It is sort of a puzzle why folks pick on each other. I saw a video of a guy who knew he had only a few months to live. He was a collage professor. His "last talk" to his class was recorded and it went on the Internet and had a million folks watch it. A million and one, at least if you count me watching it this morning. It was a very positive statement about how he viewed life and it was inspiring. The audience was in tears and of course we saw the audience as part of the video of the video. He sort of summed up all the good things about his life. He had great parents who let him be creative. (I had great parents and I felt creative not to interupt this story but just a "by the way comment) He had his values in the right places and things had worked out for him in a lot of ways. It was a very "up" video. It is hard to say why a video like this finds it's way to the Internet and has a million hits but it is really neat that something that positive would have that big of a interest level. Along a very different line I was wondering where I might find a interesting blog and Kathy suggested one by a lady who writes a great blog from her ranch in Oklahoma. This lady gets sometimes 2000 comments on her daily blog. She likes photography and her life on the ranch and loves her cowboy husband. So we may have part of the puzzle opening up here.
People who like themselves and their
own lives seem to interest others.
I actually liked reading the books I have posted by the way. I have posted all the way to the letter Y. Seems like a let down to know that I will have posted all the books from my master list pretty soon. I just don't have a letter X book. I am pretty sure I read the autobiography of Malcolm X..........................but then I can't find the book and didn't write it down, so I am not sure. Just another "puzzle", I suppose...............................
Letter Y
Yeats, William Butler.............Early Poems
Yeats, William Butler............Love Poems the Secret Rose
Yorganson, Blaine ...............Secrets
Yokoyama, John ............When Fish Fly
Young, Brigham .............Discourses
Yeats, William Butler............Love Poems the Secret Rose
Yorganson, Blaine ...............Secrets
Yokoyama, John ............When Fish Fly
Young, Brigham .............Discourses
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