Today it got up and found a post on my comments from yesterday which I have yet(?) determined to allow to post itself. The comment was one which took issue with the wording of my heading yesterday? It seemed to suggest better use of words and may have implied that they thought it was about hardwood floors? O well. I post on this blog for at most 6 or so regulars. I figure they know I am not a hardwood floor salesmen. The post I got had to rings to retail housing materials ads?
So, Today, I post to talk about yesterday. I do remember briefly listening for a month or so to the "Today" show about 5 years ago, laughing at something I read recently and likewise to post my books read for the letter L.
Lawrence D.H. ........ Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Lawrence D.H. ........... The First Lady Chatterley
Lawrence D.H. ............. Women in Love
L’Amour, Louis ............. Education of a Wandering Man
L’Amour, Louis ............. Smoke for this Alter
L’Amour, Louis .......... A Trail of Memories, the quotations of
Lettman, Herbert ............ Albert Camus in New York
Leveen, Steve .....The little guide to your well read life
London, Jack............... The Call of the Wild
Lewis, R.W.B. ........Dante
Lewis, C.S. .............. Reflections of the Psalms
Lewis, C.S. .............. The Four Loves
Lewis, C.S. ............. On Stories and other Essays
Lewis, C.S. ................... The Great Divorce
Lewis, C.S. ................ Letters to Malcom Chiefly on Prayer
Lewis, C.S. .................... Surprised by Joy
Lewis, C.S. ............ The Problem of Pain
Lewis, C.S. .............. The Pilgrim’s Regress
Lewis, C.S. ............ Till we have Faces
Lewis, C.S. ............ An Experiment In Criticism
Lewis, C.S. ............ The Weight of Glory
Lewis, C.S. ............. The Screwtape Letters
Lewis, C.S. ................. A Grief Observed
Lewis, C.S. ............. Revisting Narnia
Listfield, Emity ...........It was gonna be like Paris
Lindskoog, Kathryn .............. Finding the Landlord
Ludlow, Victor L..... Unlocking Isaiah in the Book of Mormon
Ludlow, Victor L............. Isaiah, Prophet Seer, Poet
Lamb, Brian ....... Book Notes
Lee,Harper ............. To Kill a Mockingbird
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