looked up stress on google. No particular reason of course. This picture was titled how to relieve stress. At first it seemed logical and I figured it was worth pondering some. Course it seems a given that this picture is somebody else, somewhere else, not me . Then I figured it out. That is the message today. Don't be me or anywhere near me and it might relieve strees. Apparently you get gold sand and a slender body with the deal. Of course even this person is reflecting something in terms of a shadow and then too the steps taken are clear. Don't know where this person is going or where they have been but the steps leave their marks and the reflection of where they are marks the fact that they are somewhere. Then too I notice the person is listening for something. Maybe it is directions. Anyway I will mark this note of to a reflection of having got up and figured I would type something.
Being within 50 miles of you seems to do the job
Then again it was still there when you were 700 miles away so maybe there's something else causing it
(I'm gonna play stupid and pretend I don't know what it is)
good luck with all your big decisions.
I love you.
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