Thursday, February 28, 2008

black and white February

February was both my Dad and Mom's birthday. The 27th and the 8th. Their anniversary was also in February. I was just thinking about it and then my Sister's blog reminded me again about it.


So I figured I would just close my eyes and come up with something to post. Maybe those thoughts ought to be in black and white and then they would be more in place for this blog. Or, I could just wonder and ponder some and try to capture those thoughts in black and white. Wonder what I would look like if I had as much hair as I did when I was younger. Wonder what direction is the best to take. Wonder if you can have blue sky over black and white thoughts. Wonder if we really are a part of our parents and grandparents and if we become closer to them when they are gone. Wonder if anyone but me would guess that this picture is really an impression of William Faulkner?
All that said I guess I will just post the letter R books and move on towards March.............................
Rabinowitz & Kaplan........... Passion for Books
Rilke, Rita Maria ........... Letters to a Young Poet
Rostenberg & Stern ........... Old books and rare friends
Richter, Peter .......... Georgia O’Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz
Roberts, B.H.............. The Seventy’s Course in Theology 1
Roberts, B. H. ........ The Seevnty’s Course in Theology 2
Roberts, B.H. .......... Mormon Doctrine of Deity
Roberts, B.H. .......... studies of The Book of Mormon
Romny, Marion G. ............ Learning for the Eternities
Richards, Le Grand ............ Marvelous Work and Wonder
Rand, Ayn ............ The Art of Non Fiction
Rand, Ayn ............ The Romantic Manifesto
Remarque, Erich Mara ............... All Quiet On The Western Front

Roberts, Wess ................... Leadership Secrets Attila The Hun

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Someone on one of those dots of light read a book by Quindlen and posted it on this blog

That us, third dot of light from the left of something near the edge...................

Then on a more exact note I will list those books that I am sure of that start with the letter Q that I have read or re read in recent years.............



Quindlen, Anna ................How Reading Changed My Life

Sunday, February 24, 2008

A river ran by, a bird sang,memories came .....................letter P

A few days ago I went out in the morning and took something to the mail box. As I walked outside I could hear birds. It wasn't the pigeons that we see a lot of around here, it sounded more like Robins or Sparrows. I can't tell you the last time I saw a Robin but the sounds were ones I knew well. Just hearing the songs of those birds instantly took me back 50 years to a time when I was a young boy and we lived by the Portenuf River in Pocatello Idaho. Back then there were so many summer mornings that I would wake up to birds singing. I would look out of my window, through the thick green leaves of several trees, down to the river that ran by our house, just below.
This picture is from somewhere along the Portenuf River and it could have easily been just two blocks to the North of where we lived.
Today as I was out running my 5 miles and I was without my Ipod. The battery had run down and without it I was left more aware of the sounds of the neighborhood than normal. About half way through my run I heard birds. Again I went back 50 years. I have had this happen at least three times this month. Seems like a good thing, however..............................
Letter P books read and re read the last few years below.
Powell, John ............ Unconditional Love
Powell, John ................ The secret of staying in love
Powell, John.................. Why am I Afraid
Powers, Lyall H. .The Portrait/ Lady,Maiden, Woman Heroine
Phillips, Bill ........... Body for life
Peale, Norman Vincent ......... The Power of Positive Thinking
Poe, Edgar Allan ......... The Raven and other Poems
Poe, Edgar Allan...........Complete Tales and Poems
Plato ................ The Collected Dialogues
Plato .......... The Symposium
Plato ........ The Republic
Parini, Jay ............... A Life of William Faulkner
Parry, Jay & Donald ............. Parables of Jesus Christ
Popcorn, Faith ........... The Popcorn Report
Pearson, Carol Lynn ................ Good-bye I Love You

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Blue States and Blue U's.........................

noted on a

(Since I was thinking
about a Symposium)

Books complied from the events that take place at Brigham Young University's various symposiums have caught my attention over the years. I hesitate a little to focus the first part of this blog on a book but today I planned to post the books that I have read under the O and then I decided to go ahead and also list a number of books that I just have not had an author to put with it. I have it titled in my own master list of books read and re read these last few years as
"Books without Authors". A lot of books fall under this category and I just have not kept as good a track of those over the years. Books like "The Tao-Te Chan" has to do with early Chinese philosophy. I haven't finished that but if I had I am not sure who I would put down as an author. Scriptures lack authors or imply divine authorship. The Nirvana Sutra goes to Buddhism in China. A book I have valued is "Literature of Belief". It came out of the Brigham Young University Symposiums. It's stated goal in the introduction is:
"to learn more about the nature of religious experience by examining its
expressions in the sacred texts of a number of the world's religious traditions"
Books without Authors......then authors letter O

Bible, New & Old Testament King James Version
Book of Mormon (Joseph Smith Translator)
Pearl of Great Price
Doctrine And Covenants
Living Biographies Famous Novelists
Lost Classics
The Worlds 100 best Short Stories
Short Stories, Ten Best Tolstoy,Crane,Dickens ect
81 Famous Poems
Peal of Great Price Revelations…BYU Studies Center

Literature of Belief…BYU Religious Studies Center
Orwell, George .......... Down and out in Paris and London
Orwell, George .............. Why I Write
Orwell, George ............ Animal Farm
Orwell, George ............... 1984
Osgood, Charles.......... Poetry Speaks
Oaks, Dallin H......... With full purpose of heart
Oaks, Dallin H. ............ Pure in Heart
Oaks, Dallin H. ........... The Lord’s Way
Odgen. & Skinner ........... The Four Gospels

Friday, February 22, 2008

Call from the mountain, for the letter N.

The call of the mountain is strong, but then so is the "call of the wild". Then again maybe the call is coming from the mountain?

Triva for the day

In one year, the average human heart circulates from 770,000 to 1.6 million gallons of blood through the body. This is enough fluid to fill 200 tank cars,each with a capacity of 8,000 gallons

Today is the letter N, in the list of books read and re read....................................
Niven, Alastair................ D.H. Lawrence
Nelson, N.L ............... Preaching and Public Speaking
Nelson, Lee ................ Mormon Fortune Builders
Nabokov, Vladimir ................. Lectures on Literature
Nabokov, Vladimir ................. Autobiography
Nibley, Hugh................ Nibley on Timely & Timeless
Nibley, Hugh.............. Old Testament and Related Stories
Nibley, Hugh ................ The Ancient State
Nibley , Hugh ................ Approaching Zion
Nibley, Hugh ............ Tinkling Cymbals and Sounding Brass
Nibley, Hugh .................. Abraham in Egypt

Nibley, Hugh.......................The Prophetic Book of Mormon
Nixon, Richard ............. Leaders
Nixon, Richard ............. No More Vietnam's
Nixon, Richard ................ Seize The Moment
Nixon, Richard........... Beyond Peace
Nixon, Richard........ The Memoirs
Nixon, Richard ........... In The Arena

Nixon, Richard ............. Victory without War

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lone wolf, a note to myself and M

Last night I watched "Dances with Wolves" again, or at least a lot of it. I later went to bed and read from a book about "writing non fiction". The book advised its reader, under the chapter on "audiance", that you write "to yourself". It of course first pointed out that you had to be interesting in what you wrote so that you didn't lose your reader but then it suggested that the target reader could be ones self. I figure that can work. I can more or less find something of interest in what I have chosen to focus on as far as last night is concerned. I do recall one of the ending scenes of the movie when the mean old calvary guys were coming after the hero and of course his Sioux friends. Those doing the chasing had just found a slightly warm bed of coals from a fire that folks had left. A wolf way up above on the side of a mountain, I like mountains a bunch by the way, just howled. Pretty cool. There you go. A movie reveiw right here on this blog. Pretty cool. I don't know what it is about wolves that sort of grabs my interest. On the other hand since I am basically writing this to "me", the prime audiance I will have to say that wolves seem to have learned something having survived a lot of stuff. I suppose they were helped by the pack along the way but a lone wolf just howling his heart out does indeed get my sympthy. I also remember learning that you ought not to use the word "indeed" in your writings if you don't use it in your daily language? This good advice was in the chapter on "words". Indeed. I do agree with this advice and do indeed use the word indeed sometimes and of course in conclusion I have also found myself a reasonable good audiance. Now I will just post my books read, ect., and so on, under the letter M.


McKeon, Richard .............. The Basic Works of Aristotle
Melville, Herman................ Moby Dick

Melville, Herman........................Billy Budd
Martin, Thomas L......Reading the classics with C.S. Lewis
Miller, Arthur ................... The Crucible
Mah, Adeline Yen ............. Watching the Tree
Mah, Adeline Yen ....A Thousand Pieces of Gold
Mah, Adeline, Yen ................... Falling Leaves
Macaulay .................. Life of Samuel Johnson
Morrie, Edmund ............ Theodore Rex
McCarathy, Pete ........... McCarthy’s Bar
Morrison, Toni..Playing in Dark/Whiteness/Literary Imagination
Morison, Toni ............. Tar Baby
Morrison, Toni ............... Sula
Mayle, Peter ...French Lessons:Adventure w/knifefork
Major, David ................ 100 one-night reads
Molloy, John T. ............. Dress for Success
Miller, Jonathan ............ Rattlesnake Lawyer
Miller, Johathan ............ Amarillo in August
McConkie, Bruce R. ............. Mormon Doctrine
McConkie, Bruce R. ............. The Mortal Messiah
McCullough, David ............ John Adams
McCullough, David .............. 1776
Markham, Felix ........... Napoleon
McLarty, Ron ............ The memory of running
Mill, John Stuart ........... Autobiography
Mill, John Stuart .......... On Liberty
Madsen Truman G. ............... The Temple in Antiquity
Madsen, Truman G. ............. Eternal Man
Monson, Thomas S. ........... Inspiring Experiences
Monson, Thomas S. ............ Live the Good Life

Monson, Thomas S. ........Pathway to Perfection
McKay, David O. ............ Discourses of David O McKay
Marsh, W. Jeffrey ........... The Light Within
McGinn, Colin ............... Sharkespeare’s Philosophy
Milton, John ............... Paradise Lost
Maltx, Maxwell ......... Psycho-Cybernetics

Monday, February 18, 2008

Today is not a retail ad.................letter L

Today it got up and found a post on my comments from yesterday which I have yet(?) determined to allow to post itself. The comment was one which took issue with the wording of my heading yesterday? It seemed to suggest better use of words and may have implied that they thought it was about hardwood floors? O well. I post on this blog for at most 6 or so regulars. I figure they know I am not a hardwood floor salesmen. The post I got had to rings to retail housing materials ads?

So, Today, I post to talk about yesterday. I do remember briefly listening for a month or so to the "Today" show about 5 years ago, laughing at something I read recently and likewise to post my books read for the letter L.

Lawrence D.H. ........ Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Lawrence D.H. ........... The First Lady Chatterley
Lawrence D.H. ............. Women in Love
L’Amour, Louis ............. Education of a Wandering Man
L’Amour, Louis ............. Smoke for this Alter
L’Amour, Louis .......... A Trail of Memories, the quotations of
Lettman, Herbert ............ Albert Camus in New York
Leveen, Steve .....The little guide to your well read life
London, Jack............... The Call of the Wild
Lewis, R.W.B. ........Dante
Lewis, C.S. .............. Reflections of the Psalms
Lewis, C.S. .............. The Four Loves
Lewis, C.S. ............. On Stories and other Essays
Lewis, C.S. ................... The Great Divorce
Lewis, C.S. ................ Letters to Malcom Chiefly on Prayer
Lewis, C.S. .................... Surprised by Joy
Lewis, C.S. ............ The Problem of Pain
Lewis, C.S. .............. The Pilgrim’s Regress
Lewis, C.S. ............ Till we have Faces
Lewis, C.S. ............ An Experiment In Criticism
Lewis, C.S. ............ The Weight of Glory
Lewis, C.S. ............. The Screwtape Letters
Lewis, C.S. ................. A Grief Observed
Lewis, C.S. ............. Revisting Narnia
Listfield, Emity ...........It was gonna be like Paris
Lindskoog, Kathryn .............. Finding the Landlord
Ludlow, Victor L..... Unlocking Isaiah in the Book of Mormon
Ludlow, Victor L............. Isaiah, Prophet Seer, Poet
Lamb, Brian ....... Book Notes

Lee,Harper ............. To Kill a Mockingbird

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Old TV's, (If I call this "Hardwood Floors" someone might find this post and leave a comment about it being "ad worthy", ok that is what they did.

Just yesterday we said hello to a guy who graduated from High School in 1959. A TV like this one probably would have been around about then but I remember seeing one back about then too. It would have been only in a few homes that this would have been found.
I figure you could pass away years of time if you just asked a lot of people about their lives and listened.
This picture doesn't compare with a good mountain shoot and I posted it for no particular reason. One thing however is the hardwood floors under the TV. I remember hardwood floor in our house on Randolph. Interesting how "in" hardwood floors have been over a long time. When we moved to Albuquerque we were told that hardwood floors were out and rock tile was in. Not true. Should have gone with hardood.
Today is letter K......................................
Kafka, Franz............... The Metamorphosis
Kerry, Bob ............... When I was a young man a memoir
Koestenbaum, Wayne .............. Salt
Kierkegaard, Soren................ Autobiography
Kierkegaard, Soren ................. The Living Thoughts of Kierkegaard
King, Stephen .............. On Writing
King, Stephen .................. Hearts in Atlantis
Kennedy, Caroline.......BestLoved Poems/Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.
Kesy, Ken............... One Flew Over the Cockoo’s Nest
Kimball, Spenser W. ............ Miracle of Forgiveness
Kimball, Spencer W. .................. Faith Precedes the Miracle
Kimball, Edward L. .............. Spencer W. Kimball
Knowles, Eleanor ................. Howard W. Hunter
Kohe, J.Martin .................... Your Greatest Power
Khayyam, Omar .............. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Saturday, February 16, 2008

A priceless work of literature, letter j, still time left today to go runnning

"Strategies and Perspectives for the Book Hunter in the Twenty-First Century the subtittle in Basbanes book, "Among the Gently Mad". He figures "Gently Mad" captures the best description of folks seemingly over zealous about books. Gosh. Running is better than books. Anyway on page one of his books it says, "As I look back, I am acutely conscious that every primary and priceless work of literature I have handled and studied in a library had originally been part of a private collection."

Yes sir, he got that correct. This book is from my private collection. Not list on my list by author............
It dates back to Christmas of 1987. Author. My daughter...........The cover page indicates that it is a token. That it contains personal collection of thoughts, poems and quotes"
If my mind can conceive it and my heart can belive it I know I can achieve it"

"Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds you down or polishes you up, depends on what your made of"

Below is my list of book I've read beginning with the letter J

James, Henry........... Daisy Miller
James, Henry ............ The Turn of the Screw
James, Henry................ The Portrait of a Lady
Joyce, James ............... Ulysses
Joyce, James............... A Portrait of the Artist as a young man
Jones, Brent................ Simply the Best

Jamison, Kay Redfield ............ A Unquiet Mind
Jackson, Phillip W. ............ John Dewey and the lessons of Art
Johnson, Paul............ Modern Times
Johnson, Paul .............. History of the American People
Joseph Smith Jr.................. Journal of Joseph.

Joseph F. Smith.................Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith



I found a couple more I books and edited my I page. Found some others and added those in the other pages

Yep !!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Got a put my Green Hat On, Valentine, Letter I

One of my favorite pictures of Kathy is one when she is about this age. I have always liked pictures like this one above. I would have liked to have known Kathy when she was young. Little Girls are pretty neat. I would have put on my green hat and vest in a heartbeat ............................



Happy Valentine Day


PS: Today is just letter I. I can't figure out why I have not read more authors that start with I


Isaacson, Walter ................Benjamin Franklin

Isherwood & Huxley.............Jacob’s Hands

Iacocca, Lee...............An Autobiograhy

Iacocca, Lee.....................Talking Straight

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

An exhausting effort, letter H and Blue Sky

I saw this comment on a favorite blog of mine and figured it was an "Inconvenient Truth". Yes sir I am indeed exhausted at times. Course tommorrow is Valentines Day.


Masquerading as a Normal Person is really exhausting

As for today I figure I will just head out and see the blue sky, be normal, and then post my: letter H books.

Homer........... The Iliad
Hemingway, Ernest........... The Sun also rises
Hanff, Helen............................ 84 Charing Cross road
Hanff, Helen .............. Q’s Legacy
Huxley, Aldous & Isherwood............... Jacob’s Hands
Huxley, Alldous................ Time Must Have a Stop
Hagstrom, Robert G................. The Warren Buffett Way
Hadden, Mark............ The curious incident of the dog in the night time
Holtz, Lou.............. Winning every day
Hill, Napoleon............ Think and Grow Rich
Half, Robert................. How to get a better job in this Crazy World
Hillerman, Tony.............. The Spell of New Mexico
Heller, Joseph............. Catch 22
Heller, Joseph............. Portrait of an artist as an old man
Heller, Robert .............. Managing Teams
Hirsch, Edward.............. How to read a Poem
Hawkings, Stephan ............ A Brief History of Time
Haslam , Mathew J. ............... John Taylor Messenger of Salvation
Hinckley, Gordon B. ............. Standing for Something
Hinckley, Gordon B. ............. Truth Restored
Hinckley, Gordon B. ......... Faith/Essecence/True Religon

Harrison, Grant Von Harrison ...Drawing/ Powers of Heaven

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Reading over a shoulder, A kingdom by the sea, MP3, and a PS letter G

Up above are two guys in front of the local "Art" Museum. According to certain authorities we spent a lot more time yesterday in this local destination that we did in the "British Museum". Today on "Sunday Morning" the ending scenes were of the water crashing against the rocks from the ocean. Yesterday on my 5 mile run, listeing to my IPOD, I was listening to a Poem. You see I got a book of Poems that had the same poems on a CD. Of course it was MP3 and my car doesn't do MP3 but the IPOD does. So I just downloaded the poems that I liked in between the songs. Interesting thing about both songs and poems is that hearing them a few times changes how you feel about them. I have always like the Poem, "How do I Love Thee". Another that I like is Annabel Lee by Edgar Allen Poe

It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea;
But we loved with a love that was more than love-
I and my Annabel Lee;
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.
Understanding the "Parables of Jesus Christ" is a book I was re reading later yesterday. It starts out saying "There is nothing in all literature equal to the parables of Christ." Parables teach in layers. One person gets to one layer another to a different layer. They are based on commonplace events, short stories, contain points of comparison, have symbolic elements, confirm established truths, and are open ended. I of course agree completly that nothing could equal Chirst's parables but I also belive that all things testify of Him and in some ways much of what we experience is a parable.
So it seems like so many years ago
our lives were like a small kingdom.
I was a child and so was she.
I had never thought of the winged seraphs or MP3.
The British Museum had never been seen by me
Truth be told I had never seen an Ocean or been on a plane
until I found one to love in our kingdom by our sea.
PS: Letter G Books below

Gopnik, Adam..............Paris to the Moon
Glden, Arthur...............Memories of a Geisha
Gelb, Michael J.................How to think like Leonardo Da Vinci
Greenberg, Joanne...............I never promised you a Rose Garden
Gardner, Helen.................T.S. Eliot – The Art Of
Guterson, David..............East of the Mountain
Gaskill, Alonzo L...................The Lost Language of Symbolism
Garner, Grain D. ..............Search These Diligently
Getty, J. Paul .................How To Be A Successful Executive
Getty, J. Paul .................As I See It Augobiography
Gruffudd, Heini ................Real Wales
Gilbert, Martin .............Churchill

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Fear, Comfort, "Not Alone". Thoughts and the to the letter F

"Interesting" the things you rememeber. Sometimes it is a contrast, a lesson, a fear, or a moment of thankfulness, and those times just never leave you. Simple things, sometimes. I remember when I was very young, perhaps 3 or 4, and I was walking behind our little house. I saw a Sun Flower. I picked it and the stem was hollow and a bug was inside. It scared me. It may be the earliest memory of fear that I can now recall. Sunflowers often take me back. Many, many years later I moved to Albuquerque. I will always remember driving away from our home. Kathy and Zach were on the front steps. Then I spent a few months living alone for the first time in my life. I will always remember the surprise that living alone was. I felt the "Arms of an Angel" many times. I did not feel alone. I knew I was ok and that the Lord was with me and my family. Then again last summer I left and for short periods each week I lived alone. One night I looked out of the Hotel Window. Sometimes you have moments that reality hits you. The feelings were mixed. I did feel like it was indeed dark and cold. Then I also rememered the same feeling of comfort. I wasn't alone. I knew it would be alright. Often when I hear the song that talks about the arms of an angel and I hear the verse "cold dark hotel room" I think of this picture and I remember those feelings. Memories are too few. How blessed we are to have help and comfort when we need it.

In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here
Sarah McLachlan
Today the books read and re read list goes to letter "F"......................
Fadiman, Anne .................Ex Libris confessions of Common Reader
Franklin, Benjamin..............Selections Poor Richards Almanac
Fleming, Thomas ...............The new dealers war FDR and war within WWII
Foster, Thomas C..................How to read literature like a Professor
Freud, Sigmund ...............Totem and Taboo
Faulkner, William..............As I Lay Dying
Faulkner, William ............A critical commentary of As I Lay Dying
Faulkner, William.............Selected Letters
Frazier, Charles .............Cold Mountain
Fucini, Joseph J...................Entrepreneurs
Fixx’s, Jim ................Second Book of Running
Fixx, Jim ..............The Complete Book of Running
Firmage, Edwin Brown......... Paul and the Expansion of the Church Today
Freiberg, Kevin & Jackie.............Nuts! Southwest Airlines

Friday, February 08, 2008

Letter E is a short list, today was Friday, good day

I have posted this picture before. Then it has been Friday before. The E books below represent a short list of books read or re read recently. Somehow it seems like I may have missed some? On the other hand that may be what this fine lady is wondering.

"Could he have forgotten any letter E books, she ponders?".
You never know?
Got an email about family this morning. Good thoughts. Got one about work yesterday. Seems like both sort of hit the nail on the head. Families are more important. Black and White picture are interesting. This one sort of makes we wonder if this person is wondering about more than just my E books. Probably so???
Eidam, Klaus ...........The True Life of J.S. Bach
Emerson, Ralph Waldo............Self-Reliance and other essays
Emerson, Ralph Waldo ................Essays
Emerson, Ralph Waldo.............Collected Works of
Einstein, Albert ................Essays in Science
Eden, Dorothy...............Speak to Me of Love

Eadie, Betty J. ...........Embraced by the Light

Ellis, Joseph J............His Excellency George Washington

Thursday, February 07, 2008

No connection between the hat and the books and the letter D I suppose. Then again February is a month where I remember stuff

Dad always wanted to have a feather
with some color on his hat. "Yep"

February is my Mom and Dad's anniversay, this week in fact, and then my Mother's birthday, this week in fact, and then, later this month my Father's birthday. All February events that we don't remember the same way anymore. I think of them often. I remember interesting things. Checkers is something my Dad and I played a lot of when I was younger. I remember the first time I beat him but then I am not positive he was pushing as hard as he could but my guess is that he was. He was a very good checker player all of his life. I probably have done will with the game, course I didn't use a board nor did the other player always know they were in the game, then on the other hand, "maybe", I make to much of it all and maybe I am just remembering the real game, the ones with my Dad.
His "hats", another subject, were always a little odd from my point of view and then on the other hand maybe they were pretty cool afterall. My Mom's birthday, their anniversary, and his birthday were always remembered. I did a better job at it growing up. I would make a trip to town when I was very young, alone, and find the "right" present. Buying a present for my Mom always made me proud.

Speaking of February events,
I really can't see any tie in to posting a list of the books I have read or re read over the last few years and in the case of todays list all start with the letter D. Nope no reason at all in anything that I have said so far............."So there you go".
No particualr reason to post this list..............

Dewey, John................. How we think
Dirda, Michael.............. Classics for Pleasure
Duncan, John Ryan............. The Magic Eever Ends C.S. Lewis
DuBois, W.E.B................ The Souls of Black Folk
David, Ron.......... Toni Morrison explained
Dillard, Annie............. The Writing Life
Dickens, Charles .............. A Tale of Two Cities
Dickens, Charles............... The Uncommercial Traveller
Dennis, Ronald D............. Welsh Mormon Writings
Durham, G. Homer ............ N. Eldon Tanner
Diefendorf, Elizabeth.................. Books of the Century
Davis, John ................ A History of Wales
Drucker, Peter F. .............. Managing in a Time of Great Change
Dostoevsky, Fyodor ................ Notes From Underground
Dostoevsky, Fyodor ............ Crime and Punishment

Dew, Sheri L. Gordon B. Hinckley
Doss, Erika.................. Twentieth-Century American Art

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Super Tuesday + 1, Letter C, Remember When

So today is the day after Super Tuesday. Then too it is a day or two after a heavier snow fall than is expected.

It is a day for the letter C
on the list of books read
in recent years or reread.
"Remembering When" I read the particular books last in my C list makes me also think of the song, "Rember When". Great song.

Chavez, Denise ...........The last of the menu girls
Carr, Edward ......... What is history
Cooley, Martha........ The Archivist
Cahill, Thomas ........How the Irish saved civilization
Cameron, Julia..........The Artist’s way
Collins, Bradley........... Leonardo, Psycho/Art History
Collins, Jim...................Good to Great
Coleridge.....................The/series of English classics
Corbin, Alice ..................Red Earth poems of New Mexico
Covey, Stephan R. ..... The 8th Habit
Chomsky, Noam.............Understanding Power
Chopra, Deepak .............Overcoming Addictions
Camus, Albert .............The Myth Of Sisyphus
Camus, Albert .........the Stranger

Clark, Thomas ............ Queries & Submission
Conrad, Joseph..................Heart of Darkness

Remember when thirty seemed so old
Now lookn' back it's just a steppin' stone
To where we are,
Where we've been
Said we'd do it all again
Remember when
Remember when we said when we turned gray
When the children grow up and move away
We won't be sad, we'll be glad
For all the life we've had
And we'll remember when

Sunday, February 03, 2008

B yesterday, A today, the of course C


My plan today was to post the books I have read or re read the last few years that have authors that start with the letter A. Having done B yesterday it seemed only right that I go back and pick up A and perhaps in a day or two I may move on to C and then proceed down the alphabet. I have posted a snap shot of my work station, of which I have offered a couple of choices ,both might be accurate. Then I also have a picture of........
Maya Angelou who is one of the authors in my letter A list. Maya's life is presented from the beginning in "I know why the Caged Bird Sings". Starting out in poverty and a difficult situation she has written many books, served Presidents, and is a very interesting person.
Chinua Achebe is another author I have enjoyed.
He is best known for his first novel, Things Fall Apart, which is the most widely-read book in modern African literature
So maybe today blog is "long on literature" and "short on the day itself" so I will mention that the hightlight of the day yesterday was watching President Gordon B. Hinckley's funneral. The recollections of his life exceed all other stories and most anything I will find between my A and Z. Of course he has been a big part of our lives.
Yesterday was also different because we had a big dinner late and Mike came over. He is going to be gone today with work associates watching the "Big Game". You see I heard on the radio that you can't say "Super Bowl" since it is trademarked or something. Then later last night I went to some friends house to talk about a book. I may be overdoing this weekend on books but on the other hand it took me to a house where I sat in front of a big fire in a fire place for a few hours and just enjoyed the heat on my back. The 6 miles I ran yesterday helped a lot and may be worth listing on this long list of whatever..............
The letter A, listing authors
I have read or re read in the last few years.......................
Armstrong, Karen ....Islam
Akhmatova, Anna..... Poems
Adams, Henry ......The Education of Henry Adams
Angelou, Maya.... I Know Why the caged bird sings
Angelou, Maya.... Even the stars look lonesome
Angelou, Maya.... I shall not be moved
Angelou, Maya ....Wouldn’t take nothing for my journey now
Abrams....... Art of the state of New Mexico
Achebe, Chinua..... Things fall apart
Achebe, Chinua.... Home and exile
Auster, Paul...... The Red Notebook true stories
Austen, Jane..... Sense and Sensibility
Albom, Mitch...... Tuesdays with Morrie
Archimbaud, Nicholas d’ .......Louvre
Anson, Sam..........Exile Unquiet Oblivion Richard Nixon

Saturday, February 02, 2008

A town that stars with A and a list of books by authors that start with B.

Sunny Day this Saturday. Blue Sky, good day to run. Maybe later. Good day to charge up the battery in my camera, work on taxes, take some pictures and maybe post again later. Good day to be up. I suppose I suppose I should capture each day what is best about that day and then on the other hand I sometimes do just that when I blog. I was ready my best friends blog and she summed up her month with a picture from each day and a list of the things she had read. The difference was she had taken the pictures. I do find some favorite pictures almost every day. Pictures of Albuquerque today. A song about Albuquerque, today. So then what about books I have read, lately, since she listed the books she had read in January? Well I will have to admit that I have done a lot of re reading the last year or so. I often will underline as I read and sometimes I will go back and re read the whole book but mostly the underlined part. Then sometimes I go back and remember a part and re read that. Thinking about reading I went in and looked at my list of books read the last 7 or so years.
Figured I would list the books I have read........................ that are under the letter B
Books by Authors from the letter B
that I have, read and some re read

Bettelhelm, Bruno The uses of enchantment
Blake, William The marriage of Heaven and Hell
Boswell, James The life of Samuel Johnson
Brown, David Blayney Romanticism
Brown, Dan The Da Vinci Code
Buckley, William F. Jr Patron/Conservatives
Buckley, William F. Jr Atlantic High
Buck;ley, William F. Jr Let Us Talk of Many Things
Buckley, William F. Jr Miles gone by
Buckley, William F. Jr Right Reason
Buckley, William F. Jr Cancel own/Subscription
Bloom, Harold Shakespeare
Bloom, Harold The American Religion
Bloom, Harold How to read a book and why
Bloom, Harold The Western Cannon
Bloom, Harold Ruin the sacred truths
Bloom, Harold The book of J
Bloom, Harold Yeats
Bloom, Harold Genius
Bloom, Harold Chelsea House/views of Hemingway
Bloom, Harold The visionary company
Bloom, Harold The Best Poems/ English Language
Bloom, Harold Where Shall Wisdom Be Found
Bloom, Harold The Closing of the American Mind
Bryan, Cameron The Artist’s way at work
Brooks, Colette acts of awareness
Basbanes, Nicholas Patience & Fortitude
Basbanes, Nicholas Among the Gently Mad
Brookner, Ania Romanticism and its discontents
Browning, Elizabeth & Robert The Love Poems
Best, Victoria An intro/20th Cty French Literature
Bryson, Bill A short history of nearly everything
Buckingham & Cottman First break all the rules
Bayles & Orland Art & Fear
Burton, Betsy The Kings English
Bytheway, John............Righteous Warriors
Bytheway, John..............Isaiah For Air Heads
Buscaglia, Leo.............Living, Loving & Learning
Barttista, Garth........Runner's/Literary/companion
Baca, Ana ..............Mama Fela’s Girls
The Song, The Lights of Albuquerque
(figured with the pictures of Albuquerque might as well toss in a song)

Desert moon, lights the freeway up tonight,
Chevy van, how I wish that you could fly.
Gotta get to her and tell her I was wrong,
But I'm still such a long, long way from home,
And the road goes on, on and on, on and on.
But the Lights of Albuquerque,
will soon be shining bright
Like a diamond in the desert,
like a beacon in the night.
And I wonder if she'll take me back,
will she understand?
Will the Lights of Albuquerque,
shine for me again?
Thinking back, to the foolish things I said.
Looking out, at the white lines up ahead.
Gonna tell her I can't make it on my own.
Oh, this empty feeling won't leave me alone.
It goes on and on, on and on, on and on
But the Lights of Albuquerque,
will soon be shining bright,
Like a diamond in the desert,
like a beacon in the night.
And I wonder if she'll take me back,
will she understand?
Will the Lights of Albuquerque, shine for me again?