Just keeping in the true spirit of the “Day after Valentine Day Holiday” I felt that the best thing to do was to really get to the” heart” of the matter regarding this day.
For many here in our area it might be a day to go out and pretend like it was yesterday. Snow fell yesterday, you see, and schools closed and lots of stuff probably did not happen.
We on the other hand did have a valentine day. . I wrote about my special person on the blog yesterday. We didn’t get snowed out.
Keeping in the spirit of the “random blog”, I am mentioning again the “day after Valentine Day Holiday”. I still have not seen any little candy hearts. I may just have to
settle for the picture here. This may seem like a small thing but I just don’t remember
a Valentine day without having seen these little candy hearts.
Then again I remember a dinner on North Main in Pocatello. It was in the late 50’s or no later than 61 or 62. Just North of Hoppers. Hoppers was a sort of dinner, soda fountain. Stouffers was the name of this” restaurant soda fountain”. A block south of Hoppers was the Woolworth store and inside was a lunch counter. All three were a short walk from High School. Iron Port can still be found. It is close to Dr Pepper. A cherry cream ironport was pretty neat. A cherry phosphate was ok. Even then they had little candy valentine hearts by the way.
We had a neighbor a few years back that had a soda fountain in his basement. It was worth remembering, just as much really, as the ones from way back when.
Green chile has been as much of a unique food fine as anything every found in a soda fountain.
Running under the blue sky looking at the clouds is timeless. The air and the warmth of the sun are timeless. Experience only adds to the memories. Knowledge gives the memories definition. Know what you know is as much about finding out what you don’t know.
Today is always better than yesterday.
A friend and I talked this weekend. We caught up. Emails were exchanged. His email to me had this at the bottom “Remember: The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing”.
Yesterdays Valentine flowers are today already a blurred memory

I never went to Stouffers but I loved Hopper's. Great burgers and shakes served in the metal mixing container.
I wish we had diners like this still. We went to Ruby's yesterday but it was only mediocre.
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