Sunday, September 30, 2007

Good Places to be

Today is Zach's Missionary Farewell. I recall a number of years ago that these events were pretty amazing. Each family member would talk. Relatives would do a musical number. It was an "event". The problem was the "event" was suppose to be about church and not that family ect. Anyway it all changed. Even so we have all of us together today and it is a nice day. In a couple of weeks if this wall above is the Provo one then Zach may be in a picture like this. Then as far as the other picture of the Salt Lake Temple is concerned I will have to say that in all the times I have seen the Temple or pictures this was a new view. I liked the feeling of a "family" or a place like a small town the "inclusiveness of the space within the structure and then the blending of it to the sky and the background. Then add to this special day I have to consider that getting away to what matters is pretty neat. Like this bird over the ocean. What else could matter more than the air and the water and the strength to do what is needed.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Ducky day but then a great weekend

Today we went to the Bosque. This area along side the Rio Grande is interesting to walk through and for being right in the middle of a city it is a pretty amazing experience. This tree was to be the sight of a family picture but we found out that on the back side of this tree live a lot of bees or wasps. First half of a Saturday. On the other hand the ducks were almost in a row.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Good habits, less good habits, and mighty fine habits.

If excellence is what we repeatedly do then is it the repetition or the perfection of what was repeated. Either way the suggestion is that it is a characteristic of a person or a reflection of what they have become. It must be that one becomes "excellent". It must be a step by step process. The problem with this definition is that it also implies that it is created rather than sought for. ..........................................On the other hand what about Selflessness. this is by definition: "The act of sacrificing ones own interest for the greater good". This too is a problem in that it implies that the greater good is not necessarily found without but is above self and what is good for the self must be given up for the greater good. Which is excellence. That which is reached for or that which is perfected.......................So this may not be the most important item to be thinking about but "o well" if your willing to give the time to read this then in that sense you must be selfless. A fine thing you have done. Selfless for sure. Reading all these words and then no real excellence achieved. If I were to recreate the message from Aristotle I would suggest that: What we repeatedly do is indeed what we are and if we are to become excellent it is as much about "motive" as it is about a specific act. See highest form of motive in the blog a few days back.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Little Lady now of fame, in a house by a river in a town far away.

Once upon a time, in a house by a river, in a town far away, I had a little sister. I remember her well. Things change, times change, I suppose. Still now, still today, I have a little sister, just the same.

So is this nice young lady "inside the lady we know today" ...............................or "was the lady we know today, even then, inside the young lady back then?

Then too why was this picture taken back then? What was the parent who most likely took this picture wondering then? Where they asking themselves what is she thinking? Maybe it was just that they were captured, as I am now, by the impressionable look on this cute face?

Coversation in River City

Interviewing folks who may be"NUTS" sounds like it can be a cultivated and acquired talent. I was told by a pro on this subject (don't think he was interviewing me?) that a standard list of questions are useful in letting the State know that their funds are indeed being spent in a appropriate way and that the particular candidate in question is documented as nuts. Thinking back on some of the questions, or perhaps some that should be listed.

1. Tell me know how do you feel about yourself

2. Have you had any thoughts of hurting yourself or somebody?

3. Are you working right now?

4. Do you have a place to live or are you getting kicked out

5. Have you been talking to any imaginary folks lately.

6. Any racing anxiety.

7. Any trouble sleeping.

8. You sometimes have trouble understanding who is interviewing who.

9. Your not sure if your giving or getting an interview?

10. Try as you will you have no #10 for a list like this.

Conclusion: Big Trouble in River City.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Act well thou part, rather than standing in the fork

.............................."I shall be telling this with as sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –
I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference"

Is it true that in making a choice that one will be better than the other? Does it follow that one vs's the other "will make all the difference" ? I recently sought council on some choices and was looking hard for the "right" choice.
It seemed to me that choice often goes hand in hand with motive. It helps to consider a presentation about motives found in a book"Pure in Heart" by Dallin Oaks. I reviewed this book on Amazon and it is listed on the list of reviews to the right on this blog under Amazon reviews. In my review I mentioned chapter 3 and the list of 6 reasons for service presented from least to most important. Oaks starts his list with the least useful reason being "Earthly Reward". This is service for the sake of riches and honor. Then then next one begin "Good Companionship" which is a step up but still about self and reward. Then in the middle is "Fear of Punishment" which sort of works but doesn't say much about motive. Then comes "Duty or Loyalty" which is a good motive and one a lot of good soldiers, good people, just follow. The second highest or second best in the list is "Hope of a Reward". This of course is an Eternal Reward because for this to be a good motive it has to be driven by "faith" that eternally it will make a difference and that there even is an eternity. The sixth reason for service is the highest of all. "Charity" is "the pure love of Christ". For our service to be based on charity it must be unconcerned with self and heedless of personal advantage.
So then is making a choice really a fork in the road. It may be if the choice is between good or evil, or not good or good, BUT if the choice is to be best it ought to be one that just seeks to accomplish what the Lord would want for us. The point then is that motive in a choice is going to impact the outcome of the choice. ....................................A friend recently suggested to me that all choices are not between the exact right or wrong course. Sometimes either choice will be ok. That by itself is good council. It helps a lot to know that everything will be ok and that a good motive can enhance those odds. If your motive is to do what the Lord wants you to do then if that motive is sincere then perhaps you will have a net under your choice in case you need it. "He" may not let you fail really if your motive is right. Perhaps along the road less traveled are lots and lots of choices that all would work out fine and along the other road there are also lots and lots of choices and all or those will lead to problems. It seems like one ought to just try to do what right and to do it for the right reason. What E'er-Thou-Art-Act-Well-Thou-Part

Saturday, September 22, 2007

MIles still to go

A Saturday morning can be a variety of things. and events and even thoughts, especially on a walk or a run. For a lot of years it was running and on occasion running up Millcreek Canyon. Up the side of the canyon was a trail that came to be when a pipeline was put in years ago. We just called it the pipeline trail and on it you could go 10 miles up the Canyon and then back or you could work your way down to the bottom of the canyon and run the other way on the road. In the mid 1800's my great grandfather came to the Salt Lake Valley. He worked for a time in this very canyon as a laborer.
Today was different. Zach and I walked a 4 mile loop around the area where we live. The air was clear and even a little crisp. We talked about a lot of stuff. It is always worth a few miles on a walk/run to bring up a subject. It may sound a little boring but I brought up books. Well by the way it wasn't boring to me or I wouldn't have brought it up. For that matter two of the three I am going to mention are on my Amazon Reveiws link that you can get to on the link to the right of where you looking. What were his favorite books? Most favorite? Last one he really liked? Then with some time to think about these deep questions, he couldn't think of any really but he suggested several he didn't like. He has read a lot of books. I suggested a few that stood out for different reasons. Even though listing books often leaves out scriptures since they are assumed to by the reality of the author in a place for ranking all their own, I included one on my favorite list of books. "Jesus The Christ" by Talmage combines the 4 gospels in a way that tells the story of Christs recorded life in a unique way. The book leaves you anxious to turn the page and hungry to learn more of "Him". Others from other areas of focus came up. I like William Buckleys "Miles Gone By". I was telling Zach that more than most liberals and conservatives I have found Buckley's point of view more thought out and based on a intellectual look at his subject matter rather than just a reaction to the troubles of the day. In particular I like his consistency. He grew up a Catholic and he has seemed to have consistently cared about his religion through out his life. You have to admire someone who embraces religion because it "means something to him", vs's doing it because it "makes you fell better than others, or as Zach said, "fills a tick" (itch). Another book I like is "As I lay Dying" by William Faulkner. My reason has everything to do with the "music" I hear in the words as I read them rather than the story. I had read and thought about this book for years before I realized that Faulkner title came from Book XI of Homer's The Odyssey, wherein Agamemnon speaks to Odysseus: "As I lay dying, the woman with the dog's eyes would not close my eyes as I descended into Hades. That said these southern folks, about 15 of them, tell their story or express their viewpoint of what happens in what is called a "stream of consciousness" style of writing. This label says it all. Each character just sort of rambles out in their own language style everything that flows through their mind while old mom sort of checks out. As said I like the sound of their voices in my head.
So Zach and I finished our walk. Summed up the review. It was not without a comment or two on the weather, the air, the fire burning some weeds, questions about what are mom and I going to do, and some other concerns. Just a Saturday morning here today.

Friday, September 21, 2007

do you best, try harder, be grateful

This books on the inside cover says that "no nation can be greater than the strength of it its individual homes or the virtue of its people". This book suggests that it is values that can change the world. It suggests ten things that have been proven over the ages to make a difference. Love, Honesty, Morality, Civility, Learning, Forgiveness and Mercy, Thrift and Industry, Gratitude, Optimism, and Faith. Gordon Hinckley in this book suggests a new emphasis. I guess this recognizes that focus for a lot of folks sort of comes and goes. The interesting issue is to see how people seem so committed embracing better virtues when they have troubles. Arrogance is perhaps what brings the fall that brings people to see the need. I like the quote on page 89. "Gratitude is the beginning of civility, of decency and goodness, of a recognition that we cannot afford to be arrogant. We should walk with the knowledge that we will need help every step of the way."
Things to be grateful for. Family, good examples, knowledge, love, health, the ability to have agency and choice, and the opportunity to "try harder".

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

somebody, somewhere, perhaps

looked up stress on google. No particular reason of course. This picture was titled how to relieve stress. At first it seemed logical and I figured it was worth pondering some. Course it seems a given that this picture is somebody else, somewhere else, not me . Then I figured it out. That is the message today. Don't be me or anywhere near me and it might relieve strees. Apparently you get gold sand and a slender body with the deal. Of course even this person is reflecting something in terms of a shadow and then too the steps taken are clear. Don't know where this person is going or where they have been but the steps leave their marks and the reflection of where they are marks the fact that they are somewhere. Then too I notice the person is listening for something. Maybe it is directions. Anyway I will mark this note of to a reflection of having got up and figured I would type something.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

One from memory another not

The two shadows are "just us', the other is just a thought from my red zone. It would be neat to actually go for a walk again, the two of us, rather than getting on a plane, which I have done for the last 2 and 1/2 months, twice a week. Again today. Then too if I am going to be creative why not have a dog. Ginger 2 would be fine. Yesterdays blog got more responses for a single blog than any blog in a Loooooooooong time. Maybe it is because most of the folks were in the blog that responded. Course that's the audience here. Anyway a flawed assumption disrupts the entire blog theory. Two folks picked fiction rider. One was green and was was and is in my opinion red. O well for the theory. Good thing I am green or I would be concerned. I do get concerned on occasion.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

yay Red

By making choices, between a variety of options ,each within a category, a computer program I recently looked at, says this indicates "brain color". Red being sort of creative and adventuresome and green being more or less a mediator and thinker. This conclusion is of course cut down to some simple generalizations about the generalizations. An example of how this works can be shown by the implications of a choice you would make on a list of potential job choices. The question would be what would you rather be? A rock star, a fiction writer, a college professor or some other options.It takes a lot of choices for the conclusion the test makes rather than just the one choice about career but I looked at the different conclusions that followed others and were about three potential career choices. For the Rock Star career choice, Purple by the way, it says that of all the brain types, this one is the most idealistic, tending to think wild, amazing thoughts. For those who among other choices chose Collage Professor, Green, the conclusion was that of all the brain types, this one has the most balance, able to see all sides to most problems. Then for those that also among other choices chose Fiction Writer it suggests that their thoughts are big and bold, tending to spend a lot of time thinking about love, dreams, and distant places.. Now I am admitting that the "College Professor" was my choice and that it is not big surprise that it predicted me "green". On the other hand this is all to simple. I don't think it is accurate to imply all that was implied. Another point of view might be that the brain could be more like a prism than this test suggests. It may reflect the choice as an out come of tendencies but it also may have the potential to take on a number of "colors" or other thoughts at other times and in various ways reflect them too. One would think that a variety of choices would be better to label someone with anyway. Why indeed is choice between Rock Star and Writer going to be enough in what reflects to suggest a inner structure? Then too what is the best choice today about anything. What to do, what to do?................................The sign post ahead says make some choices. In making today's choices who am I, red, green or purple. To wonder I suppose makes me Green. Ah to be Red.Or even "with Red".

Thursday, September 13, 2007

East meets West where ever you are

El Paso
The shot first shot from the mountain is looking east and a little south from the mountain. Behind this scene to the West is West El Paso.
Your welcome of course, only here on this blog are you instructed on West being behind the East.
Nevertheless some Texas stuff

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Cool Pen

My Plan was to write
about the light at then end of
the tunnel. The reason for this
plan was that I thought it might
be a good idea to assume that the
light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak or the light behind the door, or the next step, would be indeed a good thing and must indeed be near so I figured why not write about it. Then again this is a cool picture of a pen. I remember folks who used these pens were pretty good artists. I'd bet my best friend and favorite walking companion as well as person I like to be with most would be one who could do great things with a pen like this. Just writing a note would be pretty neat to see her do. She has always had the nicest handwriting. I suppose pens like this are for folks like her. Cool Pen.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

rember when

Remember when
I was young and so were you
and time stood still and love was all we knew
You were the first, so was I
We made love and then we cried
Remember when
Remember when we vowed the vows and walked the walk
Gave our hearts, made the start, it was hard
We lived and learned, life threw curves
There was joy, there was hurt
Remember when
Remember when old ones died and new were born
And life was changed, disassembled, rearranged
We came together, fell apart
And broke each other's hearts
Remember when
Remember when the sound of little feet was the music
We danced to week to week
Brought back the love, we found trust
Vowed we'd never give it up
Remember when
Remember when thirty seemed so old
Now lookn' back it's just a steppin' stone
To where we are,
Where we've been
Said we'd do it all again
Remember when
Remember when we said when we turned gray
When the children grow up and move away
We won't be sad, we'll be glad
For all the life we've had
And we'll remember when

Saturday, September 08, 2007

It was a good year, and a Day to Celebrate 9/6/66

What ya got here is a trip down 1966 memory lane........................ We celebrate and rejoice in this day tomorrow. The motel room is day one that night. An actual picture of the inside of the room of the Westbank Motel in Idaho Falls. Maybe not "the" actual room and "the actual feet but this is indeed a room from that motel in that very year. Then too the guys with the hat are all the same guys. One of the ones in the lower left of the bunch was indeed close to "the" guy that celebrates this day, 41 years ago. I do wish that it would have been more exactly like that 58 chev above but it was a 58 chev much like that in which we left Pocatello and went North stopping first in Idaho Falls. The next night was West Yellowstone. The pistachio nuts were a favorite of my new bride. Still are. 1966 was year one for us as a new couple. It is well worth celebrating. Other things happened that year in the world. Those other things sort of add to the look back.
Top Songs of 1966
These Boots are made for Walking Nancy Sinatra
Strangers in the Night Frank Sinatra
Paperback Writer The Beatles
Yellow Submarine The Beatles
Good Vibrations The Beach Boys
Top Movies of 1966
Born Free
The Russians are Coming The Russians are Coming\
Georgy Girl
A Man for all Seasons
Who's Afraid of Virgina Woolf
Speaking of new Movies
The first Star Trek was released Sept 8th
Births and Deaths
Walt Disney Died
Adam Richard Sandler
*He died on 9 September 1966, Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brent and Kathy were married on September 9th, 1966

Friday, September 07, 2007

Never means Never

It was about 1967 or so. We were just married. Our rent payment was around $100 or so a month give or take some. I, at best, had a part time job, and was going to collage. Kathy was working. For some reason we needed a new stereo. You had to have a stereo in 1967. It cost probably $150, maybe. We went to the Sears store and bought it. We got some terms. We later made a payment. They lost the payment. We were young. We thought cash was money. We had to pay again. I think we had a receipt but they just would not accept it. We both made a pledge, figure it as sort of an early marriage pledge, to never in our lives buy anything more from Sears. We have not since then. They have no idea how much they have lost. On of us is a world class shopper. Stores close when she moves she is so good. Last week I was in the Sunland Park Mall. I was in El Paso. Had dinner with Mike. He left and I went looking for something to wear while running. There was a Sears store right there. It was a lot closer than any other store that would have running shorts. I went in. I walked a ways. I had thought of "it" before entering but I was alone in a far away place. I realize that you can get in real trouble when your out there along in a far away city. Folks rationalize in these situations. I looked up Integrity in the Wikpedia and found out that it was consistent actions that were in tune with ones core values. I knew that. I know integrity when I see it. It is obvious when you see it. ..............Well this indeed was a big step against my core values. Even so I was true to my promise. Never means Never. I turned and walked away. The hollow feeling in my stomach started to get better. I left. I can tell you it was like a mist of darkness had come over me the further that I went into the store. As I left it was lifted. My head cleared. I felt so clean. Found another store. Found what I needed. Never. Never. Never I say. It is a matter of integrity.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Lunch smelled good

Sill packing, we now have packed up a lot of the things that were more personal type things. I suppose little pictures, truck models, belt buckles from the past and pocket watches would just kill a prospective buyers state of mind were they to find them on top of the book shelves. So we have packed more. Someone did manage to come by and look at our house yesterday. She arrived just as Kathy and Zach were finishing up preparing the lunch and since this person came without a Realtor they started lunch without me. The lady said lunch smelled good. Guess she figured it was just an "good smell in the air" for her house shopping convenience. I don't recall any comments on the beautiful white space above the bookcases? I do recall being told she liked bookcases. Nevertheless this is Labor Day. It marks the end of summer. I can't recall a lot of super labor days over the years. Doesn't mean we didn't have a few.
I noticed that I have officially reviewed 25 books on Amazon. My link to the right will take you there. ( To go to these reviews click where it says, "all my reviews") If one actually found one of my reviews while looking at one of these books while on Amazon then hitting "see all my reviews" would take one to the same grouping of my reviews Actually I have enjoyed writing these reviews. I have read a lot of books and these are just what I thought of first when I decided to do some reviews.
these are the books I did reveiw on Amazon
Nuts Southwest Airlines
Education of a Wandering Man
Basic Works of Aristotle
Laughing Gas
Down and Out in Paris and London
The Western Cannon
Terror and Liberalism
Rattlesnake Lawyer
Plato Collected Dialogues
Red Earth Poems of New Mexico
The Call of the Wild
How to Get a Better Job in this Crazy World
How we Think
The Best Loved Poems of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
Travels with Charley in Search of America
Lincolns Greatest Speech: The Second Inaugural
An Experience in Criticism (Canto)
Falling Leaves: The Memoir of an unwanted Chinese Daughter
Miles Gone By: A Literary Autobiography William F. Buckley
A Town Like Alice
The Curious Incidence of the Dog in the Night
Animal Farm
One Hundred and One Famous Poems

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Sunday Morning, ect

I had an Uncle who lived in "many different places "over his years. He moved every few years. I did not know his family s well as I would have liked too, but we spent regular times at family reunions and I found the "influence" of his daughters to be strong on me. They excelled, it seemed, in what ever they did. They seemed to care about good things. One year we drove from Idaho to Ohio to visit them. It was the longest car trip I had ever taken. Their life in Ohio seemed so different. They lived in a really big city and their life there seemed different. I always wondered if it was a good thing to move around a lot like that. Then we all grew up. One of his daughters lived not too far from us in Salt Lake. She spent most of her married life in one house. She and her husband are still there. Then too her kids were inspiring. Motivated. Seemed to all excel. You wonder when your young how they all get along "out there" in the world full of challenges. In fact it sometimes seems like those who are not where you are are not as lucky. Then you find out that everyone thinks it is just great where they are. "Out there" for them is where you have been or where you are going, not where they are at. A good friend, or maybe better said a wonderful influence in my life, has passed on. Most of the 30 years I knew him he was within the radius of Holiday Utah. He too was an influence but like my cousin, and like those that really do influence you as you go through life, it wasn't about where he lived or what he had done but who he was. A great book to read is about Being Somebody. The title reminds me of what I have been remembering about these people. It isn't what you do so much as who you are. "Who" isn't how others see you for the sake of this example but able who you are inside. Those who really influence do so with out realizing they are. Then too who you are is all about who you want to be like. Only one real model is fail safe. On this Sunday on my blog I don't mind, in the middle of my memories and wondering what is next, recalling and saying that we ought to Love the Lord, first

Sunday, this picture reminds me of a poem I like

And on her lover’s arm she leant,
And round her waist she felt it fold
And far across the hills they went
In that new world which is the old;

Across the hills, and far away
Beyond their utmost purple rim,
And deep into the dying day
The happy princess follow’d him

Alfred Tennyson

(KJ, see yesterdays blog. Your appreciated.)

Saturday, September 01, 2007


More to say about this later...................................
Course the one who needs the most appreciation
doesn't change. Late Saturday we did more packing,
more work, it is such a challenge to move.