At the Center exists all the colors
Today we went for a walk. Kathy found it to be "brown" in color. Maybe it was the fall colors. The Blue Sky, of course, was a highlightin terms of color and just being up there. Makes one wonder if "color existed" before we did? Is color there if we don't see it sort of like does the tree make a noise when it falls in the forest if something doesn't record it?

Existentialist, Me Too
Once upon a time on a blog way back there, in my long history of blogs, I think I mentioned that a friend once looked in and then called me an existentialist. Glad to be called "something", and so I may have pleaded guility and moved on. Moving on, Kierkegaard is considered the Father of Existentialism and I have liked his points of view. Two of his popular ideas are "subjectivity" and the "leap to faith," He figuered that doubt needed to be an essential element of faith. Sounds sort or grim. Yet it seems rather obvious too. He also pushed the idea of importance of the "self", and the self's relation to the world as being grounded in self-reflection and introspection.
I will have to tell you it is a good thing I am an existentialist or there just wouldn't be a blog, at least today.
In order to know something is true it helps a great deal to want it to be. One can plant the mustard seed and have faith in it growning into what it can be, but it helps to hope that it will grow. Kierkegaard was pro individual vs's groups and added to the idea of faith that doubt may be a first step towards hope and faith.
Maybe the question isn't so much why did the chicken cross the road, and lots of options are pointed out in the cartoon, as much as whether it was as the last guy in the last frame so well put it, "it was a cool idea".
PS: White space contains all the colors of the visible spectrum. It is the color that reflects the light of all parts of the visible spectrum equally. Black is the absence of color. Some colors are primary and others depend on those colors for their existence. White is cool, and exists.
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