
in the fall

These leaves are nice but they don't have a thing to do with putting this blog together today. I went out in the back yard to take a picture but even if it had been worth posting it wouldn't have had any leaves like these. The last time I saw leaves like these out in the real world might have been up Millcreek canyon on a run. Running in the fall is a great experience in the canyons. Mike and I went 5 miles yesterday and 4 today but I also know we didn't' see any leaves like this. Truth is in December I suppose I shouldn't even be thinking about leaves with great colors. Nevertheless December is been a great month so far. If I was to try to find something that I thought about that might be "blogworthy" it would be a picture of a bunch of cranes. You see I heard a story about how in the "bosque" ( the area on both sides of the Rio Grande that is very natural and filled with trees) birds flying together in migration often land. The story reported on how Cranes had been seen landing to eat in an open area and then when they did this they formed several circles and the ones on the outside stood looking outward to guard the others and then almost at once the ones who hadn't eaten moved inside and others moved out to take their places allowing them to eat. This would have been great to have found a picture of but if you have read this far, first off let me say wow I am surprised to have readers actually, and the I would add that obviously I didn't find a picture so the leaves will have to do. I suspect that what the cranes did has some great meaning that will make our lives better, the day worth it all, and that we can come back to and ponder? You have to wonder how they know when it is time to "switch" and if they really do move almost at once as was reported? Like the story of the birds in formation and the lead bird taking more wind than the one behind and then less for the one behind that one and so on and then for some reason one falls back and the other takes the place? Again the question of how is this communicated and how is it all fair. Seems like humans would be focused on who was treated less fair. The power is really in the circle and the formation and it seems like the leader is just an assignment that is rather temporary. Yep.
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