Coming Soon
New Year's resolution time. Seems like the years that I wrote them down were the ones that I accompished more of them. Maybe putting out a blog about things that one likes is sort of like suggesting to others that those things are worth liking. Then again the most regular and loyal reader I have for this blog is "me". Guess that works out.
I am working on some resolutions. Don't know that I would post them. Might.

Snow in New Mexico*
Most snow in one day in the History
of Albuquerque - Today
The way I hear it last weekthere had not beeen a snow like this in 5 years. Of course that was the story last week. Again today we have a repeat and in fact it is more today. I am sure we have the talent around here to take a better picture than this. The one here is a file picture showing the Sandia mountains. Didn't see any blue sky today. Didn't go out taking pictures either.

Blog changes
One thing that I did do today is that I modified this blog. It now has on the right side a picture of some books and then under it a link to Amazon. I found out how to reveiw books on Amazon and then how to have a link to the page with my own reviews on that page. Still have some figuring out to do but clicking on that link will take you to the page with the reveiws on them. My goal is to reveiw the books I really like. That will take some time.
A winter quote below
“In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer." -Albert Camus, 1913 – 1957
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