By making choices, between a variety of options ,each within a category, a computer program I recently looked at, says this indicates "brain color". Red being sort of creative and adventuresome and green being more or less a mediator and thinker. This conclusion is of course cut down to some simple generalizations about the generalizations. An example of how this works can be shown by the implications of a choice you would make on a list of potential job choices. The question would be what would you rather be? A rock star, a fiction writer, a college professor or some other options.It takes a lot of choices for the conclusion the test makes rather than just the one choice about career but I looked at the different conclusions that followed others and were about three potential career choices. For the Rock Star career choice, Purple by the way, it says that of all the brain types, this one is the most idealistic, tending to think wild, amazing thoughts. For those who among other choices chose Collage Professor, Green, the conclusion was that of all the brain types, this one has the most balance, able to see all sides to most problems. Then for those that also among other choices chose Fiction Writer it suggests that their thoughts are big and bold, tending to spend a lot of time thinking about love, dreams, and distant places.. Now I am admitting that the "College Professor" was my choice and that it is not big surprise that it predicted me "green". On the other hand this is all to simple. I don't think it is accurate to imply all that was implied. Another point of view might be that the brain could be more like a prism than this test suggests. It may reflect the choice as an out come of tendencies but it also may have the potential to take on a number of "colors" or other thoughts at other times and in various ways reflect them too. One would think that a variety of choices would be better to label someone with anyway. Why indeed is choice between Rock Star and Writer going to be enough in what reflects to suggest a inner structure? Then too what is the best choice today about anything. What to do, what to do?................................The sign post ahead says make some choices. In making today's choices who am I, red, green or purple. To wonder I suppose makes me Green. Ah to be Red.Or even "with Red".
so you figured out I chose Rockstar huh?
Spoken like a true college professor of philosophy :)
I chose fiction writer and I got green. Not too shocked that you and I got the same brain results :)
Well, I chose fiction writer and I am very red.
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