John and Albert on my mind today.....................

When I run I often listen to my IPOD and one of the songs on my "long" list is Imagine by John Lennon. I have always liked the song but then there are things to not like about the song too. The song, "perhaps", take a point of view that there is now heaven and really only now, but then "perhaps" that really is just a backdrop or tool to frame the idea of living "now" better. Earlier this week I have found a new theory by Stephen Hawking about the formation of the universe very interesting. In this theory, the early universe can be described by a mathematical object called a wave function and, in a similar way to the light particle, the team proposed two years ago that this means that there was no unique origin to the cosmos: instead the wave function of the universe embraced a multitude of means to develop. Imagine............the big bang theory is being replaced. This new idea suggests that everything that there is expanded from the size of an atom.
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