Saturday, June 14, 2008

Searching for Jumbo

So this is my day before Fathers Day post. I can't even think of a picture to put on this? Maybe I will later, and will add to this? This morning I opened a book about writing and noticed with interest some of the things that I had underlined. One item mentioned that in good writing the readers needs, rather than ones own, should dominate the "thinking" that goes into the writing. It also mentioned that good writing is a lot like good manners. This was a help to communicating with he reader, or course. In another chapter it said that "Mumbo Jumbo"is what comes out in first and second drafts when your still writing for yourself.
Success. Writing for myself is pretty much a given on this blog. Guess it really, in many ways, is indeed "Mumbo Jumbo". On the other hand I have also given some thought to who else reads it and I often try to tell about something that I would like to have known or quote something that I think has helped me and may help others.
Success eventually: So even though I "may" be writing this for myself and it sometimes is indeed "mumbo jumbo" I would offer a defense of the approach by saying that I find that writing is also a way of thinking things over......................................
The great enemy of clear language is insincerity.
When there is a gap between ones's real and ones's
declared aims, one turns , as were instinctively,
to long words and exhausted idioms, like
cuttlefish squirting out ink.
George Orwell
Writing and rewriting are a constant search
for what it is one is saying
John Updike

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