It is easy enough to know all the answers the real problem in my opinion is to know the right questions...................
Having just got ready for work I noticed and in fact recalled that probably a few times each month I have over a lot of years worn something that was given to me while in high school. I remember wearing it on a date with Kathy. Since this blog is primarily for family members and some friends and since I can't think of much else to blog about today I would raise the question, "what is that item I have worn over those many years"? Tomorrow on this blog I will answer this question.
you see I do have the answer but it will be tommorrow that I post it.
boy it is great to see all these comments. Guess I know who my favorite reader is.
Are you trying to make us jealous because the voices only talk to you :) ~ snicker ~
I'm thinking watches..... or maybe a funky hat? High school was just awhile ago....
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