Professional Manager or Entrepreneur
Hard to get too interested in these pictures. Tonight I am going to meet with a few young men and talk about careers. Mine will be the backdrop and focus of the discussion. When I look back at my own career it splits off into two parts. Years of being an entrepreneur and years of been an employeed manager. Add to that years of what helped both fall into place. I wonder if most entrepreneurs could have decided to just stop and go back to being a manager. Once you have been on your own and had to live by your own wits more or less then how do you just "hire out".

The definition of entrepreneur has to do with creating and managing but it is really the creation that is at the core. Taking what others may see as nothing and getting it to work and to pay.
Actually you can do that, even as an employed manager.

I actually was published in Entrepreneur Magazine
"once upon a time". Small thought a long time ago made the pages.
80% of all jobs are still filled by word of mouth. Networking is what this is called.
For the boys tonight that I visit with they may find just listening to someone else's story to be useful. It is always useful to hear someone tell how their life unfolded.
I remember a fellow who in a church group who had an hour to tell us his life story. I remember is that he was older than me. He had an hour and used 20 minutes of his time telling us about his winning the state marbles championship as a youth. Another fellow, way older, started out with his story beginning in about 1912. He made it to about 1920 and the hour was up.
Makes you wonder what to pick to talk about if you only had an hour to tell the story. I remember a guy who forgot to talk about his employment. He had been the president of a candy company. I was so surprised when he forget his career. Then I wonder. Have I forgotton my own. What was my career. Was it just a series of networking? Was it creative. Was it just survival. Was I creating or managing? Then too the guy who forgot his carreer did remember his family. Good
1 comment:
I remember you coming to my marketing class in high school to talk about the food brokerage business. It was neat that you would do that. My current boyfriend at the time (not Jeff) really wanted to get into the brokerage biz after hearing you and last time I heard what he was up to, he was in sales. Interesting.
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