A Common thread yet still we are different
Seems to me that we need to connect with each other. It isn’t really about me, because if it were it wouldn’t be about connecting. In some ways this thought is in conflict the whole approach to maintaining a blog, or doing a blog or the existence of a blog. Is the blog just a continuous ramble about the person who types it up each day, or could it be, or is it really, a “connection”?
Let me tell you about a blog that was for me a connection. I have checked this favorite blog now each day looking for life this week. In addition I checked it as often as a few times a week for almost the last year. Each time I would look in if felt like I had connected. . The blog was all about a guy and his viewpoints and his thoughts. It was about the points of view that just happened to be on his mind. For him it was about him.
Then again since I didn’t make my own contact or leave a message it just left it about him by him. His favorite books. His favorite pictures and quotes. If I would have just said hello I could have saved him from himself. He was in the upper Midwest. He posted his picture once for a couple of days. I felt connected.
Sounds like my blog.....................
Do we need to connect with others? I think so. First and foremost we have our best connection in our family. No question on that. Still maybe we all connect. Maybe we really share our existence and are part of a common thread. I felt connected to my blog “sort of contact, almost friend”, except that a week and a half ago the blog stopped. No postings since then. Then today it pops up as if no blog exists at that address. I need a time to get past this lost friend. I should have logged on and said hello. I watched and I read but I didn’t go past that. For me it was a lot like reading rather than connecting. I miss the blog. It’s gone and I learned that about an hour ago.
Reading of course has been a big thing for me. It is in some ways opposite of connection. A book I read about reading said that ‘the pleasures of reading are selfish rather than social. It said that you cannot directly improve anyone else’s life by reading better or more deeply”. I guess I proved that. I read my favorite blog for months on end. Today it is gone. Only I benefited by what I read and no connection was made but it is missed.
One has to wonder what is worth “connecting to”. What does each day have in common? Who and even what is a “common thread” of the day and the days. Then again if now one reads the blog in the forest how can it be missed? On the other hand I already found out that without a connection I still could miss a blog.
Favorite things
My wife’s voice
My children’s growth
Special chocolate cookies
A walk with my best friend
A good book re read
A long time friend who makes contact
Sun on my face
Air moving through my lungs as I run
The colors of the earth
Answers found in the scriptures
Seeing an unselfish act
A long run
People who care about others.
yes sir I thought I would leave myself a mesage.
read your blog. Liked it
too funny that you left yourself a comment!
I also enjoy the connections I have been able to make through blogs :)
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