It isn't hard to find some favorite things about New Mexico. Going to the Flea Market is one of them. My Dad would be proud of me. I never really understood that he might have been going to the garage sales, as he often did, just because he enjoyed it. Kathy and I like to just walk and look at the stuff. The last time we went I saw a Spanish English dictonary, pocket style, for a $1 and I just decided to go back and get it. I am not sure but someday learning to speak and understand another language is on my list of "to do's". So I went back. Kathy followed. By doing so she re looked at, and talked herself into buying, a quilt that is really neat. So there you go....................... Random Actions, bring about Specifc "Stuff".

I have refered to this as the "flea circus" but as the sign plainly shows it is indeed a "market".

It may not be a surprise that I found this hat at the market.
Today a guy about my age, who I have a great deal of respect for, and in fact I think he reads this blog sometimes, mentioned that he figured he falls down about three times a year becuase he likes to look at the sky when he is out walking. You would have to live here to understand why someone would do this. It really is a interesting feature of this part of the world. Now my friend is a scientist by work day, but he says he is a part time philosopher and physicist.

Running, Reading and some wRiting are my 3 R's. Course they are not all R's. Anyway New Mexico is a great place to go out and run, and think about a lot, or think about nothing. This red on blue scene is just up the street.

"Once you can express yourself you can tell the world what you want from it"
Caroline Kennedy says of her mother that one of the greatest gifts she received form her was her love of literature and language.
One poem that is in this book was also quoted by Robert Kennedy at a gathering of blacks the day that Martin Luthur King died. I remeber that day and I remember listening on TV when he quoted this. When John Kennedy was shot I was in high school. I was a senior and it came over the intercon as an announcement. When Robert Kennedy was shot Kathy and I were in California on vacation. I remember when Robert Kennedy came to the ISU Gym and spoke. I still remember his talk and his comments. I have thought of these words that he quoted on other occasions and find them of value.
"even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God."
"even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God."
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