No, these are not cards and letters joining Harry Reed's (Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid) message posted yesterday where he told the Senate to read BJ'sRandomSpecificThoughts blog?????????? Truth is, the real truth, in yesterdays blog was, and probably is, the fact that more democrats really do read "this" blog, my blog, than republicans. If you don't' want to take Harry's word for this, ok, but it is really true. Just based on the numbers and those that I think really do look in regularly then I am on firm ground with this conclusion. Then on the other hand blogs like this are probably at best just a way to say hello everyday. In some ways when you write to a narrow audience, even though it is your favorite folks, you can only really count on one reader. The one that always reads this is me since I do watch the screen while I am typing. One of the many books about writing that I read suggested writing something each day. One suggested starting out and just writing with no real need to know what your going to say. Yep that works and this is pretty easy I find. Then again speaking of that approach I watched a great short special on TV the other night. It was about "flipping". Actually it was about Philosophy and the first guest was well versed on all the good old reasons why it is in a state of change and nothing is really absolute. That view point is pretty consistent and oddly enough the view that truth is built upon and constant is less constant. Anyway the second guest was a guy who took an old Greek play and "flipped" it. That means to take the message and add the way it would be presented with a different set of players. Rap he said was like that. I suppose he meant "good rap" assuming a constant for good here. Guess at heart I am the Pancake man. I love to flip. I just don't often admit it then again maybe I do everyday. If I indeed find myself the main reader then that could label me as a democrat of course based on what has been said here unless there is perhaps 2 or 3 other regulars. Course I "flip" a lot.
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