Last night I watched "Dances with Wolves" again, or at least a lot of it. I later went to bed and read from a book about "writing non fiction". The book advised its reader, under the chapter on "audiance", that you write "to yourself". It of course first pointed out that you had to be interesting in what you wrote so that you didn't lose your reader but then it suggested that the target reader could be ones self. I figure that can work. I can more or less find something of interest in what I have chosen to focus on as far as last night is concerned. I do recall one of the ending scenes of the movie when the mean old calvary guys were coming after the hero and of course his Sioux friends. Those doing the chasing had just found a slightly warm bed of coals from a fire that folks had left. A wolf way up above on the side of a mountain, I like mountains a bunch by the way, just howled. Pretty cool. There you go. A movie reveiw right here on this blog. Pretty cool. I don't know what it is about wolves that sort of grabs my interest. On the other hand since I am basically writing this to "me", the prime audiance I will have to say that wolves seem to have learned something having survived a lot of stuff. I suppose they were helped by the pack along the way but a lone wolf just howling his heart out does indeed get my sympthy. I also remember learning that you ought not to use the word "indeed" in your writings if you don't use it in your daily language? This good advice was in the chapter on "words". Indeed. I do agree with this advice and do indeed use the word indeed sometimes and of course in conclusion I have also found myself a reasonable good audiance. Now I will just post my books read, ect., and so on, under the letter M.
McKeon, Richard .............. The Basic Works of Aristotle
Melville, Herman................ Moby Dick
Melville, Herman........................Billy Budd
Martin, Thomas L......Reading the classics with C.S. Lewis
Miller, Arthur ................... The Crucible
Mah, Adeline Yen ............. Watching the Tree
Mah, Adeline Yen ....A Thousand Pieces of Gold
Mah, Adeline, Yen ................... Falling Leaves
Macaulay .................. Life of Samuel Johnson
Morrie, Edmund ............ Theodore Rex
McCarathy, Pete ........... McCarthy’s Bar
Morrison, Toni..Playing in Dark/Whiteness/Literary Imagination
Morison, Toni ............. Tar Baby
Morrison, Toni ............... Sula
Mayle, Peter ...French Lessons:Adventure w/knifefork
Major, David ................ 100 one-night reads
Molloy, John T. ............. Dress for Success
Miller, Jonathan ............ Rattlesnake Lawyer
Miller, Johathan ............ Amarillo in August
McConkie, Bruce R. ............. Mormon Doctrine
McConkie, Bruce R. ............. The Mortal Messiah
McCullough, David ............ John Adams
McCullough, David .............. 1776
Markham, Felix ........... Napoleon
McLarty, Ron ............ The memory of running
Mill, John Stuart ........... Autobiography
Mill, John Stuart .......... On Liberty
Madsen Truman G. ............... The Temple in Antiquity
Madsen, Truman G. ............. Eternal Man
Monson, Thomas S. ........... Inspiring Experiences
Monson, Thomas S. ............ Live the Good Life
Monson, Thomas S. ........Pathway to Perfection
McKay, David O. ............ Discourses of David O McKay
Marsh, W. Jeffrey ........... The Light Within
McGinn, Colin ............... Sharkespeare’s Philosophy
Milton, John ............... Paradise Lost
Maltx, Maxwell ......... Psycho-Cybernetics
Well I will have to admit that the author here found his audiance. I indeed am that audiance. You see it is me that I write for probably you see. I of course don't thank the author here nearly enough. Thank you thank you. It was nice of you to find me. I thought way up here on this mountain no one would here me howl but you Mr Author did find me. Yep.
It may be possible that all of these blogs might not be of interest to others but then I suppose we will have to be content with "the" audiance.
Having just re read this post I can only say that I wish, indeed I do wish, that I had a way to correct the spelling under comment number 1. Nevertheless "way up here on the mountain no wone would HEAR me is what I should have said but then I knew what I was saying.
I know you wrote this for yourself and all..
But my observation is:
When you say that you shouldn't use "indeed" in your writing if you don't use it in your every day conversation.
I don't think you should use any word that you wouldn't use in your every day conversation in your writing
That's just how I do things though
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