I was listening to a discussion by a couple of authors who wrote about some things that had disturbed them and they felt that folks ought to rise up and get involved. The movie, “Amazing Grace”, was about a man who got involved in something that disturbed him. He made a difference. Some folks seem to make a lot of difference and others probably just want to and perhaps appreciate those that do. I also watched a special about nature and the focus was on “ants”. They seem to know collectively what is best for the total group. They, the ants, seem to react as one. In many ways the ants get their direction chemically actually detecting the action needed from the group as a whole. “”Cause and effect” seem is in some ways just a chemical conclusion for a society of ants. Chemical reaction or reaction instead of choice make the world for ants a collective rather than individual reality. Seems like there are no hero’s in the society of ants. Ants would never be bored. Each does their duty. Rising up and doing more than one was meant to do is not an option.
I like the comment sent me by a friend a few weeks ago. He said, “Remember that the main thing, is to keep the main thing, the main thing”.
William Shakespeare said to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.
Another person I quoted a few days ago said that the Lord works on man from the inside out and the world works on man from the outside in”.
Maybe the thing about making a difference and having an impact in the world has to balance against making a difference in oneself. The “ants” act without agency or choice, it appears, and the collective good is served. An ant never has to wonder how to make a difference.
The challenge of choice is to use it for the good of all perhaps but to allow one to change from the inside out. .
These pictures are from a local blog. I like the one “Bored”. Makes one wonder. Why was the sign put behind a chain link fence and what does that have to do with the conclusion of being bored. Then too was that a conclusion or a question being presented by the sign.
The train is the Albuquerque commuter train.
The blue door and Chile are reflective of a style you find in this part of the country. Good colors.
1 comment:
great local photos - that train is cool!
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