Friday, August 27, 2010

pre dinner thoughts

Just to the right of where I sit is a chair that I like. I bought it at UNM a few years ago. It is actually pretty comfortable for a wood chair. I sat in the chair a few minutes ago as we ordered take home and Mike went to get dinner. Guess this little story is hardly blog worthy but what is really when you think about it. The bottom shelf behind the chair is full of binders of "stuff" gathered over a lot of time. Above the screen I am typing on is a lot of favorite books. Figure this is enough for a Friday Night short blog.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

2 doors

Thinking back about all the cars I have had over the years is something that probably most guys do on occasion. Mercedes, Lexus, and Jag were some of the ones that I probably should remember first or put first on my list. I saw a list today of top countries in the world for this or that and had some amens and "your nuts" to say about what I read earlier today with Mike regarding those lists but then my own list right now, far more important by the way, would be my list of best cars I ever had and I think I would put the "Cougar" on the top of the list. I got it while in California. I don't know how we afforded to get it because we didn't make much money in California. Even so we did get it and it was with us as we moved back to Utah. Of course that memory is from a long time ago in a state far away. This picture is the "Cougar" being loaded up to leave California, back then. My brother helped us that day. He had just gotten his first job out of school in the very town we were leaving.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

another fountain

Today at church we had a talk about journals. So I could just say "another talk about journals" and that would sum it up. They are "a good thing and we ought to keep" them would be another good summary of the message. The speaker added that you didn't have to follow good writing rules and implied that you could make up your own "style" in your own journal. So I came home and went in and corrected the "journal like" entry I made yesterday improving the grammar a little. I didn't want to have my own style be "poor grammar". That said I suspect that I have my share of poor grammar show when I write.
A few years back I read the book "As I lay Dying" by Faulkner and I really liked how the book sounded when I read it. Just reading the words brings the sound of the words to your mind because they just reflect the culture and the setting of the novel. Some books go on with "he said" and "she said" and others just "say it" with a remarkable accuracy to who would have been doing the "saying".
So as far as this pictures overall meaning today, which in a way is also a journal entry for the day, it goes back to when I was 14 and my sister was 2. I do remember when I was 14. I thought my little sister was pretty cute and I had a soft spot for her. Being able to like and appreciate little girls is pretty easy. This fountain is on Temple Square. As I recall, and I do recall it, we went from one fountain to another that day and she got a drink from them all. I remember that there were a lot of fountains on Temple Square. Lot's has changed since then.
Today is her husband, Gary's, birthday. I should be making an entry on his behalf in honor of his birthday but I figured a picture of his wife at 2 years may touch his heart. I love to see pictures of Kathy when she was a little girl.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

the park,

I started writing in my journal when I was 31 years old and have regularly written in it for 33 years since then. I didn't start at the beginning of my life and experiences but often remembered various things and wrote them as memories. The journal is focused mostly on the last half of the time.

This picture is the park across the street from "Wyeth Street" where I lived from about 7 years old to about 13 and was a time I appreciate a lot of the memories about it. Living in an old house in an old neighborhood near a river and a park was a blessing and makes for some interesting memories. I remember a fight I had in this park and then too plenty of times with my dog running in the park. Some times playing baseball and climbing trees or at the rivers edge which ran by the park and our house.

Thought of this time today while out for a early walk with my best friend...........................

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Saturday Run

Today I went for a walk and took my camera. I decided to just record the journey. Not that today August 7th is particularly unique or that I haven't' been on this course several times this week but I figured I would just record the journey.

So I would say that the day is one of watching, observing and taking note.................


"You can observe a lot by watching."
Yogi Berra

"The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery."
Francis Bacon
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, August 05, 2010

here again

Went to lunch with this lady today. It was nice.

I haven't recorded much in this space the last few weeks. I have been spending time working on my journal.