Millcreek Canyon has along the South facing slope the “Pipeline Trail” where once an old pipeline was used to transport water from the canyon to Salt Lake City. The trail is found near the top of the South Slope and it then runs in a nice flat grade up the canyon. Early May mornings in the canyon find the air cool and crisp. I left the road at “rattlesnake gulch” and started out on the dirt trail that would wind from side to side to the pipeline. This Saturday morning I was alone. No running friends were with me. I knew that once I reached the top of the South slope that I would be able to run with the warmth of the sun. I had no coat, short sleeves and was quickly finding the air a little cold for my dress. The trail was overhung with trees on each side as it started the climb. Well into the trees with the road far behind me I turned a corner to find sitting on the side of the road not too far ahead a Bobcat. The face appeared to be extra wide due to ruffs of extended hair beneath the ears and the long whiskers. On the other hand maybe this was just a very large Bobcat. I will say that my memory of it seems to make it larger as time passes. Of course the good news is that Bobcats prefer rabbits, rodents and even deer to runners. Like myself that day, these cats are largely solitary but then they are territorial and I figured the best thing to do was stop and back up. After walking carefully backwards until I could not see him anymore I stopped and had a choice to make. Go back, forget the run I had come for or figure out how to move forward again. After a while I found some rocks and threw several ahead in the direction where I had found this rather large Bobcat. After a few rocks and some time I moved ahead. I didn’t see the cat again and figured it was a good time to start out on a full run. Once I got to the top I figured I was in good shape. Probably nothing to worry about except a few snakes.
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