Friday, November 30, 2007

Flour or Corn, Work or Books, Eggs are the key item, unless you think it is the hashbrowns

See link

Click here
let's dance

Today I went through a Tortilla manufacturer today. I have been through probably a half dozen such factories. Several were pretty big. This one today was in some ways the largest? Flour Tortillas and Corn Tortillas without question out sell bread. Corn Tortillas are what is preferred by those who lived South of the border or want what is considered authentic Mexican food. I doubt that I ever saw a tortilla growing up? Things change. The picture here is more like the way restaurants make these and a lot do. They will use regular flour for the flour based tortilla but the corn ones are made with a corn flour called meseca. A favorite of mine is a white flour tortilla warmed on a grill and with butter on it. Since this seems to be the subject of the day it would be a shame if I didn't mention the breakfast burrito. A few years ago when we came to the High Desert it was surprising to find out about the "breakfast burrito". Take eggs, bacon or sausage, cheese and hash browns or potatoes and you put it in a nice tortilla and roll them up and............there you go. Mike testifies that all breakfast burritos must have eggs. Course he thinks he is a Texan so perhaps that still gives him some authority in this analysis. Course the ones I am talking about are no McSkillet Burrito ya know. So if this blog winds up talking about food does it mean I have lost it? I of course would compare writing about food to writing about some great truth or some insight into the day. If I was to try to find some insight into today I suppose I would have to get past the Tortilla Plant tour.

* Ralph Waldo Emerson urged independent thinking and stressed that not all life's answers are found in books. He also suggested that we ought to engage life "skillfully." He also that the body and mind have been cramped by noxious work or company and that nature is medicinal and restores their tone. So that seems perfectly appropriate for a Friday. The work week is over. The impact is not always positive and noxious might be a good word at times. So lets wind up this work week not with a tortilla or even raspberries, although that would be fine, but some independent thinking about what was good about today.

The World-Soul
by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thanks to the morning light,
Thanks to the seething sea,
To the uplands of New Hampshire,
To the green-haired forest free;
Thanks to each man of courage,
To the maids of holy mind,
To the boy with his games undaunted,
Who never looks behind.
Cities of proud hotels,
Houses of rich and great,
Vice nestles in your chambers,
Beneath your roofs of slate.
It cannot conquer folly,
Time-and-space-conquering steam,
And the light-outspeeding telegraph
Bears nothing on its beam

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Got get some......................Raspberries

I figure a blog ought to reflect the thoughts of the moment or day. Then I sit down and ask myself about my most current thoughts of particular value and that is the point that it can get to be a little tougher to start or continue on the blog. I had lunch today at a "diner" that had a counter and in some ways was like the diners of many years ago. I visited with the owner of the diner and mentioned to him that I had began my career selling to drug stores fountains and of course restaurants but that fountain supplies were a group of products that were kind of interesting. Ground Nuts for the ice cream, toppings, 'tulip' sundae dishes, ironport, sarsaparilla, malt powder, phosphates and other stuff came to mind. I mentioned a new, sort of, innovative approach to milk shakes to this owner. I suggested putting a piece of pie in the milk shake and said that coconut cream was one that worked really well. Well I found that this diner made their own pies and they have the best coconut cream pie, "ever"............................ So why Raspberries? Well there is nothing like something "Red" for a blog. Raspberries are red, and then I will have to admit that I just love raspberries. Does this, the raspberry blog, add anything to the day? Is this a proper focus of thankfulness and gratitude, since at the end of the day that thankfulness and gratitude seems appropriate? Well I can say that I am grateful for Raspberries. I also am grateful to be able to sit and talk to new people. Also I am thankful to have a job, and a family, and a place to live, blue sky, air, feet to run with, the sun, Mike's cat, the kids of course, and of course my best friend. Raspberries remind me of the raspberry bushes we had at our house when I was a kid and likewise of the ones that my Grandmother had. I remember going to a Fraizer Raspberry Farm owned by a local supermarket family in the town that I grew up in and going there and picking Raspberries. The pay wasn't much. Bear Lake Raspberries were a big deal in the part of the country I grew up in. They were very good. Lots of things are sort of milestones as you look back over the events of a life. Picking raspberries, running marathons, living by a mountain, moving to New Mexico, posole, all milstones in a way. I checked out my daily journal tonight. Yes I do have a daily journal and have had for a lot of years. I found that in August 1980 we were a month away from learning about the young man about to be born into our family. The entry seemed to indicate we knew it was about to happen. I wrote in the journal about the kids over the years. I wrote about my job and the folks I had working for me. I wrote about our family often. I wrote about running a lot. All good stuff. So it was time to write about raspberries. I like em.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Rating Presidents, Obama, the Sandias and of course my library

The Sandia's seems to reflect life around it and the mode of the day and each day is a different picture. Even a cloud changes the whole picture. Course it is Wednesday and I suppose that posting a picture of the mountain even though it may not really be a recent picture is probably as good as posting off the front page of the paper and trying to get in tune with the days events that way.

For example if you were to go the right side of this blog and scroll down to the "links" ...................and then if you were to click on the Washington Post you would learn, with some reading, that today "Obama's Amnesia Problem" was the news of the day. Course while I have tried to find something to blog about that might reflect the days events better. Mike is going through the books on the library shelves here in this room and asking "why do you have all of these books about Presidents?" Too many Kennedy books, he suggests. Surprised at no Reagan books, but then he assumes that I like old Ronny. He seems to be drawn into a book "Rating the Presidents". The best thing about this book might be the note on a card inside the book. the card said, "I thought you might find this book interesting to read". I continued saying, "go ahead and return it at your leisure" I may need to try to find a time when I am "at my leisure" . On the other hand this is just one book among many so I suppose I goofed on this, not returning it that is. Course Mike now seems to be off on a "which President had character and integrity review and analysis, using this book as a guide". #1 Lincoln, #2 Washington, #3 John Adams, #4 John Q Adams, #5 Carter, ect. I like Carter, sometimes, but then he just might be overrated? If we go back and let the library speak for itself then we get a more relevant overview, and for that matter it beats what I found in the Washington Post. We have Kennedy books, as said, and LBJ, FDR, Lincoln, Adams, and even one Clinton book. Truth is Nixon got pretty bad ratings in the Rating the Presidents book, but then Nixon was more interesting than most Presidents in reality. At least I can say that his books were interesting and I am sticking to it. Yep,the library right here in this room is a better look at the subject of who is who and why among Presidents, than the book that needs to be returned.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

a thought about Cats. Yep

Thinking about: the Cat,
the day, and events.

Looking back over the day can be useful and if along that line of thinking if you look for the things that happened that were good things you will find them, I find. Today was a nice day to be with the Cat. You see we have really never had pets and at this time we have one on loan. Nice Cat, it is indeed. Then too it is not very far to drive to get to work, speaking of nice things. Just watched another 2 Alias shows on DVD with out commercials. That was a good thing.
Today someone told me that I looked 10 years younger than they recalled and a lot happier. On the other hand and you need to know I have been careful with the "on the other hand stuff" it was about June that the same friend saw me and told me that I looked 10 years older than they recalled. So the point is that is a 20 year turn around in less than 5 months? Goes to show that something happened. It is like 1/3 of my life just past before my eyes when I look at what I have typed here.
Could just be that having a Cat around is a good thing. Perhaps it really does get down to who you are around. Now my real best friend told me she had aged 10 years during all of this but then I understand that the Cat really likes her so, there you go. She may be shedding some years soon. Then again we can't blame it on each other, my best friend and I, since we have been around each other a long time both before June and now as far as this story is concerned but then I do not want to discount the idea that who I have been around might be the source of the 20 year swing. Seems as though the only conclusion is that progress has been made. Then again some of those that I am not around any more I miss. Others not so. Yep

Sunday, November 25, 2007

It was November 26th 50 years ago, I recall

This cute
little girl
is 50
years old
November 26th.

It seems so long ago. I was 11 years old when she was born. Her other brother was 5. It was different to grow up in a family with that many years between us. This age gap meant that I was a teenager when this little girl was old enough to be the daily center of attention and know that she was. It probably left her closer to her other brother in those early years and for a lot of years. Both of them were willing to be held and I remember their warmth and trust. I remember little things that would happen and I would wind up as a place where she could be safe. It was easy to be the protector of the innocent one. It was easy to see how cute a "little girl" was. Little girls melt fathers hearts I would later learn. Little girls are what is inside of a good wife, companion and friend. Mothers really never get past being little girls in their hearts I found. I remember little of my grandmothers but I do remember the goodness of my Grandmother Warren. My granddaughter brings all of these little girls into focus for me at times. I particularly like the picture above. Wide eyed. Innocent, but ready to go. Completely at home as she stands for the picture. My assumption is that she will celebrate this passing into another decade with friends and family. Friends and family will find a black balloon and it will be part of a change of focus to what will seem like a more seasoned time.
My sister is the only person left from the family that I grew up with. We both share this reality. Of course we have extended family and our own family and companions but we grew up with the same parents. What may seem like a "more seasoned time" or something very different as we add years may be just that we look at the same things we always have, but differently. In my sister I see my mother and my father as well as my brother. Often I see the best of all of them. Rather than being there for her I find that she is there for me.
Happy Birthday Trudy.

I remember that the next blog I do will be about a little girl who turns 50 and I still remember when she was born.

A "happy little
pencil" reminds me
of a show about painting
that I use to watch. The guy
always refereed to a "happy little
tree" as he would paint a little
tree in the corner of the painting.
So it is interesting what seems to
be stuck in the memory banks.
Memory is an interesting thing. It seems
like in some ways as you try to remember you
find yourself sorting what you have experienced
and in that way it may be a way to identify what
has happened that is of most value. So if one were to write down each day the things that are of most value the very process of doing that might require a look at the recent memory of the day and a "search" for what was of most value. Another fact that has some application to the memory subject is "oxygen"! This is because oxygen enhances the workings of the memory. Exercise makes it all come back and opens up the memory banks, apparently. So I can see that I just need to run more miles a week if I indeed want to remember more clearly. Another approach would be to not do this blog any more or do it more often since what I often do is not about anything that happened to me. On the other hand if you know which lines to look between it is always about something that has happened to me.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Just thinking about thinking

Not sure about dust
but I am sure that
thoughts exist.

A statue in stone presents a man thinking. Perhaps thoughts are represented
as much by the stone as the man is.

"The Thinker" was
among Rodin's most
recognized works.
Both shown here
suggest emotion
and thought. Existentialism is the philosophical movement suggesting that individual human beings create the meaning and essence of their lives as persons. I suppose that this is an unusual statement, to think that the absence of an outside influence or force means that the individual is entirely free, and, therefore, ultimately responsible. Getting right down to it the central proposition of existentialism is that existence precedes essence. One conclusion would be that humans define their own reality. I wonder, however if in fact it was an essence that came into existence and that the real reality of being human is that existence preceded them. This line of thought might lend itself to the idea that the best team always wins and circumstance which can be in place for an infinite variety of reasons not part of the equation? Right is not on anyone's side I suppose. Either way today BYU beat the University of Utah in the last 30+ seconds. Add to that that we went out and did 5 miles this morning. I have to admit I had on a University of Utah sweat shirt but the main reason for that was the "reality" that my winter or cold weather running stuff is packed away in the garage. I guess our thoughts about moving preceded what has turned out to be our reality. This seems like good news to me. BYU winning I mean. Course this thought is just one in passing. So how about those Lobo's.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Ironport, Warm Tortilla, give or take 50 years, really

may not really be properly reflected by the sign or the picture of the fountain? I will say, however, that I do like to have lunch at a counter. So indeed today we did just that. It was a great lunch at Duran's lunch counter. Great side order of a warm tortilla with butter, by the way, and this is important cause warm Duran tortilla's just have to have butter. Lunch was a Tortilla wrapped around a hamburger, with red sauce. My lunch companion had red and green. I do remember counters more like the one in the picture. Years ago one could order a cherry phosphate or a ironport or just a milkshake or perhaps a cream coke at a counter like this. The "reality" was different then. I suppose the reality today was that we did sit at the counter. Ya see Mel, the real "realty" today had to do more with prior days and the events of those days. Perhaps the sign ought to say, "Reality check, prior four months". The reality of the prior four months, changed everything. Then again the changes were good, Mel. Things do change. That is reality. Speaking of 15 cent cherry phosphates, not that by doing so I really step out of or even into reality, but I remember ordering them a long time ago at a counter like the one in this picture. Course back then I had not even considered a tortialla, warm or cold.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

A "habit" we have on this Day, or maybe a "more excellent way"

It has been a habit to on this day have turkey, and "feel" thankful, and express thankfulness, and think of the things that mean a great deal to us. It could be that "we" might wind up on a day like this at some point in the coming years, walking together, just the two of us, somewhere, perhaps on our way back to the house for dinner. Nevertheless we seem to have three of us this year, and of course the "grand cat" is here. She is indeed a nice addition to our little group. When I think back about Thanksgiving I remember "Turkey Dinners" of course. I remember years with the TV on football. I don't recall watching Football and in our early years it was just a reason why the dinner would be very late. Holidays in general can put one behind a mask. You can either bury or hide your concerns and or find your self in the "play" which the day becomes............. or you can withdraw and really see how many good things you have to be thankful for. Masks really close you in or let you become different than you really are. Even to hide out behind the mask and be thankful seems to close out those that you are thankful for. Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was on TV for years. Maybe it still is? Woody, 50 feet high, would come down the street. Sometimes the T day dinner is with a larger group. Seems as though those years are memorable but then it is just nice to see lots of folks, I suppose. It is, or should be, a spiritual day. It ought not to be, I think, just a habit to express thanks this day but it ought to be just a time when more of how we feel is experienced and expressed. A book that I like a lot and have read and re read is "Pure in Heart" by Dallin Oaks. In it he lists the motives for why people serve. Service may be a real key in understanding how to relate to each other on a day like this. He offers 6 motives from "least to the best". Giving thanks, remembering, sharing, and service are what Thanksgiving is about, it would seem to me. In this list of motives for service he starts with the least important motive, Earthy Reward, and then progressing towards the one of most worth:
Earthly Reward
Good Companionship
Fear of Punishment
Duty of Loyalty
Hope of Reward
The sixth reason for service, Charity, is the highest of all. It is what the Apostle Paul called
"a more excellent way". (1 Corinthians 12:31)
Charity is "the pure love of Christ. The greatest reason of all for service is Charity.
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels
and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass,
or a tinkling cymbal.
And though I have the gift of prophecy,
and understand all mysteries,
and all knowledge: and though I have all faith,
so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity,
I am nothing.
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor,
and though I give my body to be burned,
and have charity,
it profiteth me nothing.
(1 Corinthians 13 1-3)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Forgive me but this road sign is in Err.


The road to wisdom? -

Well, it's plain and simple to express:
and err
and err again
but less
and less
and less.
~Piet Hein,
The question is whether this is a proper blog for the day before Thanksgiving? Years ago the day was full of Football and TV. Good food and good company make the day better. Wisdom is thought to be something that can be developed by experience rather than being taught. The biggest problem that I see with this is that experience is full of mistakes and err. Patience is the companion of wisdom according to St. Augustine. I will have to admit that as time passes patience has been easier. Patience is the ability to endure waiting, delay, or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset, or to persevere calmly when faced with difficulties. So it seems to me that being able to forgive others and and especially ones self is useful in gaining wisdom.
After all is one is going to err and err again
even if it is less and less
then it is probably wise to forgive ones self
PS: The 416 mile trip looks like it might take 8 hours 13 minutes and perhaps 20 seconds or so, unless of course one was to err by speeding or taking out a lot of time for lunch.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

a good thought, a great poem, and a guy who seems to have his home as the center of his life, lucky Dog.

Whatever is at the center of our life

will be the source of our security,

guidance, wisdom, and power.

quote by Steven Covey

byRobert Frost -

Acquainted With the Night
I have been one acquainted with the night.

I have walked out in rain --and back in rain.

I have outwalked the furthest city light.

I have looked down the saddest city lane.

I have passed by the watchman on his beat

And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.

I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet

When far away an interrupted cry

Came over houses from another street,

But not to call me back or say good-bye;

And further still at an unearthly height

One luminary clock against the sky

Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right.

I have been one acquainted with the night.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Pictures de la Mancha

The "Don" says, no way are we going up that road.
Well he doesn't know what a great running trail it is.

A friend in Tokyo sent me this picture yesterday, along with some others. I had sent my pictures posted on the blog yesterday to him. The picture with the balloons is about a month old. The one with the dirt road and signs is probably out of place among all the other pictures of the last two days but o well, I figured it was a great running trail and I liked the brown color in the fields. Fall is my favorite time of the year in New Mexico. It is the most predictable, if that ever really can be said about the weather, but the weather is just great. Yesterday I read an interesting blog about a politician named Cervantes. The blog author, a brilliant young man, by the way, thought that perhaps this politician was running because he actually had a sense of empathy. It was one of several possible reasons? Faced with nature and literature, politics is sure less interesting. I suppose it is important but I have to confess that this new politician found in Southern New Mexico made me think of the more interesting Cevantes writings and of "Don Quixote de la Mancha". (you see both the writer and this new politican have the same name sort of so guess who has my interest?) You may recall the story? A country gentleman who has read so many stories of chivalry and adventure, and perhaps looked at the mountains one to many times, descends into fantasy and becomes convinced he is a knight. So why take a serious look at politicians and drift off into Don Quixote? Well in the book, which for some reason is considered one of the best in literature, or at least in the second half of the book which is serious and philosophical, it talks about the theme of deception. There you go................. This indeed fits the mood of a modern day "blog rant" about politicians. Of course then the book ended in disillusionment, with the star sort of returning to sanity. Wish it were true with politics.
Quotes from Don Quixote
Those who have been told the truth should not be taken for those who have been scorned."
Wish it were true with politics.
And so, to sum it all up, I perceive everything I say as absolutely true, and deficient in nothing whatever, and paint it all in my mind exactly as I want it to be.
Jokers find that they're the ones being fooled.
that wouldn't be so bad, if I have to cure the world's problems by being everyones scapegoat
I am in my right mind, now, clear-headed and free of the murky darkness of ignorance, brought upon me by my continual, bitter reading of those abominable books of chivalry
Make yourself honey and the flies will devour you

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Essential stuff, nice run, perhaps even a rut of tradition

Eight Miles...................a fine Saturday morning it was indeed. I took these pictures as I ran East to the mountains. Halfway through the eight mile run I was at the corner of Tramway and Tennyson and at that point I was my closest to the mountain. I remembered one of my favorite Tennyson Poems upon noticing the street sign:
The Eagle
He clasps the crag with cooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ring'd with the azure world, he stands,
The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.
The Southwest is certainly an "azure world", close to the sun in the high desert, close to mountain walls. It was indeed a perfect morning. Had not even considered pondering anything business related. Why ponder big business vs's small or corporate vs's private on a Saturday run. Not that I haven't but "why" is still a good comment. That said, I was interrupted. .................This was my, as Thoreau would put it, my weeks "trip to the woods
I went to the woods, because I wished to live deliberately,
to front only the essential facts of life,
and see if I could not learn what it had to teach,
and not, when I came to die,
discover that I had not lived.
Yes indeed a van drove by. It was a silver van with a business name on the side. The van had was clean and had been polished. It stopped and a young man inside rolled down the window. He was a young man but he had a younger teenage brother sitting beside him. They were looking for a street. His business, "Complete Mobile Detail, had a customer nearby he needed to find. I told him what he needed to know. He then said, "wait, let me give you my business card, you might need some detail work on your cars?" The card has a picture of a custom 40's era ford on it. It has full moon hubcaps. It is lowered with a custom grill. Under the car it says, "we bring our service to you". Nice young man. Some passion about his business. The key to sales passion is to care. He cared. Probably an entrepreneur. So there you go. My effort to confront the essential facts of life lead me to run towards the mountains but then business found me.
O Well
By the way Thoreau said some good stuff:
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.
The surface of the earth is soft and impressible by the feet of men; and so with the paths which the mind travels. How worn and dusty, then must be the highways of the world, how deep the ruts of tradition and conformity!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Married to an Artist......................

This is a favorite picture of mine. Kathy made it and I had it framed and it was on the wall of my office the last 4 years which included the last few months in my wonderful El Paso office. Then it came home and went to the garage where a lot of our stuff was packed. We packed it because we thought we were moving and it made the house look bigger to put all the stuff we really liked out in the garage. So adding this picture to the garage seemed only fitting. Anyway the picture is now hanging in my new office. It is great to have this to look at each day. The colors are great. It takes a real artistic eye to do something like this. So then that is the latest step in the life of this picture. Looking forward to getting another one back that is a collection of shots from the State Fair.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


The interesting thing about these birds is that they take turns being the lead bird. Sounds pretty good. Then again flying alone is interesting too. I look at this bird flying over the water all alone and I wonder if he is tired? It makes you wonder if his wings just get so heavy that he could not continue would he just fall, alone, and drown. I saw a special on bird migration and at one point a bird had to fall back and was injured for some reason. Two other birds pulled out of formation and went with him and stayed with him for a time. Seems like a good thing having others try to help. Beats just falling alone. Good things to be thankful for: Air, water, sky, others who care.

Monday, November 12, 2007

conscioius effort will build and it will also tear down.

To be awake is to be alive
Henry David Thoreau-Walden

We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake,
not by mechanical aids, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn,
which does not forsake us in our soundest sleep.
I know of no more encouraging fact
than the unquestionable ability of man
to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor.
It is something to be able to paint a particular picture,
or to carve a statue, and so to make a few objects beautiful;
but it is far more glorious to carve and paint the very atmosphere
and medium through which we look, which morally we can do.
To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.
Every man is tasked to make his life, even in its details,
worthy of the contemplation of his most elevated and critical hour.

Having looked at the poem, again, I just say "amen". When we look at times that seem
critical or even times when we seem to have it all we need to look first at how blessed we
really are.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

One can get to Wisdom without always having to go through this sometimes "sad" intersection

Wisdom and experience are different................................. Experience can lead to wisdom............ but the question is... "can you get there without it"? "Experience" may refer both to mentally unprocessed and immediately-perceived events as well as to the purported wisdom gained from later reflection on those events or interpretation of them. Wisdom is probably developed by experience but probably not taught by it. Aristotle defines wisdom as knowledge of causes: why things exist in a particular fashion. So then how best to know "why" is the real question?
I was reading yesterday and found this quote that seems to go to the heart of the question as to what part experience has to have in gaining wisdom....................................
Why will man not learn wisdom by precept at this late age of the world, when we have such a cloud of witnesses and examples before us, and not be obliged to learn by sad experience everything we know.
Other Quotes of interest
"Wise men say nothing in dangerous times." ― Aesop
"I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us, that the less we use our power the greater it will be." ― Thomas Jefferson

"Patience is the companion of wisdom." ― St. Augustine

"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools
because they have to say something." ― Plato

"Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers." ― Alfred Lord Tennyson

"It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing
if the audience is deaf." ― Walter Lippmann

"All I know is that I know nothing." ― Socrates

Saturday, November 10, 2007

"Beware of Pride" was the chapter heading in the book "Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith" that I was reading earlier today. The subject matter is one that I have been thinking about some recently. This from the book caught my attention:

"Beware of pride ...for well and truly hath the wise man said, that pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.............outward appearance is not always a criterion by which to judge our fellow man; but the lips betray the haughty and overbearing imaginations of the heart....................A fanciful and flowery and heated imagination also beware of; because the things of God are of deep import; and time and experience and careful and ponderous and solemn thoughts can only find them out."

My own blog suggests that even specific thoughts may in fact just be random........................... or maybe what it suggests is that even random thoughts are indeed specific having a connection to "something". Maybe that something is a trend or a direction, or a path to an influence that is good or bad. The best goal or the best choice about "thoughts" is to not let them be "Random" but to keep them directed towards good. The answer to the question, "does everything happen for a reason" is an easy one. Everything does indeed happen as a result of the direction your reaching for. Pride obviously is a wrong turn for reaching the right direction.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Seems a lot more serious when you have a tie on.



If I could find a way to avoid seeing or hearing or saying the wrong things then it might help avoid "thinking" the wrong things.


Or on the other hand if I could avoid "thinking" the wrong things it would be less likely that I would see, hear or say the wrong things. "Good thoughts" are a good goal.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

The sunset and us............................

Maybe I am the exception but I would have liked to have known my "friend and companion" when "she" was a little girl. I imagine her to be a nice friend to have. She would be a solid friend and someone that you could rely on. She would listen but she would be interesting to listen to. She would like the sunsets and she would look forward to them. She might wear a hat but she would dress better than me. I would really like to hold her hand and the sunset would be better because we shared it. It would seem like it was "just us" and we would find more sunsets and treasure the experiences. This may be how it would have been but it is how it is.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Michelangelo and Me

Hopefully each day or more often if possible I will be able to learn something I didn't know. I also find that sometimes I learn something that I thought I knew and then again I learn something that I was sure that I knew but then what I learned was that I didn't know.
Today I started a new job. It was the same as the old job except it really wasn't. Things just keep on getting more interesting. Lots of nice people around. Change, isn't all that bad.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Breaking out, discovered......................................

“The Lord works from the inside out.
The world works from the outside in.
The world would take people out of the slums.
Christ takes the slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums.
The world would mold men by changing their environment.
Christ changes men, who then change their environment.
The world would shape human behavior,
but Christ can change human nature.”
Quotes by Ezra Taft Benson.................

Bad experience is a school that only fools keep going to.
You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible
Be right, and then be easy to live with, if possible, but in that order.
Some of the greatest battles will be fought within the silent chambers of your own soul.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Q2,M31, lead me guide me

Comet Machholz, officially named c/2004 Q2, is not expected to produce the sort of spectacular display put on by comet Hale-Bopp in 1997 or the periodically stunning Halley's comet. Last night I saw this comet and it was not spectacular but then the reason, I was told by my astronomer friend, was that the sun was directly behind the earth and the light that this comet was reflecting back had the comet's tail behind it. A couple of days ago I posted a picture of M31. It was 220 light years away. Seeing it in the sky was a way to see something, the light, that had happened 220 million years ago. That same little spot that was M31 had within it over a trillion stars.
Some things are just true. The light that left 220 million years ago can be seen today and there is no question as to whether or not it is light and it is reflected by M31 and that it came to us over millions of years. Seems refreshing to find something that people don't just line up to dispute.
I suppose folks, if indeed a lot of folks read this blog, would line up to
protest the idea that I might think and believe this song is just as much a truth
as the light from M31.
I am a child of God,
And he has sent me here,
Has given me an earthly home
With parents kind and dear.
I am a child of God,
And so my needs are great;
Help me to understand his words
Before it grows too late.
I am a child of God,
Rich blessings are in store;
If I but learn to do his will
I'll live with him once more.
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do
To live with him someday.