Friday, August 31, 2007

A really really fine man, a freind who made a difference in my life and many others

Robert L. Rice is well known for "Rice Stadium" in Salt Lake, and for health spas and for University of Utah Football, but mostly just for being a good man. He was a neighbor and friend for close to 30 years. He was always a great example. He loved sports and loved the University of Utah but he was just a "good man". Rice stadium has a lot of memories. The best one is that it was often the backdrop for Bob's Christmas cards. He and his very large family often standing near his name on the wall. We saw the closing ceremony of the 2002 Olympics in a row just up from the 20 yard line near the stage. We saw some football games and a variety of events. Even the Rolling Stones. The stadium means little compared to what Bob meant. He seemed to believe in me. He seemed to see the best in me. Our work was mostly through the church but he reached out often beyond that connection. He always remembered our kids name and always wanted to know what was happening in their lives. He was in many ways the most polished and cultured individual I ever knew and yet he often made grammatical errors when giving a talk. I for one wanted to hug him when he did. I will very much miss him. He has gone on to be with others of his standings.



His name was added to the University of Utah football stadium in 1972 when he gave the university $1 million for stadium renovations. The stadium name changed in 1998 to Rice-Eccles Stadium when George S. Eccles, through the George S. and Dore Eccles Foundation, contributed $10 million toward a $52 million stadium expansion and renovation.
"I have always thought that sports underlies what we actually face in life," Rice said shortly after making the donation. "Watching teams and individuals become great at sports is important, I think. The good athlete has the advantage of taking advantage of what gifts he has."

Is the inner meaning "the star" or "the pole", one wonders as one hits the last few keys on this computer

As seen from my 3rd story window in my Hyatt home in El Paso. I have heard the story of this "Star" but then I don't recall all the details. I do know that you can see if from Juarez. On the other hand once in a while they put up a Mexican Flag that is "huge" and you can see it from a lot of El Paso. East El Paso at least. This star is sort of a "in your face" were Texas I suppose. Maybe it is just Texas pride. Maybe it really is just a good way to make a buck. They are making a buck selling sponsors of the Star and it is only light when it is under sponsorship I think. Today I am back in Albuquerque. Been gone for a long time it seems like. Went running this morning in the dark. About 4 miles. With a freind. Shouldn't have been talking so much. Ya sure. Feel brused my hand. Got up finished the run, of course. Took the brighter picture when I got back to the room. Found out that the El Paso sidewalks are just as big a problem to fall on tripping in the dark as the New Mexico or Utah ones for that matter. Once upon a time on a intersection far far away near 23rd east and 4500 south.......................... a friend and I stood about 5 am. It had been raining hard for most of our run. We went out and in about 15 minutes we were being dumped on. Stood on the corner. A bus turned the corner. It was like standing under a waterfall as the water from the street and gutter went up and came down and covered us. We figured what the heck keep going and it took us about an hour to get back home. Don't know if I have expounded on how great running is. Truth is I mean it.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Purple Montains ect ect

Las Cruces is not where we are today. The Organ mountains in the background that we would be looking at if we were there are indeed spectacular. Then on the other hand Mike will be there soon. I will be in the Redd Ward just off of Redd Street in West El Paso in about 4o minutes or so. So that is the morning report.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

"Light" is found in the eye, Light is what counts

The show "resurrecting the Champ" has Alan Alda in it. Now the fact is that is a small point in this movie since it is not really about him. It is about a newspaper reporter who does an article on a street guy who used to be a fighter/boxer. I actually liked the show since most shows about boxers I like. Seems like in some ways it is a fight just getting through the week sometimes. Then the point of this show might have been that people have value. Back to Allan A. it is just interesting how many roles he seems to have been in. We saw this show today. Mike and I. Fine show. Then again old fighters seem to be sort of worn out. I have to say that being an old fighter is worth being if in fact you can remember having been in the game. Some of these blogs may lack for redeeming value. Then again if I could find some deeper significance to report and perhaps ponder as I was reporting it I would. Back to the guy on the right. In the movie he thought the guy on the left ought to look at his assignments a little deeper. One day watching a fight the reporter was told by his friend how to read a fighter. He predicted a weaker fighter who was seeming to lose and predicted he would win. The guy won. The key was that the experienced fighter offering the advice and prediction say in the guy who was seeming to lose a sparkle in his eye. He knew that he had figured the other guy out. He knew that he too had noticed that the other guy always turned his head one way before firing off a left hook. He knew that if you knew that then a natural opening for an opponent was clear and you could smack the guy and win. The gleam in the eye is the giveaway. The gleam you see in ones eye is the heart reflecting light. By the way that is my version. It takes a lot of heart to win.

Mike and Me report #1 today

Looking for a picture to upload. Gave up trying. Some thought went into how to put this down in print by the way. Mike just asked if I was curious enough to sit through this dumb music, on the big screen TV this room is famous for. He said it would only be for a few minutes in order to find out how hot it is outside. Guess it will be 69 in Albuquerque tonight, we learn. He mentioned that that Weather Network skipped from Denver to Fairbanks then Grand Rapids Michigan to Greenville South Carolina. He pointed out that El Paso was skipped over. Hard to understand this. No Austin he mentions. Salt Lake tonight will be 71. What the heck why can't we get day time temperatures. Ok here we go, the scroll across the screen. Nothing to report yet. I might mention at this time a couple of things. This city has no major sport team. Then another thing. I can't figure out how to upload pictures off of Mikes laptop, did I mention that. Then too we are in my home away from home right now. Hyatt city, 5th floor. Went to a Greek Festival this morning, on the west side. Met the main main. I was introduced as Mike's Dad. Probably safer than telling him I was the guy he worked for, he said. Stopped by Church to find out what time it starts tomorrow. It is at 11:30 by the way. A movie starts across the street in an hour or so. Then who knows. Just a day in El Paso. Mike and Me.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

no reason for this today

I have no reason to post this picture. Then again I am not sure what to say. Guess the truth is I am at a geographical disadvantage. Sort of challenges one.

Monday, August 20, 2007

deep inside is an Angel.

Michelangelo was asked how he created a statue of an Angel for a seemingly unimpressive rock or slab of marble.He said that he looked at the rock and say the angel and just freed the angel from the rock. Creativity is an interesting process. I suppose we all face our rocks.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Somebodies Flippen

No, these are not cards and letters joining Harry Reed's (Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid) message posted yesterday where he told the Senate to read BJ'sRandomSpecificThoughts blog?????????? Truth is, the real truth, in yesterdays blog was, and probably is, the fact that more democrats really do read "this" blog, my blog, than republicans. If you don't' want to take Harry's word for this, ok, but it is really true. Just based on the numbers and those that I think really do look in regularly then I am on firm ground with this conclusion. Then on the other hand blogs like this are probably at best just a way to say hello everyday. In some ways when you write to a narrow audience, even though it is your favorite folks, you can only really count on one reader. The one that always reads this is me since I do watch the screen while I am typing. One of the many books about writing that I read suggested writing something each day. One suggested starting out and just writing with no real need to know what your going to say. Yep that works and this is pretty easy I find. Then again speaking of that approach I watched a great short special on TV the other night. It was about "flipping". Actually it was about Philosophy and the first guest was well versed on all the good old reasons why it is in a state of change and nothing is really absolute. That view point is pretty consistent and oddly enough the view that truth is built upon and constant is less constant. Anyway the second guest was a guy who took an old Greek play and "flipped" it. That means to take the message and add the way it would be presented with a different set of players. Rap he said was like that. I suppose he meant "good rap" assuming a constant for good here. Guess at heart I am the Pancake man. I love to flip. I just don't often admit it then again maybe I do everyday. If I indeed find myself the main reader then that could label me as a democrat of course based on what has been said here unless there is perhaps 2 or 3 other regulars. Course I "flip" a lot.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Endorsements are finally coming in for "this particular" blog

"I want you all to know"..................

Of course this is exciting to have heard this message. I took notes. He is saying, "I want you all to know, That yes indeed I realize that more democrats read this blog, BJ's random specificThoughts, than the "other folks" so I want to offer my endorsement of the blog and the fine fellow who imparts his wisdom an observations so regularly. I can hardly wait to see the Sunday blog this week. I can tell you that hitting the Amazon link and catching up on the reviews is a treat. Just darn good stuff here..................................

about checkers, maybe old men too

What is getting old. I recall the checkers in my life were played when I was young. Then again it might be nice to put on some boots, sit by a old stove and talk to some guy in a straw hat as I reached down and made "the good move". Trouble is it isn't easy to know for sure that moves are good ones. Then again it may not be so much about the moves as the willingness to be in the game. Seems in some ways these poems below remind me of it all..........................
Dylan Thomas
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Old age should burn and rave, at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
William Butler Yeats
O Rocky Voice,
Shall we in that great night rejoice?
What do we know but that we face
One another in this place?
But hush, for I have lost the theme,
Its joy or night-seem but a dream

Friday, August 17, 2007

So much to ponder, so little on TV

The dark city with lights
is El Paso from the 6th floor of the hotel window looking sort of South. Then on the other hand so is the other picture. One taken about 11pm and the other this morning about 7am. The picture is not really all that exciting. ( ya see you probably are saying to your self you don't need me to tell you that? Then again maybe your saying come on, of course this is exciting? Good for you if that is what you said) If you knew where to look you could ask yourself why the American Flag that lights up the entire side of the Wells Fargo building downtown at night can't be seen. If you had stayed in local hotels for 25 of the last 32 days or so give or take a long time then the more important part of the picture would be the fact that behind the camera was a room that was the best I have found in town so far. It was so nice to find a nicer room. So then what makes a hotel room nicer than the other: "Clean", that is the answer. Perhaps since nothing up to know but the best room, last nights room, turned out to have a big screen then maybe a big screen helps? Then again I see an apartment in my near future and I am not sure it located, since I have one that is already rented and waiting for someone from the company,. Then again it is in a part of town that I don't like all that much. Then again there are lots of differences between these pictures beside day and night. The dark picture was taken at the end of having just watched Spiderman on the (big) TV and wondering why it, Spiderman, was so poorly done. The late night one was going to bed on a dark week for the stock market and a sad real estate market, wondering what to do with two homes if that is what it comes to? The morning one had some light to it in that the Fed, as noted on the TV by the way, had overnight dropped interest rates a half a % and, of course, the real estate market may have some new hope. Add to all of this the fact that between Thursday and Thursday with no blog on Thursday, day one of this time frame, or even this Monday Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday does it shows that I had more folks look on the blog than many of the many weeks where I posted every day?????????? Then again life can be a mystery. I figure that it may be worth it to blog a couple of times a day when I can, maybe. Then again, lately and even during this "special rating week" I have been and will be able to have dinner with Mike a couple of times a week, so he may not be as in need of a blog with this valuable information on it. He indeed could have been 33% of my blog audience? I did learn that it is easier to keep a house clean if I am not in it. ( important fact just posted I suppose) On the other hand before I get concerned with this insight I need to ponder and ask if any house would be harder to keep clean if everyone left? Mysteries, Mysteries, so much to ponder so little on TV. .............. ya see if you pay 2 million bucks for your house and perhaps you finance 1 and half million then a 1/2 % drop in the fed today would have saved you $583 a month give or take some amount. For a 4 million dollar house with a million down that might be 2 times $583 give or take this having any bearing on anything.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Maybe what is behind us makes more clear what is ahead

Just thinking about where we may be going or where we may have been can be challenging. I remember the advice given a new member of a ward who reported having not liked the prior ward, where he had been, and had a list of reasons why that was the case. The advice was that given that perspective then he probably wouldn't like this new ward. That is interesting advice. Maybe "liking" something is more about what you have going on in your own head that what is going on outside your head. That said I suspect where ever we are going may be a really great place since right now it is clear that where we have been has been a really great experience. I just wondered about the phrase......"If you don't like where you were you won't like where your going", so I typed them into Google just to see what might pop up? Well I got three book titles and found that very interesting. Crime and Punishment - by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Chronicles of Narnia- by Clive Staples Lewis, Picture of Dorian Gray- by Oscar Wilde. I have read all of these over the years. The Picture of Dorian Gray may of all of them be the one that clearly shows the differences between looking back and looking forward and it's effect on us. The portrait of Dorian Gray was a look at what he had become but he was a picture of what he had once been. Then of course Dorian Gray's life was one of excess and he needed a way to avoid the consequences. For one who can see where he has been as having been exciting and valuable it means that no consequences need to be avoided. A pure heart hides nothing. Dorian Gray's life would have left him looking different from what he once was and from what the portrait revealed him to be had he moved forward, taking a step at a time, doing his best, valuing where he had been.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Now and then you think about "now and then".

In both pictures the same question could be asked. Is the picture of the picture made more interesting if you can find the reflection of the camera. ( what is of most interest, Now or Then?)
A camera can be clearly seen in the refection on the house, and in less so in the other picture. My hands hold the camera. It captures the reflection but not all that I remember. The second picture captures nothing that I remember. I find it interesting to find that the reflections are more interesting than the pictures. Since memory seems to be lost in the first picture it leaves me wondering if it is really lost or was it really in place then. I view who we are as not having began at birthday 1 or even birth. How could we explain how different people are and how much good and not so good exists in people if it all came with birth or a creation. Something must have always existed and the process seems to make some better and some not so. Choice is what we have and it shapes a lot. I have lived in a lot of houses over the years. The houses and the places are full of memories. Then too their must have been memories somewhere on that first birthday. Now sits on top of then in the house picture. Both exist at once.

Mexico, New Mexico and Texas all from the back yard

Saturday, today............................might indeed be a day to note some......................"Random Specific Thoughts about some odd items. On a counter top are samples of soon to be new counter tops. . An orange peel, and left over from this weeks long car trip and then some items from the garden, and a book just sitting on the counter. It was a long week buying a house in El Paso. From the back yard of the house you can see Mexico. New Mexico and Texas. On a more random note this week I only looked at the TV twice. One night Johnny Cash from 1969 was a re run. He sang Man in Black. Then last night a movie called "Tender Mercies" caught my attention. A song about a White Dove made me think some. Black for Johnny C. was about "standing out" with concern. The song about the White Dove was about Goodness coming upon us. To lighter moments for the week did indeed have fuel for thought........................ Johnny C. When you think about it you find it is mostly just black and white.

Man in Black Song words

Well, you wonder why I always dress in black,Why you never see bright colors on my back,

And why does my appearance seem to have a somber tone.Well, there's a reason for the things that I have on

.I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down,Livin' in the hopeless, hungry side of town,

I wear it for the prisoner who has long paid for his crime,But is there because he's a victim of the times.

I wear the black for those who never read,Or listened to the words that Jesus said,

About the road to happiness through love and charity,Why, you'd think He's talking straight to you and me.

Friday, August 10, 2007

"Like" the wings of a Dove is Goodness

Goodness, or the best course, may indeed come upon us............ seemingly without expectation or prior plans. Then again goodness may seem to be descending> How can we seek it and find it and keep it, is a worthy question? Seems clear that goodness isn't "a" Dove, but may be "like a Dove" "Snow White" being goodness. Light seeking light.
On the wings of a snow-white dove
He sends His pure sweet love
A sign from above
On the wings of a dove
When troubles surround us,
When evils come
The body grows weak,
The spirit grows numb
When these things beset us,
He doesn't forget us
He sends down
His love
On the wings of a dove
On the wings of a snow-white dove
He sends His pure sweet love
A sign from above
On the wings of a dove

Jalapenos don't quite do it.

A chili Pepper or a Jalapeno can be a choice that defines where you are. Texas or New Mexico. This week for us it has been Texas. Then again we still claim New Mexico. Hate to have to chose because New Mexico would win. Anyway it will take some time for Jalapeno even becomes interesting. The good news is that El Paso Texas is not far from Hatch New Mexico. More blog postings today for sure.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

"Vinegaroon" in ABQ and new lands to the South

Today we left for El Paso via Las Cruces. Late last night about 10:30 ( I call that late) Zach found this bug on our front sidewalk. Vinegaroon is the name of the bug. It has a vinegar like mist that it uses to attack with. Seems odd that this was found in the late evening in our front yard. Now of course the bug is a item to save and look over. vineagar
Maybe this is an omen. Maybe it means it is time to move South. That probably will work. With a house for sale now it is time to look for one.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Well you do now....................

Zach is learning to ride a bike. Figures he will need too. His is a multiple speed. I recall a lot of time on a bike growing up. Roadmaster with a belly tank, fenders and a basket was the first bike I had. Rode it up the hill we lived on the first day I had it and then back down. Crashed into something and bent thr fork back to where the front wheels would not move becuase it was pressed into the main frame. Even so I spent a lot of time on a bike then. I remember a lot of bikers going by as I ran along the roads over the years. One guy, a neighber came up to us in a a canyon where we lived in his black leather and helmet. I didn't know him from Adam but as I came up to him I said "unmask your self, stranger". He did and it turned out to be a neighbor. Then again I heard a story of a truck driver who was delivering one of our good customers product that they didn't want. The customer said I don't use that brand. He apparently laughed and said "well you do now". Now I laughed when I heard the story. What else can you do when you have your hands full of similiar type issues. Hate to laugh at bad behavior.

No clear picture yet.

Course Kathy doesn't know where EP is and she has no real picture of what to expect. Then again we are heading there tomorrow so that will clear up some. Listed the house today. Packing up the top of the book shelves. Wouldn't want to look cluttered ya know. We will spend a night night with Mike and the Grand cat. Then off to EP. Tonight I am going to go to the Philosophy Club meeting and discuss Aristotle. Ya see Aristotle is different than Plato, the guy we talked about a few months back at this gathering. He vs's Plato is more into what we have around us rather than the "form" or the big concepts which might in fact be up there or out there. Rather than just contemplation he looked at an empirical investigation of stuff. (Book reviews on these guys can be found on the Amazon link) When we "listed" the house the agent told us that all the agents get a chance for an extra $10,000. They toss in $250 per listing that they try to get the sellers to pay for when listing so that these houses turn into chances received if they sell them for the big drawing. So all I can say is that this fee was not paid by us. Ya see all these agent folks need incentives. Selling on straight commission is plenty good as an incentive when it works. Maybe a hard close look at incentives is more up Aristotle's ally. On the other hand when you look at these pictures which, unlike the ones below from the window of a room in the middle of the night are about nothing but the imagination one is left only to imagine what the reality may be. Aristotle and a trip to EP you see are both empirical investigations. (This day is good for a couple of posts I would imagine)

Friday, August 03, 2007

Out the window by the "dock of the bay", ouh

On the Road Again, last week that is. This particular evening was just another hotel but from the window you couldn't see El Paso but then on the other hand there it is. Take a hard right at the sign and your heading south to the border. Even early in the morning the sky seemed a little unique. Hard to figure how the sky winds up looking different than the last sky you say somewhere else. I watched TV this night and that in itself means I must have just as well stared out this window but on the other hand it was Otis Redding on the TV and it was the Stax records story. Otis was worth watching. Then again the morning sun had come, over the holiday inn sign, evening had come and gone and then too time seemed to be a wasting. Then again when you stand back from the window it isn't much different than the TV. Don't know if this is what the person who told me to record my visits with my camera had in mind. Maybe I should have shot some pictures of the Simpson Movie I saw last night with Mike. I might have thought of it if the folks behind me had not be laughing so hard the entire movie. This blog may be a bit of a ramble today. By the way.
Sittin the morning sun,
I`ll be sittin'................... when the evening come,
Watching the ships roll in,
And I'll watch 'em roll away again,
I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay,
Watching the tide roll away,
I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay,
Wasting time........................
I left my home in Georgia,
Headed for the Frisco bay