As I look into this picture of the mountain on a early Sunday Morning I am tempted to just call this "confessions of a guy on the run who reads too much and gave up coke recently". If I did that I might be getting too personal for a world wide blog but my day had indeed just started out on my 4 mile route. I had considered running the route in reverse but I decided on the regular routine. I realize that this amount of detail will perhaps lose me a reader or so perhaps? Today I took a different camera expecting spectacular pictures of the "mountain". Seems to have worked but it isn't like just being out there.
Later I decided to get the IPod recap done so I went back to yesterday's blog and added most of the others. I have heard these songs so many times I guess I need to go in and add something new. While redoing yesterdays post, today, I looked at my post and decided to go to my own Amazon Link, "My Amazon Reviews".
This link is on the right side of the blog down a ways. You can click on the "blue My Amazon Reviews" . The link when open shows me that 30 different people have made a note of having read one of the reviews and 58 were listed under this review was helpful. Course it has been up for probably close to a year and I can find books in Amazon where hundreds have voted helpful or not. Add to that the probability that my 3 or 4 readers probably could have accounted for most of this but then add to that fact the my reader upstairs claimed she had never voted or probably read any of them and who knows what to think.
I looked again at my list of links and found the "Cast your Pearls before Swine Cartoon Link". I figured it being Sunday and all and with the few folks who may have ever found my Amazon Link from this blog already bored with the Amazon stuff that I might just look for some Sunday Comic material. Now I need to put a disclaimer on the one I posted. You click on the link and go to comics and then you find age categories. The one I posted was for 30 to 50 so if you don't fit that category it may not be funny. On the other hand and not funny at all is there was no category for over 50? I am tempted to purge this often unused link from my other popular unused links.
Course as far as the events put forth in the comics, and this is an inside revelation that only a very few select group of readers will understand.
The little sun- glassed bounder wouldn't have crashed
into the door if someone had not have
left it "half way" open.
Another link of interest is the Washington Post link. Having said that I get my news mostly from upstairs. Hear in the house that is. Even so this link does work, and as you can clearly see from the link the news here is "true".
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