1. As each Goose flaps its wings it creates an UPLIFT for the birds that follow.
2. When a Goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the DRAG of resistane of flying alone.
3. When the lead goose tires, it drops back into formation and ANOTHER goose flies to the point position.
4. The geese flying in formation HONK to encourage those up front to keep up with their speed.
5. When a goose gests sick, two geese drop out of formation adn follow it down to HELP and PROTECT it.
Smart Geese
I did notice a bunch of bats under the freeway in Austin last weeks. I would estimate about a million or so. Their seemed to be no logic to their fury. Then they would go off and it was like a big black spot in the sky and it would move together across the sky. In a few minutes many black spots extended as far as you could see.
Graceful Dancer
Dancing with the Stars. I guess in this example they are not looking for geese. On the one I watch they seem to like football players. They seem to be the popular ones on this show. They or whoever gets the most points seem to fly point. Makes you wonder if they would fall back into the formation and let someone else take the lead, having such a spotlight. Those that dance are in solo flight not in formation. A new month. Good time for new goals. Fly in formation more often sounds like a good one. Encourage others. Protect those cared about. Read a good book. Have a nice weekend with Kathy. Good stuff.
Why do the Geese
work together so well?
Perhaps becuase for them it matters.
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