I have most of the pictures and "stuff" in my office packed away in the garage waiting to move or be unpacked. A few things are left. This morning I was wishing I had not packed the picture painted by Minerva Teichert of a pioneer woman on a wagon being pulled by an ox team. That picture was titled "Not Alone" and you could see that the very strong woman who was in charge of this Ox Team travelling alone, was not alone but Angels were near by watching over here. The pictures had strong men sitting by her and ridding along side. They were in white and you could see that they were Angels ridding with her as she went through her difficult journey.
What I did find was a picture Katie gave me a while back. It is a picture of Mt Olympus Cove, with the houses below and the mountain face in the background. Written in the blue sky above the mountain was a quote from Richard Nixon. A cove that for many years was our home may well have been the magnificent years of our lives or then again a valley was all around then and now.
Only if you have been in the
deepest Valley,
can you ever know how
magnificent it is to
be on the highest mountain
I see some similarities in the two pictures. In the pioneer picture the woman was in the deepest valley but at the same time she was indeed on the highest mountain.
The posting of books read and re read is getting close to the end. Today is letter T. I have gone back and added a few here and there as I have posted these books. It has been interesting to remember and re look as I have compared the list I have kept with the books on the shelf.
Tolstoy, Leo ..Walk in the light and Twenty-Three talks
Tolstoy, Leo ........... War and Peace
Tolstoy, Leo ............ Divine and Human
Thomas, Dylan ................ The Love Letters of
Thomas, Dylan .......... Collected Poems
Thomas, Dylan .......... The Collected Stories
Tryntje, Van Ness ......... Dylan Thomas in New York
Trimble, John Writing with Style
Trevor, William Felicias Journey
Trout, Jack Big Brands Big Troubles
Thoreau, Henry David .... Walden
Thoreau, Henry David ............ Natural History Essays
Tolstoy, Leo ........... War and Peace
Tolstoy, Leo ............ Divine and Human
Thomas, Dylan ................ The Love Letters of
Thomas, Dylan .......... Collected Poems
Thomas, Dylan .......... The Collected Stories
Tryntje, Van Ness ......... Dylan Thomas in New York
Trimble, John Writing with Style
Trevor, William Felicias Journey
Trout, Jack Big Brands Big Troubles
Thoreau, Henry David .... Walden
Thoreau, Henry David ............ Natural History Essays
Thoreau/Emerson............Nature Walking
Talmage, James E. .......... Articles of Faith
Talmage, James E. ........... Jesus the Christ
Talmage, James E. .......... Articles of Faith
Talmage, James E. ........... Jesus the Christ
Talmage, James E. ............ The Great Apostasy
Twain, Mark...............The Prince and the Pauper
Twain, Mark.............Pudd'nhead Wilson
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