So why post a rusty old truck on the blog. Something about rust is just interesting. I have an artist friend. Course that would be my wife. I do have a artist friend back in Salt Lake who is very interesting. His front yard is a collection of "things". A lot of metal. All rusted. He has given me a tour of the "items" many times and you quickly see how interesting and how beautiful "rust" is. I was just looking out in our backyard the other day in the Northeast corner and thought to my self, "that would be a great place for an old rusty truck body". Want to bet on the odds of that. Even so on my running trail North there is a house with two large metal horses standing facing each other on their hind feet. They have some rust on them. I noticed a smaller horse in the same yard and a metal palm tree and a giraffe both made of metal in the back yard. I am jealous. The on another street not too far is a metal buffalo, also with rust. Rust seems to take the earth and the items involved and bring them closer together. Course over a long enough time that is really true.
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