noted on a
(Since I was thinking
about a Symposium)

Books complied from the events that take place at Brigham Young University's various symposiums have caught my attention over the years. I hesitate a little to focus the first part of this blog on a book but today I planned to post the books that I have read under the O and then I decided to go ahead and also list a number of books that I just have not had an author to put with it. I have it titled in my own master list of books read and re read these last few years as
"Books without Authors". A lot of books fall under this category and I just have not kept as good a track of those over the years. Books like "The Tao-Te Chan" has to do with early Chinese philosophy. I haven't finished that but if I had I am not sure who I would put down as an author. Scriptures lack authors or imply divine authorship. The Nirvana Sutra goes to Buddhism in China. A book I have valued is "Literature of Belief". It came out of the Brigham Young University Symposiums. It's stated goal in the introduction is:
"to learn more about the nature of religious experience by examining its
expressions in the sacred texts of a number of the world's religious traditions"
*Books without Authors......then authors letter O
Bible, New & Old Testament King James Version
Book of Mormon (Joseph Smith Translator)
Pearl of Great Price
Doctrine And Covenants
Living Biographies Famous Novelists
Lost Classics
The Worlds 100 best Short Stories
Short Stories, Ten Best Tolstoy,Crane,Dickens ect
81 Famous Poems
Peal of Great Price Revelations…BYU Studies Center
Literature of Belief…BYU Religious Studies Center
Orwell, George .......... Down and out in Paris and London
Orwell, George .............. Why I Write
Orwell, George ............ Animal Farm
Orwell, George ............... 1984
Osgood, Charles.......... Poetry Speaks
Oaks, Dallin H......... With full purpose of heart
Oaks, Dallin H. ............ Pure in Heart
Oaks, Dallin H. ........... The Lord’s Way
Odgen. & Skinner ........... The Four Gospels
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