Yesterday I saw a bird drop down to within a foot of the road ahead. His wings seemed to lean forward as his body leaned back and then with what seemed to be on obvious increase in speed the wings worked together to hold the the body almost still while the bird looked for something. Quickly it moved to the other side of the road and then ahead, each time almost stopping in mid air for a few minutes. The rhythm of the wings and the stillness of the body seemed perfect.
I thought of that "moment of stillness" today as I reached a midpoint in my 10 mile path. I relaxed just above the road. Sometimes with a deliberate attempt, but best unplanned, come moments of "stillness". The body moves across and up the road but then comes a second when mind seems to leave the body and float. Unplanned it can be like fresh new air just arrived. As the brain inhales it loses its recollection of recent events. For a moment you can not remember where you are and what you were thinking about. Often the brief moment having left is so missed that I "reach" for it to come back. Several large breaths of air inhaled and then the last held can help. I admit to closing my eyes at those moments and then for a brief second your mind and thoughts seem to fall and become separate from, and unconnected to, your body. The fall is almost real and is emphasized as you feel your body almost stagger but all the while you, and what you perceive to be "you", seems to be somewhere else.
Unplanned and even created highs,
Unplanned and even created highs,
to a degree while running is
a moment of stillness.
Just above the road,
energy all around
quietness within.
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