Favorite Book as a Young Man
The other day Kathy listed what for her was her favorite book as a young girl and even today. Her choice was Gone with the Wind. I have thought some about this trying to decide what book may have been my first favorite book and which one was my favorite. I would not be able to pick just one all time favorite but I still wondered which was a first one or an early one. A recent book I bought suggests that myth or fairy tales are very important becuase they teach us truths about right and wrong. "Revisiting Narnia" probalby would not have even gotten my attention if I hadn't read most all of C.S. Lewis's books. The ones I didn't read were the fairy tales so out of curiousity I have now read some.I haven't read Gone with the Wind
I remember my parents reading to me at age 3 or 4. I learned to read as they did that. I don't remember much of what I did read as a young boy. Magazines. Newspapers. A few books. Wish I would have had a library like my current one in my house. It was Junior High probably the 7th or 8th grade that we read in school the "Merchant of Venice". It was the first I had really heard about Shakespeare. I was caught up in the plot. I found the irony in the story very interesting. I found in this book a way of thinking and looking at events that had not occured to me before.
If I had to find a starting point to thinking different about what reading was it would be that book. Still and interesting story.
Interesting quote form Merchant of Venice.
"The devil can quote scripture for his purpose" .
Concerning the meaning of the "Merchant of Venice"
Still thinking about it
The difficulty of literature is not to write, but to write what you mean."
-Robert Louis Stevenson, 1850 - 1894.
1 comment:
interesting to hear about your reading history. I often take it for granted that everyone grew up with a house full of books like I did.
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