In some ways today the subject of this blog is blogs. Google is the host of blogger.com and they are doing fine hosting all these free blogs. This last week the stock market hit a high a few times. One day Google gained $17 a share on the news of their strong earnings report. Makes one wonder how the market can hit a high so many times in a week like we just had. Course no one ever said the stock market was about much else than earnings and such. I think I will type this in real small letters like a disclaimer. Sort of like a simple commercial where someone has to ramble on with a disclaimer. Mumbled. Baloney. Hate that by the way.
Then too I ought to mention Johnny Cash. Love to watch the movie and love to see him walk into Folsom and begin to perfom. Tells the boys what they want to hear. Seems to mean it. Course this is a movie but most things are “reflective”. I see in his Folsom performance the portrayal of one seeing himself looking back in the eyes he performs for. I probably ought to have found a way to have made that part ofItems #1 and #5 below.
Then too I ought to mention Johnny Cash. Love to watch the movie and love to see him walk into Folsom and begin to perfom. Tells the boys what they want to hear. Seems to mean it. Course this is a movie but most things are “reflective”. I see in his Folsom performance the portrayal of one seeing himself looking back in the eyes he performs for. I probably ought to have found a way to have made that part ofItems #1 and #5 below.
Kathy said, in her blog a couple of day’s back, that these items below were her some things she had used and used that day in creating her post. Then she said, “btw anyone (BJ) with a blog can do this "tag".
So perhaps,?, with a license now issued I can use items 1 through 6 below myself. Of course all I am using, having been invited, is items 1 through 6 with the first words. Then I will give it a try.
1. Discuss my daily life – Work has consumed much of my daily life. Being in a sales role, or management role, most of my life has resulted in work for me most always involving working with people. On the one hand I really find it demanding and tiring to continue to do the same things day after day. Lots to learn and lots to remember from all of that routine. I recently remembered a scripture that says “nothing new under the sun”. I suppose that is true but life is still full of surprises. I will say that New Mexico has been a surprise. The best way to sum up my daily life is to just say that it has been very blessed. Far more than I could have hoped. Daily life this year for our son has a lot to do with getting out of high school. I do wonder some about what will be different when the last child leaves home. I know it will be different. Not yet sure how.
2. Read blogs – I do read a few blogs each day. I always read Kathy’s blog. I usually read both of Katie’s. I lately have read http://professor-howdy.blogspot.com/ . I read for almost a year a blog of a fellow in Michigan. I regret now not having posted a comment. I enjoyed his thoughts, pictures, and daily posts. He had two years that I could see. I had looked at all of them and then he just left. No trace. Blog gone. Professor Howdy seems to be close to UNC and maybe he is indeed a professor there? He has some interesting posts and has a lot to say every day. On the other hand he just showed up one day on my blog with a simple,“good post”. It was easy to hit his name and go back to his blog. He probably, from what I see in his comments, has done that a lot of stopping by others blogs with comments posted, and has built up a large following. Networking is critical in life. Even in building a blog following. I am glad he stopped by. I will reply to him a few times on his daily blogs. I enjoy blogs that lean liberal and lean conservative. I find a lot of things in both of these directions to like. Even the things I do not like I find of interest. In a lot of ways I am as interested in whether a person really believes what he has to say and can support it as what he has to say.
2. Read blogs – I do read a few blogs each day. I always read Kathy’s blog. I usually read both of Katie’s. I lately have read http://professor-howdy.blogspot.com/ . I read for almost a year a blog of a fellow in Michigan. I regret now not having posted a comment. I enjoyed his thoughts, pictures, and daily posts. He had two years that I could see. I had looked at all of them and then he just left. No trace. Blog gone. Professor Howdy seems to be close to UNC and maybe he is indeed a professor there? He has some interesting posts and has a lot to say every day. On the other hand he just showed up one day on my blog with a simple,“good post”. It was easy to hit his name and go back to his blog. He probably, from what I see in his comments, has done that a lot of stopping by others blogs with comments posted, and has built up a large following. Networking is critical in life. Even in building a blog following. I am glad he stopped by. I will reply to him a few times on his daily blogs. I enjoy blogs that lean liberal and lean conservative. I find a lot of things in both of these directions to like. Even the things I do not like I find of interest. In a lot of ways I am as interested in whether a person really believes what he has to say and can support it as what he has to say.
3. Photos – My photos come often from a “Duke City Blog” that has a lot of pictures posted each day from local folks with a camera in their hand. I may join their crowd soon. If I can get away with it I like to "take" one of Kathy’s photos. I prefer, so far, to just find a picture that "reflects a thought". Seldom is it the other way around for me. I love to find my own emotion in a picture.
3. Photos – My photos come often from a “Duke City Blog” that has a lot of pictures posted each day from local folks with a camera in their hand. I may join their crowd soon. If I can get away with it I like to "take" one of Kathy’s photos. I prefer, so far, to just find a picture that "reflects a thought". Seldom is it the other way around for me. I love to find my own emotion in a picture.
4. Other reading material –I should skip this rather than overdo it but then I will go ahead and overdo it a little. Anyway I love to read and I love to re read. Reading is “otherness”. It takes you out of yourself to somewhere else. It makes daily vacations pretty easy. Right now I am working my way through “The collected Dialogues of Plato”. Also, The Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith Rough Stone Rolling, Paul Berman's Terror and Liberalism, Blooms Western Canon, this month. Some things I read over and over. Others are new. A friend in Utah suggested both the Rough Stone book and the Terror and Liberalism book. I really do not read the newspaper. I catch the news on the radio. Usually I can work on several books at once. What I do read is usually full of red underlines. I like to reread what is in read over the years. Most books have dates written in the front each time I come back. I try to avoid a lot of books on my blogs. Probably does not matter much but reading is internal and one finds little if any real way to interest others in what one reads.
4. Other reading material –I should skip this rather than overdo it but then I will go ahead and overdo it a little. Anyway I love to read and I love to re read. Reading is “otherness”. It takes you out of yourself to somewhere else. It makes daily vacations pretty easy. Right now I am working my way through “The collected Dialogues of Plato”. Also, The Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith Rough Stone Rolling, Paul Berman's Terror and Liberalism, Blooms Western Canon, this month. Some things I read over and over. Others are new. A friend in Utah suggested both the Rough Stone book and the Terror and Liberalism book. I really do not read the newspaper. I catch the news on the radio. Usually I can work on several books at once. What I do read is usually full of red underlines. I like to reread what is in read over the years. Most books have dates written in the front each time I come back. I try to avoid a lot of books on my blogs. Probably does not matter much but reading is internal and one finds little if any real way to interest others in what one reads.
5. Senses –I have poor hearing. I have weak eyes and see best up close. Reading is easy. Seeing far away is not easy. I have almost no sense of smell. "Touch is good but that doesnt open a lot of doors. Feeling should indeed qualify for this list. In some ways I would call "values" a sense of sort. Even with just a few senses to draw from in some cases, "senses" seem to be a quick summing up of how things feel. How they are. What is. In others it takes a while to come to a conclusion about how "I feel", about it all.
Then I do like this song by the way
I hear the train a comin´it´s rolling round the bend
and I ain´t seen the sunshine
since I don´t know when,I´m stuck in Folsom prison,
and time keeps draggin´ onbut that train keeps a rollin´
on down to San Anton..
I hear the train a comin´it´s rolling round the bend
and I ain´t seen the sunshine
since I don´t know when,I´m stuck in Folsom prison,
and time keeps draggin´ onbut that train keeps a rollin´
on down to San Anton..
Lot of thoughts to ponder.... lots of fun info on the "Chevy" guy to the right. The senses thing sorta scares me though because it all sounds very genetic... and I recognize a few thises and thats. ;-)
great to read about what motivates your blog posts :)
I like to read your blog!
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