2007 was no exception.
At times I felt like climbing on the roof and looking up for answers. Domino's is about the first choice and the final choice I suppose. A time on the roof or walking through the park to ponder. Might as well have just listened to the T Cheshire Cat. He appears and disappears at will, engaging Alice in conversation. He sometimes points out philosophical points that annoy. Plenty to talk about even with the cat.
At times I felt like climbing on the roof and looking up for answers. Domino's is about the first choice and the final choice I suppose. A time on the roof or walking through the park to ponder. Might as well have just listened to the T Cheshire Cat. He appears and disappears at will, engaging Alice in conversation. He sometimes points out philosophical points that annoy. Plenty to talk about even with the cat.
Just yesterday a Cheshire Cat popped out of nowhere and offered up a Rx for sanity. Seems as though his doctor had written this one down for him and he wanted to just pass it on to us. Sanity, he said, leaves sometimes when things change. You miss your prior routine, or feel alone, or don't know how you feel so he said the solution was to find something that you really enjoyed doing and to spend an hour a day or two or a few times a week and do that thing that you really enjoy. (Perhaps if we knew for sure what it was that we really enjoyed a lot sanity wouldn't be something we would need a Rx for? On the other hand I figure one might as well play along when the Cheshire Cat offers advice. So then what is it that I really like to do. Doing a blog is ok but it may not be anything new and since I am doing it already then it probably won't count. This guy said for him he like to make model airplanes? Said starting them was enough and finishing them was not necessary. That could work but then I don't do well with projects that require talent like that. So I look back and find that for several weeks I have enjoyed "a lot" spending time watching TV with Kathy and lately Mike. We watch "Alias" often each night. DVD's. The red head in the picture is one of the Stars. I realize that as far as a leading lady is concerned I liked the role her "mother had" so I suppose considering my age that may be healthy, sort of. Anyway 3rd Rock from the Sun is another one. I have enjoyed these. I remember missing the first few seasons of "Raymond". Wish I had missed them all so that now I could be watching it on DVD. So there you go. Something that helps with the Sanity. So what about the quote above on Excellence you ask? Ok I am asking it? "What we are we repeatedly do. Excellence then, one may conclude, is not a act but a habit. This of course is Aristotle's point about excellence.
Even so I figure it gets down to integrity.....................
If we can have our acts and habits be of value and of worth then we may be more likely to have what we are excellent at be something of "integrity". I figure spending some time watching some funny and intense stuff with folks I like is pretty excellent and I am sane too........................
(disclaimer..................Above you will find a picture of 4 folks sitting on a roof. They are discussing some intense stuff. The guy in the window wonders out loud and asks the older guy next too him, we will just call him the commander. Commander, he asks, how far do you suppose this rock travels each year as it circles around the Sun? The commander reply and this is pretty important stuff. He says, " ya know this rock, the 3rd rock from the Sun makes this trip each year. If however you want to know how far the rock travels then you have to remember that each year is not the same. Some have 365 days and one year each 4 years we have 366 days. You see to give you a specific amount of miles that the rock travels say averaged over 5 years would be necessary if you want to know a specific number. That number of miles for example will not be reached until 5:30 AM tommorrow. This may seem odd but it can be explained. Now if you must know as of yesterday December 30th 2007 this rock, the 3rd rock from the sun, earth, has traveled 583,652,710 miles. Ya see.