Sunday, March 30, 2008

I planned on being here, now.................

One can spend a lot of time "wondering" about things? Where to live, what to do, what will happen or what won't happen. Will Hillary win or be McCain's Vice President. Will it rain tomorrow. Looking for an answer. If for a time you can free yourself from the question then understanding becomes possible. The real problem is the questions. Unanswered questions may be just too much like roller coasters. The solutions sort of catch up if you slow down. When you do give in, and jump into the future, you find that you do have the skills to do what you need to do. Even so those skills ar clearer in the Here and Now.................................. Planning may not really be about having a plan, as much as it is about recognizing that your on a journey and where you are in that journey is ok.
Today is a good day. The sun is shinning. My grandkids have great people around them. The sky is blue. Things smell good. (course I can't smell) Their is a good spirit in our lives...................................

Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential

to the understanding of a problem."

Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 - 1996)

"As for the future, your task is not

to foresee it, but to enable it."

~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"Too often we are so preoccupied with the destination,

we forget the journey."

~ Unknown Author

"Plans are worthless.

Planning is essential."

~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

Saturday, March 29, 2008

On the trail.................... "certain" that I've slowed down, wondering about the present

Today is a good today to live "today" and to concentrate on the "present".................. The day started out with a 4 1/2 mile run. I left the Ipod turned off and concentrated on "nothing" in particular. Then after a nice lunch and some time of the phone we went to a trail on the Sandia Crest and when up the mountain maybe a half mile or more. The picture looking back down is not from my camera but it is a lot like what we saw and it is pretty close to where we were.
I suppose the lessons to be learned from the events of the day are significant. No specific lesson to be learned form the "nice dirt tree lined trail" however. No chance to run that trail today.
Slow down and the thing you are chasing
will come around and catch you."

~ Zen saying
"When the mind is in a state of uncertainty
the smallest impulse directs it to either side."
~ Terence
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future,
concentrate the mind on the present."
~ Buddha

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Is the question "sinking in" or does it matter?


........The "more" you ponder some things the more you need to. Sometimes while you wait for the question to sink in you sort of lose track of why it is a question. Maybe if words without thoughts are as bad as thoughts without words. I remember the play Hamlet when he overheard the bad guy kneeling in prayer after having killed the king. Of the words that he said this was significant:

Words fly up, my thought remains below:
Words without thoughts never to heaven go.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

"Light" distilled from darkness

Easter Morning.........................................I received an e card from a friend today, remembering Easter. It showed the Sheppard looking for the lost lamb. For me, I remember Mary looking for the master, and then finding Him. The Savior's life is often remembered as an event or an incident from the scriptures, but "all things" seem to testify of him. Spring is a renewing of all that was lost. The seasons present life and renewal and resurrection. The sunrise over the mountain for example is "light" coming into the day. Even the day following the night testifies of Christ. The Sun, rising in the morning, and the light reflected even before it is seen. He did rise today and he lives

Saturday, March 22, 2008

We drink the same streams and see the same sun, and we run the same course our fathers have run

A Prism is something solid that breaks up incoming light into lights of different colors. What seems present in the "event" changes. What comes in takes a turn and comes out much more. That definition offers a lot of ways to use the word Prism as a metaphor for events one experiences in daily life. "All events have a spiritual meaning" if one views life as a prism that uses all ones experiences as incoming light. The light that results might be referred to as that spiritual meaning or a better way to understand the purpose of the events.
Lincoln's last speech proved a Prism in several ways. As much as it was a message to both sides of the war then over it was for him a strained effort to see the light of God.
Lincoln had a favorite poem that he found in a newspaper in 1846 that he was drawn to. The poem was called "Mortality"
So the multitude goes, like the flower or the weed,
That withers away to let others succeed
So the multitude comes, even those we behold,
To repeat every tale that has often been told.
For we are the same, our fathers have been,
We see the same sights our fathers have seen;
We drink the same streams and see the same sun
And run the same course of fathers have run.
They loved; but the story we cannot unfold;
They scorned, but the heart of the haughty is cold;
They grieved, but no wail from their slumbers will come,
They joyed, but the tongue of their gladness is dumb.
They died! Aye, they died; we things that are now;
That work on the turf that lies on their brow,
And make in their dwellings a transient abode,
Meet the things that they met on their pilgrimage road.
Yea! Hope and despondency, pleasure and pain,
Are mingled together in sun-shine and rain;
And the smile and the tear, and the song and the dirge,
Still follow each other, like surge upon surge.
Tis the wink of an eye, this this draught of a breath
From the blossoms of health, to the paleness of death
From the gilded saloon, to the brier and the shroud
Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud

Friday, March 21, 2008

This donut is unbearable but a coke would help it, please......................................

The book "Stephen King On Writing" would be a good tip.....................

Seems to me that "as blogs go" having this "open range" picture may distract form the real concern that we should all have over this poor hypothetical man who didn't get a donut? I'd bet he didn't have a coke either? On the other hand some of us come home from a hard day of stress and just go out for a 4 mile run and as far as I can see this approach sort of worked today. I have wondered some what to blog today. I did go to my own Amazon Reviews while pondering it all and resolved to re write my review on "Terror and Liberalism" since it just doesn't do the book justice as it is. I also considered adding a review of "Stephen King's On Writing" and also of a book by Ronald White on "Lincoln's Greatest Speech". I particularly like the Second Inaugural and Lincoln's timely and masterful insight into his audience. He noted that it was.........
"strange that any men should dare ask a just God's assistance
in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces"
He added that both read the same Bible, and pray to the same God and that the prayer of both cold not be answered and that of neither had been answered fully............... In asking these questions he presented another deeper question that goes to the
what the real principal of work is?
Is it fair for one man to gain his own bread through the sweat of other men, or with no effort of their own. In the sweat of thy face one will eat his bread is from Genesis 3:19 and the idea that man ought to work is a given from that point forward. Whether we dig in and do our best or expect to control others or more to the point benefit from what we didn't earn is a point of view Lincoln brought out in the open in his speech.
Dallan Oaks in one of his books said "how we interpret our experiences is a function of our degree of spirituality.
John Widstsoe suggested that there is a spiritual meaning of all human acts and earthly events. This suggests that all that we do "matters".
Nothing wrong with just wanting to do ones best

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thanks for the voice and the lightning on your glad height.

Images of "why" ring out from the vision of a wolf crying into the night. The poem suggesting one should not go gently into that good night, in some ways, is suggested by this scene of a wolf crying into that good night. Having said that I suppose
"why" is relative. The poem seems to profile many who didn't accomplish all that they should have. Men who "forked no lightning" have been left little at the end than to "rage" but then......................................................................................... what of those who did "fork some lightning? I think it is for them that the wolf raises his voice. So a blog today to offer some "lighting", even though is may indeed be simply "singing at the sun in flight", left on the sad height, now the tears gone but fierce, willing to pray, time to be gentle, but thankful it is not night.
Dylan Thomas
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears,
I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Always wear my sunglasses running.............. reveiws, comics and popular unused links

As I look into this picture of the mountain on a early Sunday Morning I am tempted to just call this "confessions of a guy on the run who reads too much and gave up coke recently". If I did that I might be getting too personal for a world wide blog but my day had indeed just started out on my 4 mile route. I had considered running the route in reverse but I decided on the regular routine. I realize that this amount of detail will perhaps lose me a reader or so perhaps? Today I took a different camera expecting spectacular pictures of the "mountain". Seems to have worked but it isn't like just being out there.
Later I decided to get the IPod recap done so I went back to yesterday's blog and added most of the others. I have heard these songs so many times I guess I need to go in and add something new. While redoing yesterdays post, today, I looked at my post and decided to go to my own Amazon Link, "My Amazon Reviews".

This link is on the right side of the blog down a ways. You can click on the "blue My Amazon Reviews" . The link when open shows me that 30 different people have made a note of having read one of the reviews and 58 were listed under this review was helpful. Course it has been up for probably close to a year and I can find books in Amazon where hundreds have voted helpful or not. Add to that the probability that my 3 or 4 readers probably could have accounted for most of this but then add to that fact the my reader upstairs claimed she had never voted or probably read any of them and who knows what to think.
I looked again at my list of links and found the "Cast your Pearls before Swine Cartoon Link". I figured it being Sunday and all and with the few folks who may have ever found my Amazon Link from this blog already bored with the Amazon stuff that I might just look for some Sunday Comic material. Now I need to put a disclaimer on the one I posted. You click on the link and go to comics and then you find age categories. The one I posted was for 30 to 50 so if you don't fit that category it may not be funny. On the other hand and not funny at all is there was no category for over 50? I am tempted to purge this often unused link from my other popular unused links.
Course as far as the events put forth in the comics, and this is an inside revelation that only a very few select group of readers will understand.
The little sun- glassed bounder wouldn't have crashed
into the door if someone had not have
left it "half way" open.
Another link of interest is the Washington Post link. Having said that I get my news mostly from upstairs. Hear in the house that is. Even so this link does work, and as you can clearly see from the link the news here is "true".

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The moon never beams without bringing me dreams, and then come those seconds of distants run

Run, sing, listen, write
Today if not tonight .......

......................, write and sing and listen to familiar sights, roads, mountains, iron horses, crisp air, blue sky and music in my ear. Filling the unforgiving minute with six miles worth of distance run. The Ipod and it's contents. Still believing in forever. Saturdays are better with blue sky and time for lunch with special ones. Even so many are missed and are far away West to the Wasatch and on to Fresno..............................
, and then the playlist which also contains some poems. They add a lot on the "distant run"
Honky Tonk Woman...........The Rolling Stones
The Best ............Tina Turner
I can't stand the Rain..........Tina Turner
Lady Soul
On the Evening Train.........Johnny Cash
Remember When...........Allan Jackson
Proud Mary
Memories are made of this
Poem: Annabel Lee
Poem: How do I love Thee, Elizabeth Brownings 18th Sonnet
Poem: Do not go gently into the night, Dylan Thomas

I like that old time Rock n Roll
Memories are made of this

Amazing Grace.......George Jones
Light of Albuquerque .........Jim Glaser
I Walk the Line................Joaquin Phoenix
Imagine............John Lenon
If You Could Read My Mind.........Johnny Cash
You Sant to Me ...........Marc Anthony
I Will Always Love You .........Melissa Etheridge
Wildwood Flower ..............Reese Witherspoon
Out of Touch.........Rolling Stones
Cry to Me..........Rolling Stones
Emotional Rescue .............Rolling Stones
Angel ...................Sarah McLachlan
Cry to Me..........Solomon Burke
Lady Soul..........Temptations
Unchained Melody
Memories are made of this
This is Us
Look at Us
These arms of mine
Look at Us

Annabel Lee

It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of ANNABEL LEE;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea;
But we loved with a love that was more than love-I and my Annabel Lee;
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.
And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsman came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.
The angels, not half so happy in heaven,
Went envying her and me-Yes!- that was the reason
(as all men know,In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.
But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we
-Of many far wiser than we-
And neither the angels in heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.
For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide,
I lie down by the side
Of my darling- my darling
- my life and my bride,
In the sepulchre there by the sea,
In her tomb by the sounding sea.
Edgar Allan Poe

Friday, March 14, 2008

Here today, imagine that

These thoughts may reflect today and some recent thoughts but then again it may take a little stretch of the imagination to really tie the pictures or thoughts together. You see I was out walking today and decided to capture this picture of just how great it is to be here in this part of the country today. Or on the other hand I would have liked to have been out walking and when I found this great picture I knew that it would be reflective of what might have been found. Add to that the uncertainty of all days. Things just change. You look around and the landscape changes. Here one minute and perhaps gone the next or at least out of sight. On the other hand nothing changed today so why worry about a poor little nail. Add to all of this the overwhelming interest I have had expressed in what item of clothing I wore the day before yesterday to work and how I could have managed to wear something dating clear back from High School? Something the "Folks" gave me. Yes it has been tough to hold off the interest but I really have only had three pair of cuff links in my entire life and two of them are here. One set in fact are in the cuffs just above the key board as we speak. It is indeed humbling to know how important trivia like this is. I of course did my alphabet post of books read. I in the spirit of finding some words to post figured "why not post a list of songs on my Ipod". It may be in fact like a time capsule in cyberspace. So here ya go. Now of course I need to mention it will take a few days to complete the post of what is on the old Ipod. I think I can listen to the whole IPOD in about 9 miles of running, so then will run for a time...........................
Hard Working Man
Boot Scootin Boogie
Natural Woman
That's all Right Mama
Are You Lonesome Tonight
High-Tech Redneck
That Love In Your Eyes
Hello Darlin
I am a Child of God

Thursday, March 13, 2008

What is the right question is a good question

It is easy enough to know all the answers the real problem in my opinion is to know the right questions...................

Having just got ready for work I noticed and in fact recalled that probably a few times each month I have over a lot of years worn something that was given to me while in high school. I remember wearing it on a date with Kathy. Since this blog is primarily for family members and some friends and since I can't think of much else to blog about today I would raise the question, "what is that item I have worn over those many years"? Tomorrow on this blog I will answer this question.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dogs, Cats, whatever.

Maybe a cat isn't the real answer??????

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A cat might be good.

The house is going up for sale soon. We will downsize soon. Things change. Maybe we can get a cat...............

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Giving up stuff but still running

Today I took my camera on my 6 mile run. I took a number of pictures, some of which made it to the blog today. The pictures are not perfect of course but the run was. When I took these pictures the real news of the day was still fresh in my mind. You see we may downsize, move to a smaller house if this one ever sells when we list it again. Add to this old news the fact that we have been a lot more frugal the last few months. It is in our lives time to do some saving and "frugal" is OK. So you cut back some and give some stuff up. For example, we both have given up caffeine in the last few days. We are both good at this, giving up caffeine, and I probably am the best of all because I have given up caffeine a lot of times over a lot of years.
Another side note to all this
is that I just now went in and added a book
to my master list, "Caffeine Blues by Stephen Cherniske".
As I write this my head aches a lot, by the way. So this very morning Kathy told me of a conversation she had about giving up things. Just the other day she was telling Katie she had given up a few things. She told her she had given up "Ice Cream". Katie's reply was that she though she didn't like Ice Cream. Kathy told her that was true she didn't like Ice Cream but Dad liked ice cream, a lot by the way. So Katie, quickly grasping the core meaning of this story said, "sounds like Dad gave up Ice Cream". The real insight here is I just never knew it until today, that I had given up ice cream. I have gone to the freezer a number of times the last couple of months looking for an ice cream snack and wondered why we didn't have any? Well now I know. I gave it up, even before I gave up Caffeine. Since over 80% of Americans are hooked on caffeine I guess I am now in the minority and my head affirms that action.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Let this lonsome whistle blow the blues away, so goes the song anyway but this train has the number 441 so it arrives in time to mark the books posted

"Well if they freed me from this prison,
If that railroad train was mine
I'd bet I'd move it on a little farther down the line" recalling Johnny Cash's thoughts on trains but then
........... it looks like the list of books read and re read the last few years is over. Don't know what will get me through another 26 or so blogs. I guess the number is 441. That said I suppose the good news is that I have a bunch that I haven't read but want to.
Seems like I have overlooked something blogworthy. O well.
Zola, Emile ................The Masterpiece
Zinn, Howard..............A Peoples History of the United States
Zinsser, William ............On Writing Well

Friday, March 07, 2008

"Ratted out", no minutes to prove anything, and the puzzle of it all? not to mention the ongoing saga now up to the letter X and then Y

It is sort of a puzzle why folks pick on each other. I saw a video of a guy who knew he had only a few months to live. He was a collage professor. His "last talk" to his class was recorded and it went on the Internet and had a million folks watch it. A million and one, at least if you count me watching it this morning. It was a very positive statement about how he viewed life and it was inspiring. The audience was in tears and of course we saw the audience as part of the video of the video. He sort of summed up all the good things about his life. He had great parents who let him be creative. (I had great parents and I felt creative not to interupt this story but just a "by the way comment) He had his values in the right places and things had worked out for him in a lot of ways. It was a very "up" video. It is hard to say why a video like this finds it's way to the Internet and has a million hits but it is really neat that something that positive would have that big of a interest level. Along a very different line I was wondering where I might find a interesting blog and Kathy suggested one by a lady who writes a great blog from her ranch in Oklahoma. This lady gets sometimes 2000 comments on her daily blog. She likes photography and her life on the ranch and loves her cowboy husband. So we may have part of the puzzle opening up here.
People who like themselves and their
own lives seem to interest others.
I actually liked reading the books I have posted by the way. I have posted all the way to the letter Y. Seems like a let down to know that I will have posted all the books from my master list pretty soon. I just don't have a letter X book. I am pretty sure I read the autobiography of Malcolm X..........................but then I can't find the book and didn't write it down, so I am not sure. Just another "puzzle", I suppose...............................
Letter Y
Yeats, William Butler.............Early Poems
Yeats, William Butler............Love Poems the Secret Rose
Yorganson, Blaine ...............Secrets
Yokoyama, John ............When Fish Fly
Young, Brigham .............Discourses

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Through Letter W 432 books,XY&Z to go, representing some erudition of sorts.............................

William F. Buckley was on my list of books read and re read. I enjoyed his books a lot. November 24, 1925– February 27, 2008 He founded the political magazine National Review in 1955, hosted the television show Firing Line from 1966 until 1999, and was a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist. His writing style was famed for its erudition, wit, and use of uncommon words.
Erudition is the depth, polish and breadth that is applied to education from further readings and understanding of literary works
Widtsoe, John............... Rational Theology
Widtsoe, John ........... Evidences and Reconciliations
Whitman, Walt ........... Leaves of Grass
White, Edmund..........Marcel Proust
White, Edmund ............. The Flaneur/a Stroll through Paradoxes of Paris
White, Ronald C. Jr. . Lincoln’s Greatest Speech/ Second Inaugural
Wilson, Douglas ..........Honor’s Voice/Transformation of Lincoln
Woolf, Virgina .......To the Lighthouse
Webster-Merriam ...............Dictionary of American Writers
Whitney, David C. .............The American Presidents
Will, George F......... Suddenly
Walton, Mary ..........The Deming Management Method
Writght, Randal ...............Why Good People See Bad Movies
Watzlawick, Paul ............The Situation is Hopeless But Not Serious
Wells, H.G................. The Outline of History

Monday, March 03, 2008

Just another Minerva Teichert Painting, no U's and then V

This post is short and it shows a picture I have not seen before but then I like the artist's work...........
Minerva Teichert is a well known painter. I know her paintings better than I do her last name but then that is not uncommon for me.
Books read and re read with authors having the letter U or V.......................
Letter U and U's by the way.
Voltaire ............ Candide
Vendler, Helen ....................... Words chosen out of desire Wallace Stevens
Vincent, Norah ............ Self-Made Man
Vowell, Sarah .......... The Partly Cloudy Patriot

Sunday, March 02, 2008

High on a mountain top,

I have most of the pictures and "stuff" in my office packed away in the garage waiting to move or be unpacked. A few things are left. This morning I was wishing I had not packed the picture painted by Minerva Teichert of a pioneer woman on a wagon being pulled by an ox team. That picture was titled "Not Alone" and you could see that the very strong woman who was in charge of this Ox Team travelling alone, was not alone but Angels were near by watching over here. The pictures had strong men sitting by her and ridding along side. They were in white and you could see that they were Angels ridding with her as she went through her difficult journey.
What I did find was a picture Katie gave me a while back. It is a picture of Mt Olympus Cove, with the houses below and the mountain face in the background. Written in the blue sky above the mountain was a quote from Richard Nixon. A cove that for many years was our home may well have been the magnificent years of our lives or then again a valley was all around then and now.
Only if you have been in the
deepest Valley,
can you ever know how
magnificent it is to
be on the highest mountain
I see some similarities in the two pictures. In the pioneer picture the woman was in the deepest valley but at the same time she was indeed on the highest mountain.
The posting of books read and re read is getting close to the end. Today is letter T. I have gone back and added a few here and there as I have posted these books. It has been interesting to remember and re look as I have compared the list I have kept with the books on the shelf.
Tolstoy, Leo ..Walk in the light and Twenty-Three talks
Tolstoy, Leo ........... War and Peace
Tolstoy, Leo ............ Divine and Human
Thomas, Dylan ................ The Love Letters of
Thomas, Dylan .......... Collected Poems
Thomas, Dylan .......... The Collected Stories
Tryntje, Van Ness ......... Dylan Thomas in New York
Trimble, John Writing with Style
Trevor, William Felicias Journey
Trout, Jack Big Brands Big Troubles
Thoreau, Henry David .... Walden
Thoreau, Henry David ............ Natural History Essays
Thoreau/Emerson............Nature Walking
Talmage, James E. .......... Articles of Faith
Talmage, James E. ........... Jesus the Christ
Talmage, James E. ............ The Great Apostasy
Twain, Mark...............The Prince and the Pauper
Twain, Mark.............Pudd'nhead Wilson

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Drury Lane Theater,Just Muffin Around, Cats, Memories, ...........letter S

Put some more songs onto my
IPOD today. One of the ones I downloaded was "Memories", which is also one of my favorite song from the play, Cats. I remember going for the first time to the theater at the end of Drury Lane in London. A picture of that theater is posted but it shows "Lord of The Rings". When Katie and I saw Cat's it was on the sign but the whole front of the building was used to promote the play. We walked from somewhere down the lane and of course we both knew the Muffin Man lived on Drury Lane. I thought of the Muffin man the other day when some one told me about a new business in town named "Just Muffin Around", The new shop is doing very well. I thought a "defining moment" for the play Cats, was first off of course walking down Drury Lane, but then more specifically the song, Memories.
Probably ought to check out "Just Muffin Around" and see if they know the Muffin Man.
The question of the day would be:
Do you know the Muffin Man?
The Muffin Man, the Muffin Man.
Do you know the Muffin Man,
Who lives on Drury Lane
Letter S
Salinger, J.D. ............... Nine Stories
Stendhal ............... Red and Black
Stendhal ........... Love
Stendhal............The Charterhouse of Parma
Solzhenitsyn ................... One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich
Shute, Nevil .............. A town like Alice
Sayer, George ................. Jack: A life of C.S.Lewis
Sheilds, David ............. Enough about you
Stephens, James ............... Traditional Irish Fairy Tales
Steinbeck, John ............. The Pearl
Steinbeck, John ................. The Red Pony
Steinbeck, John ............. Janius Maltby
Steinbeck, John ............ Journal of a Novel
Steinbeck, John ............. East of Eden
Steinbeck, John .............. Of mice and men
Steinbeck, John ............. Sweet Thursday
Steinbeck, John ............. Travels with Charley
Steinbeck, John ............... The Grapes of Wrath
Styron, William .................. Darkness visible a memory of madness
Stein, Gertrude.................. Picasso
Sarte, Jean-Paul ................. The words The Autobiography
Sedaris, David ............... Me talk pretty one day
See, Carolyn Making a Literary Life
Sinclair, Upton.......... The Jungle
Scheid & Lawrence ............. The Self Coached Runner
Stevenson, Robert Louis ... Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes
Skouson, W. Cleon ........... The Fourth Thousand Years
Skouson, W. Cleon ............ The Third Thousand Years
Skouson, W. Cleon ............. The Naked Capitalist
Skouson W. Cleon ............. The First Two Thousand Years
Smith, Joseph Jr. .............. Lectures on Faith
Smith, Joseph Jr. ............... The Journal of Joseph
Smith, Joseph Jr. ............ Teaching of the Prophet Joseph Smith
Shakespeare, William ....... King Lear
Shakespeare, William ........... The Merchant of Venice

Shakespeare, William........... The Complete Works
Shakespeare, William ............Hamlet
Strauss, Leo.......... The City of Man
Strauss, Leo .............. Persecution and the Art of Writing
Strauss, Leo ............... Thoughts on Machiavelli
Stegner, Wallace .............. Mormon Country
Shedd, Charlie .............. The Fat is in your Head

Stevens, Wallace ............... The Poems of our Climate
Sill, Sterling W. ......Great Literature and the Good Life
Self, Wills ........ Tough Toys for Tough Tough Boys
Seymour, Trynije .......Dylan Thomas’s New York
Sobel, Robert........When Giants Stumble
Sinclair, Andrew .............Dylan the Bard
Shinder, Jason .............. First Book Market