Course Kathy doesn't know where EP is and she has no real picture of what to expect. Then again we are heading there tomorrow so that will clear up some. Listed the house today. Packing up the top of the book shelves. Wouldn't want to look cluttered ya know. We will spend a night night with Mike and the Grand cat. Then off to EP. Tonight I am going to go to the Philosophy Club meeting and discuss Aristotle. Ya see Aristotle is different than Plato, the guy we talked about a few months back at this gathering. He vs's Plato is more into what we have around us rather than the "form" or the big concepts which might in fact be up there or out there. Rather than just contemplation he looked at an empirical investigation of stuff. (Book reviews on these guys can be found on the Amazon link) When we "listed" the house the agent told us that all the agents get a chance for an extra $10,000. They toss in $250 per listing that they try to get the sellers to pay for when listing so that these houses turn into chances received if they sell them for the big drawing. So all I can say is that this fee was not paid by us. Ya see all these agent folks need incentives. Selling on straight commission is plenty good as an incentive when it works. Maybe a hard close look at incentives is more up Aristotle's ally. On the other hand when you look at these pictures which, unlike the ones below from the window of a room in the middle of the night are about nothing but the imagination one is left only to imagine what the reality may be. Aristotle and a trip to EP you see are both empirical investigations. (This day is good for a couple of posts I would imagine)
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