I just don't like to watch movies
over and over.
Then again I just watched
"Cinderella Man" for the I have lost track time............
It isn't the story line or the movie plot. Truth is I just like the fight. It is good that the star is the old guy and that he is unlikely to win and that he goes against all odds and it is an upset. It is also good that it is a real story. Good that the win gives him the heavy weight world championship in 1935. Two years later he goes against Joe Lewis. Knocks him down in the first round. Joe does wind the fight and says this was the most courageous fighter he ever faced.
Mohammad Ali
He is only 4 years older than me. I remember his first fights. I have just never missed one of his fights and I have seen them re run over and over. The picture above of the Thiller in Manilla was indeed...............................
Related memories
When I was about 8 years old I started boxing with my Dad in the evening. He would be on his knees. He didn't really punch me but he would break my defense sometimes and I would just try to get through his. I spent a lot of time playing checkers with him too. Not a lot of difference really between checker and boxing. I enjoyed boxing. In high school I just went out for the wrestling team in my senior year. I had never played any school sport before then. I really enjoyed it. I won ever match that year "except one". I even stepped in to the top spot in my weight for a lot of the year, which was unusal for a first year attempt. The one match I lost was a "real loss". It was between the two local high schools. Big match. Everyone was there. It was the type of loss you hate. That lose was far bigger than all the wins that year. I lost one wrestling match. I lost one "fight" with a kid down the block in grade school. I hated both loses. I have never forgot them. Even so those loses were more important that the wins. You have to be able to lose and then never ever ever hesitate to fight again. Life in many ways is a fight.
When I blog I like to refer to books. I like to rethink the books I have read. You can never read a good book too many times. Maybe you can never watch a good fight too many times. Lots of books remind me of a good fight. War and Peace. Not the war but the effort. The effort of the journey. The effort of the hero. Off to war, wounded. Leaves the one he loves. Walks across Europe. Returns. Dies in the arms of the one he loves. Then too William Buckley's Miles Gone By. His look back at his life. His faith. His foucs and individuality. His sustained belief in his Catholic upbringing. His willingness to say clearly that his "faith never left him". Just his own sustained "testimony" of what he belived is a win in lifes fight.
Other books I have enjoyed remind me of fights too.
I like to re-read good books also, you get so much more out of them the second or third time through.
And yet there is another piece of the past that I was too young to remember..? (or did the folks not let me know about this?) I did not remember this about you! I remember Purple People Eater costumes, 57 Chevy's, White T-Shirts and pegged jeans, but wrestling? Way Cool!
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