The Heart that gives Gathers
Marianne Moore
This is a great quote. We make each other better. We are better by being around good people. Who we like to be around says a lot about us. We sanctify each other one way or another.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Hang in there..........................

The best sermons are lived not preached............Cowboy Wisdom
Wondering about what Cowboy Wisdom is? It may have something to do with the type of wisdom you would "think" would come from someone who was rugged and independent and who was sort of tough? Maybe "Cowboy Wisdom" has nothing to do with being a "Cowboy" at all. Maybe it has to do with being willing to just press forward and to work towards good things.
Courage does not always roar. Sometimes it is a quiet voice at the end of the day, saying.........."I will try again tomorrow". Mary Anne Radmacher
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Where does the influence of Change come from.........

Sometimes in the "Winds of Change" we find our true direction......
A good quote. It does indeed seem that a "better direction" can be the result of unexpected influences.
"The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so it is every one that is born of the Spirit" St. John 3:8
Another good quote that came to my attention this week is "If you don't Stand for Something you will Fall for anything"
Friday, March 27, 2009
Trying seems to worth something
It is one of the most beautiful compensations in life..........
Than no man can sincerely try to help another
Without helping himself
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Than no man can sincerely try to help another
Without helping himself
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Thought for the day.................................
Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. ~Robert Brault
Saturday, March 21, 2009
stuff about stuff, 23 miles later

Pictures of "Stuff" and then a week full of thoughts ought to be enough to find a theme for a blog................ Having said that I will have to tell you that yesterday on the way home I pulled up to a light and in the lane next to me was a Harley-Davidson. The guy on it older. As I listened to the sound of the bike and watched it pull ahead in the other lane I thought for a time about the freedom that it may have represented. Earlier in the week I got a post card at work from a company selling trucks. The same thoughts as the Harley. Might be interesting to just drive one, again. I have always had a fascination with large trucks and in various ways they have been part of my own career. I knew a man a few years back who owned a large national trucking company. He had retired and his kids had taken over. He had a white truck and trailer that was made up for him and he would every few weeks go on a "run" around the country somewhere. Course I go on a run around my country often, except for the last few weeks.......................................
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Quote for the Day,Absolutely Nothing or 22 miles today

There will come a time when you believe everything
is finished. That will be the beginning.
by Louis L'amour and his book Lonely on the Mountain
T.S. Eliot
We shall not cease from exploration, and the
end of our exploring will be to arrive
Where we started, and to know that
place for the first time
The real voyage of discovery consists
not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes.
Neal Maxwell
The issue is not what we have done but what we
have become. What we have become is more
than our actions. It is also the result of our
attitudes, our motives, and our desires
is finished. That will be the beginning.
by Louis L'amour and his book Lonely on the Mountain
T.S. Eliot
We shall not cease from exploration, and the
end of our exploring will be to arrive
Where we started, and to know that
place for the first time
The real voyage of discovery consists
not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes.
Neal Maxwell
The issue is not what we have done but what we
have become. What we have become is more
than our actions. It is also the result of our
attitudes, our motives, and our desires
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Millcreek recollection

Millcreek Canyon has along the South facing slope the “Pipeline Trail” where once an old pipeline was used to transport water from the canyon to Salt Lake City. The trail is found near the top of the South Slope and it then runs in a nice flat grade up the canyon. Early May mornings in the canyon find the air cool and crisp. I left the road at “rattlesnake gulch” and started out on the dirt trail that would wind from side to side to the pipeline. This Saturday morning I was alone. No running friends were with me. I knew that once I reached the top of the South slope that I would be able to run with the warmth of the sun. I had no coat, short sleeves and was quickly finding the air a little cold for my dress. The trail was overhung with trees on each side as it started the climb. Well into the trees with the road far behind me I turned a corner to find sitting on the side of the road not too far ahead a Bobcat. The face appeared to be extra wide due to ruffs of extended hair beneath the ears and the long whiskers. On the other hand maybe this was just a very large Bobcat. I will say that my memory of it seems to make it larger as time passes. Of course the good news is that Bobcats prefer rabbits, rodents and even deer to runners. Like myself that day, these cats are largely solitary but then they are territorial and I figured the best thing to do was stop and back up. After walking carefully backwards until I could not see him anymore I stopped and had a choice to make. Go back, forget the run I had come for or figure out how to move forward again. After a while I found some rocks and threw several ahead in the direction where I had found this rather large Bobcat. After a few rocks and some time I moved ahead. I didn’t see the cat again and figured it was a good time to start out on a full run. Once I got to the top I figured I was in good shape. Probably nothing to worry about except a few snakes.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
RE Tweety and so on

Having wondered what a Tweeter is I learned that a Tweeter is a Twitter Interface that allows you to post new tweets through Facebook. Tweeter apparently can be used directly and one can "Tweet" to all they want. I guess the "need" that this fills is that some folks might like to "follow" other folks, (this means they are are followers in Tweetlatin) and other folks like to have followers (you might think that I am of that persuasion but then if I was I would be expounding this on Facebook rather than to my small small group of occasional readers here). In addition some folks really do, probably, want to know what other folks are thinking and then of course some folks want everyone to know what they are thinking. Of course this brings the "Re Tweet" into question. Yes "Re Tweet" is indeed something that happens. When you Re Tweet I have learned that you then have a "outstanding opportunity to improve your standing on the Twitter". You see some folks just don't Tweet about how they like their potato salad and if they have a headache but they sometimes offer up thoughts about all the stuff that might be meaningful to their followers. Sometimes links and articles so then if you want to Re Tweet you just take that interesting stuff that you get and post it as a Re Tweet giving credit to the folks that came up with it. (I am tempted to suggest you add that if all that read it don't re tweet in 10 seconds that "they will be sorry, ect you know what I am saying here") Anyway truth is I do not see any advice on threats needing to accompany Re Tweets.
Todays blog may not be a real insight into anything as of this point so I thought I would retweet a thought, kind of like I did yesterday.
You see in my opinion I think that the whole economic mess is not just the result of bad democrats or republicans as far as the parties are concerned. I think it is the result of greed, corruption, dishonesty, and peoples pride. I offer up a Re Tweet on this...........One of them will work hopefully................................. actually I am retweeting KJ's note to me or should I say tweet to me today...........................
Blumner: Greed and self-interest to blame for economic meltdown -
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Were all in the waiting room now thanks to Pride

I hope this link works because it is really interesting. I found the subject, the rant on the news by a wall street guy about the unfairness of the "guy next door" a little ironic when I saw it and before, apparently the "Daily Show" saw that within the rant was a interesting way to poke fun and lay bare both Wall Street and those poor folks who just wanted to make money, at everyones expense. The issue I think it that the problems we are having have everything to do with greed and pride and corruption and probably little to do with politics.
No matter who tells the joke it is indeed a "joke", sad one indeed, that so many seem to be so hung up in their own agenda's. Pride may Go before the Fall. The pride of those that this video pokes fun at should have slipped a little.
Pride may be the issue in a nutshell.
One definition of pride in the first sense comes from Augustine: "the love of one's own excellence."...................... In this sense, the opposite of pride is humility. Then humility, or being humble, is the defining characteristic of an unpretentious and modest person, someone who does not think that he or she is better or more important than others.......................there indeed is the issue of so many who have hurt the country...............................
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Another Hat

"Another hat", another day, a new blog, some quotes from another blog, thoughts about blogs, wondering about face book, listening to the news, keeping my foot up, getting some great help and care, in some ways a nice weekend, wondering about books, a book blog, how to get my stuff loaded on the blog, do I need gmail, will the stimulus package work, what will happen on Lost next, remembering "Alias", not that I forgot it but I couldn't remember the name: All stuff to think about.
These are some great quotes. Actually I did not just find these and put them together and I admire the person who did. It says a lot about her outlook.................................
"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty." — Mahatma Gandhi
"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." — E.E. Cummings
"Be the change that you wish to see in the world." — Mahatma Gandhi
"It is our choices, Harry, that show us who we truly are, far more than our abilities." — J.K. Rowling
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