatable. She suggests that children be taught that solutide can be a much desired condition. She suggests that it is not only acceptable to be alone but in fact it should be wished for sometimes. She points out that it is in these moments that we learn to talk to ourselves. In the silence we listen to ourselves. The we ask questions of ourselves. We describe ourselves to ourselves.
Writing a blog leaves one alone with their thoughts.
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Great post!
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