Bought myself a Christmas Chair
The Logo on the chair says, "
The University of New Mexico"
This is of course not my Univeristy. I suppose since I graduated from Idaho State that is. I also figure I really always have been a BYU fan. Then again it is "lonely" in that corner a lot of the time.

Seems odd that University preference would be part of a blog around Christmas. Then again it isn't my chair that made me think of this as much as this years Chirstmas newsletters.
The Message, Chair, Cards,
Christmas Weekend
“To write a good letter, you ought to begin without knowing what you mean to say, and to finish without knowing what you have written. -Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712 –1778
The difficulty of literature is not to write, but to write what you mean." -Robert Louis Stevenson, 1850 - 1894.

This looks like a good backdrop for a couple of emails. When I bought the chair they asked if they could carry it our for me. I mentioned that it was a couple of blocks away. I was told they had some young healthy collage guys and one would be glad to. So that was good. He was a music major studying voice technique. Seems like he thought the University of NM had a great program by the way.
I heard that these are Recyclable
At work one of the administrative assistants sends a note out each year. She mentions that these cards sent out are great for re using. Making things out of. Cut out stuff for kids. She had some good ideas for them. Yesterday as I left work I took most out of my office and handed them to her.
The ones we get at home often have newsletters in them. It took me a few years to get into reading the newsletters. Kathy had been one to always read them and I do too now. Interesting to see what people put in a newsletter. I did comment in a previous blog about how interesting it was over the years to listen to a great group of guys each get one hour to tell the rest of us about their lives. As I said in looking back family, work, growing up, for some WWII (the war) was a big part of the hour. With only 60 minutes the choice for what to report is interesting. It probably would be more interesting still if each person knew that they had one shot and only 60 minutes to then see what their subject choices would be.
Then to the Christmas newsletters. One time per year. One shot. Maybe a couple of pages. Often several family members share the page or pages. If so, then maybe a short paragraph for each. What to say. What to use the limited time to say. Odd that so many use it to avoid saying anything. Just fill the lines. Some tell you that they just are not going to tell you anything and then that fills a sentence. Others, and this was a surprise as I thought about it, (that was perhaps a mistake), define the differences in their family with football team preferences. Even so no one wrote this year bragging about being a Lobo fan? Actually I know some folks that would have if we had made their Christmas Cards ;list. Lots of Universities and teams mentioned this year.
A real question to ponder at this time of major importance is "did I go buy my chair so I could claim some football or sports preference claim". As Rouaaeau and Stevenson said above, I know what I mean but I don't necessarily know if I said it. I do like this chair.