November 26th in the late 50's was on a Tuesday. I was 11 years old. This little girl arrived in our home. My mother had two boys. Moms need a daughter and Trudy was welcomed. Happy Birthday Trudy.
Little Girls grow up to
be interesting Ladies
It wasn't too far back among this series of blogs that a friend sent me a note and said it seemed clear to him that I was an existentialist. Ok that may seem like an odd word to toss in on a birthday greeting to my sister. Ok, it is. Nevertheless. he added that a lot of folks don't seem to know what that word means. Some think maybe it reflects non belief in diety or something? Not so. What it does mean is that even with a lot of cause and effect directing our life the fact is we direct a great deal of our lives by how we react to the events that we experience. We really create our self to a large degree. Thank goodness. If were creating ourselves through our experiences it stands to reason that the future can be better than the past.

When I was 11 years old I really didn't know my little sister. In fact I din't know her very well when I was 20 or 30 either. Today I know her a lot better. Today she has helped me and I have learned from her. Today I see in her a lot of the past however. I see my mom and my dad and I see their goodness. But then I see her more clearly now. Different and the same. Looking forward to tommorow and appreciative of the past.
Who can say
Why To-day
To-morrow will be yesterday?
Who can tell
Why to smell
The violet recalls the dewy prime
Of youth and buried time?
I guess I could just go on about this cute little girl and all the cute little girls she reminds me of. Or, I could just make a comment about the play. I liked the play of course.
Then too it, the plot, was Existentialism. Not just becuase in the experience of the hero we saw him rediscover faith and principle but it was really a backwards approach. Things went wrong and then as the result of a series of events he questions his life and values, and find a purpose or set of values.
Thank you so very much! You are an awesome big brother!!!
I am blessed to have you as my brother AND my friend :)
Looking forward to tommorow and appreciative of the past ~ and thankful for today!
Love Forever,
Hey Trudy - Happy Birthday! Love ya
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