Saturday, June 30, 2012

the "GRAND" daughter

Riley is visiting for two weeks. She is our #1 favorite Granddaughter. We are so lucky to have this time with her. Today wew went on my regular Saturday walk. We went by a place where I have taken Mike's picture a number of times. This bronze buffalo is pretty cool and is a great place to take a picture.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Fathers Day is for Dad's I suppose on the other hand everyone had a Father somewhere along the line. My dad was a good man. He did his job's well and never gave up. I admire many things about him. I miss him.

Around "this" town area or neighborhood

This is not the picture I took today. This blogger tool is a joke. The day by the way if fine but a lot of other things are not. You can go on to register a complaint and all that means is that your on a list of thousands of posts that I suppose people actually read. I guess ranting on a blog about posts that  you wonder why people in their right mind would read is sort of the ultimate delusion. It is almost as ridicules as wondering why I am centering each line and any logical way of taking that function off and fixing it is just as unlikely to be discovered by me as I type this as figuring out how to tell whoever is in charge that they have lost their mind if they thing they improved "blogger". The only improvement that I can see is the cleaver little tricks you can learn about how to make money by using this blog. If everyone who has figured out the new tools would send me a penny then I wouldn't worry about getting any money. The other day I was wondering if our cat, still with us by the way, was the smartest critter here? Well for sure she is smarter than the folks who created this wonderful new blog ..................the picture I took couldn't be posted because this blogger fool thing turns it on it's side so I found another one. 

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Saturday June 9th

The cat is moving out. MJ too. In a couple of months ZJ will be moving out. Things change. The few people that read this mostly know this stuff anyway but in the interest of finding something that sums up today and perhaps this last week I will find a few things to write down. Especially interesting was KN/s blog about their trip to DC and NY. Great pictures were posted. What a great trip. This last week I have worn a pedometer each day and kept track of steps. Things change. I used to kept track of miles and now I keep track of steps. I am not sure if I ever read the book "Uncle Tom's Cabin". Yesterday for lunch I went to Barnes and Noble and looked around and decided to buy the book. I read a few chapters yesterday. I know from a lot of experiences that a good book, when I find it, can get read from page one to the end in a day or two. This one will take a lot longer. It isn't that it is not a good book it is well written and tells a compelling story. The problem is that the story is so sad and upsetting that I just think I will take it a little at a time. As I sit here deciding how to finish this I am reminded of a couple of things. Harriet Beecher Stowe's writing style surprised me a little as I read the first three chapters. She stopped and made reference to the reader? I have always been fascinated with an author who can do that effectively. I am not far enough into the book but what an interesting observation that she stopped and engaged her readers directly. If you were reading this you needed to be in partnership with the author because it pulls you the "right direction" in to just not liking the story. The story was published in 1852. My great grandfather was born in 1831 and my grandfather who I knew was born in 1871. Both lucky men to not have been where slavery was present.