My Home Driveway
It was the "snowest day on record", ever in Albuquerque yesterday and then it snowed all night and we had around 18 inches of snow all over. This picture shows what it "seemed like" after I shovel about 3/4 th of the driveway. I got some help for the last part. The airport was closed yesterday and we thought it would be today but it was only part of the day. Our family vistors did however get out of town this afternoon. Highways out of town were closed. Church tommorrow has been canceled. A shopping mall closed. What an unusal Holiday. Reminds me of years past in Utah. That picture reminds me of the driveway in Utah. Thought we were getting away from that."There are two kinds of statistics: the kind you look up
and the kind you make up. -Rex Stout, 1886 - 1975.

Book Reviews
(I have written a few for Amazon and they
are grouped in a special page that can be
clicked on to the right under the book picture. This blog has
some expanded options now. I can post pictures down
the side and do links better)

Today, because of wanting to do a Amazon review, I was thinking a little about this book, "Miles Gone By". I have always admired Buckley. He is unique. He is interesting. He is "real". In 1951 he published his first book, "God, Man and Yale".
In 1950, the year he graduated, it was controversial to defend individualism, religion and capitalism. His education seemed to be, somewhat like his early life, one full of advantage and opportunity. Considering that, it was even more of a surprise when he questioned the very mission of the institution he had been privileged to attend. He replied to his critics saying “a very recent graduate is not only supremely qualified, but uniquely qualified, to write about the ideological impact of an education he has experienced.”
Tommorrow is New Year's Eve. Probably another blog. Maybe some resolutions to consider. Buckley's earlier book "Racing Through Paradise" told the story of a long trip in a sail boat. The day to day dialog was a mixture of sailing information and comments on the events of the day. Sounds a lot like a blog. On the other hand the book left me wanting to sail. That could be a good goal. Thinking about Sailing on a snowy day.
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