Friday, July 04, 2014


Today we walked through the neighborhood to attend a small event hosted by some neighbors. They each year on the 4th invite the fire department to bring a truck and all the neighborhood comes for the event. They have games for the kids set up on the street. The kids follow the fire truck for a few blocks around the subdivision and back. The event starts with a prayer, raising the flag, and everyone pledging to the flag. 

We are fortunate to live in America. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

What is missing here is my father.........................

What is missing here is my Father............. The house where he grew up, the hat he wore, one of the canes he used and a few watches. He got one of the watches from his dad as I recall. His parents lived in this house most all of their married life. My grandfather was blind in his later years and his cane was white with a red tip on it. He would walk from the front door to the barnyard across the street but he had to cross a road that was a highway. I remember many trips to this house when I was a boy. Dad would go to visit but to help. He put a roof on this house for them. He was always there to help them.  He was the one son that probably worked the hardest to help out and it was noticed not only by his parents but by his brothers and sisters who were glad that he did it but a little concerned that he just stood out doing it. 

Dad loved my mother. I remember over the years hearing from our church leaders that the greatest thing a man can do for his children is to love their mother. My dad taught us that. I didn't have to learn it from the church leaders. 

I have had the good fortune to have spent time with my sons as young adults. I had left our home and had gotten married by the time I was 20.  I didn't spend the time with my dad that my own sons spent with me as young adults. 

A lot of what I learned from my dad was through his example. He was not a complainer. He cared about his family and for him that extended to cousins and their families. He had a lot of things that were important value. 

I think he is proud of me and that is important. I also know that he might see the closeness I have been blessed with in my own sons lives so far and he would have wished that for us as I do wish it. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Past the" use by date"

Today I was talking with a "friend" and he mentioned that I was for sure past the use by date? I was sort of shocked. Good thing I live with Kathy.  A lot of the stuff she has in drawers is past the use by date........................................

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Time for....................

Kathy found this in Zach's room. It is a poem I have liked over a lot of years so it seems worth adding to the blog...................................

Take Time

Take time for friendship when you can.
The hours fly swiftly, and the need
That presses on your fellowman
May fade away at equal speed
And you may sigh before the end
That you have failed to play the friend

Not all life’s pride is born of fame;
Not all the joy from work is won
Too late we hang our heads in shame.
Remembering good we could have done;
Too late we wish that we had stayed
To comfort those who called for aid.

Take time to do the little things
Which leave the satisfactory thought,
When other joys have taken wings,
That we have labored as we ought;
That in a world where all contend,
We often stopped to be a friend.

Edgar A. Guest

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Worth Posting

My favorite little girl..................................................