Having wondered what a Tweeter is I learned that a Tweeter is a Twitter Interface that allows you to post new tweets through Facebook. Tweeter apparently can be used directly and one can "Tweet" to all they want. I guess the "need" that this fills is that some folks might like to "follow" other folks, (this means they are are followers in Tweetlatin) and other folks like to have followers (you might think that I am of that persuasion but then if I was I would be expounding this on Facebook rather than to my small small group of occasional readers here). In addition some folks really do, probably, want to know what other folks are thinking and then of course some folks want everyone to know what they are thinking. Of course this brings the "Re Tweet" into question. Yes "Re Tweet" is indeed something that happens. When you Re Tweet I have learned that you then have a "outstanding opportunity to improve your standing on the Twitter". You see some folks just don't Tweet about how they like their potato salad and if they have a headache but they sometimes offer up thoughts about all the stuff that might be meaningful to their followers. Sometimes links and articles so then if you want to Re Tweet you just take that interesting stuff that you get and post it as a Re Tweet giving credit to the folks that came up with it. (I am tempted to suggest you add that if all that read it don't re tweet in 10 seconds that "they will be sorry, ect you know what I am saying here") Anyway truth is I do not see any advice on threats needing to accompany Re Tweets.
Todays blog may not be a real insight into anything as of this point so I thought I would retweet a thought, kind of like I did yesterday.
You see in my opinion I think that the whole economic mess is not just the result of bad democrats or republicans as far as the parties are concerned. I think it is the result of greed, corruption, dishonesty, and peoples pride. I offer up a Re Tweet on this...........One of them will work hopefully................................. actually I am retweeting KJ's note to me or should I say tweet to me today...........................
Blumner: Greed and self-interest to blame for economic meltdown -
actually twitter and tweeting is totally different than facebook. You can sort of treat facebook like twitter if you update your status. You will find that when you do update your status you are more likely to have people come and make a comment on your facebook wall.
You can also import a blog post into facebook if you want if there are some people who don't read your blog but do check your facebook.
Really, it can all get out of hand if you have to tweet, facebook, and blog every thought though! LOL!
I'm enjoying facebook but I just think twitter is a waste. just my opinion
oh, and a lot of people end up using facebook instead of a blog if they just want to keep their friends and family updated and they aren't worried about a larger audience.
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