“I will know what you are if you tell me what
you think about when you do not have to think”.
This is a quote from a book called “True to the Faith”, by David O McKay. A man is a reflection of what he thinks about. As a man thinketh so is he, Thoughts are things. See yesterday’s blog. I will know what you are if you tell me what you think about…………..
when you don’t have to think takes the idea of thinking creating who we are to a specific place. It shows the importance of idle or random thoughts. Those are the ones that really define us. “Specific Random Thoughts”
The source to find thoughts or subjects is infinite. The Universe or even its Atoms can be the subjects of thought.
Stephan Hawkings, speaking of the Universe, said that the question of why it is that the universe and we exist was worth thinking about. He said that if we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason -- for then we should know the mind of God. Einstein is reported in a well-known story to have said of his physics career, that everything he had done, he had done in an effort to know the mind of God.
Makes you wonder what Hawkings and Einstein thought about when they didn’t have to think?
A thought about birds. I like to think about the birds that fly in formation. See Sunday February 18th blog. Makes you wonder which bird is doing the thinking. One would assume that the lead bird is thinking for all of them or maybe the one alone in the middle has a role. The lead bird takes the most wind resistence. The ones behind have the ability to ride the flow and when the lead bird is tired he or she can fall back and let another take the pressure and the formation allows for rest for some. This is some good stuff to think about when looking up birds flying this way. Wonder what the birds think about.
I guess one sure thing is that if we knew what the birds were thinking about in this situation we would know what they were. That was the quote we started with.


The assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not
seen. Heb:11:1
To make the effort to obtain knowledge and wisdom and even intelligence, rather than to just fill ones thoughts with idle and random things is an act of faith.
Knowledge begins with the belief that it can be gained. Who we are begins with faith.
1 comment:
I know your blog is more about words than pictures - but I just wanted to say how much I enjoy the images you put with your posts. You do a good job of illustrating your thoughts with these. :)
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