What e'rr thou art
Act well thy part

David O McKay loved books and is remembered for some specific thoughts. In his book "True to the Faith" he wrote:
"I will know what you are if you tell me what you think about when you do not have to think"

I was reading from my own journal dated 1995 where I was trying to explain myself, mostly to myself, since the journal is just "my journal". This statement caught my attention then. I wrote then that "I have enjoyed following a thought as it is developed by several different authors. I have noticed that sometimes questions just do not get answered. I am reminded of the Danish poet and phusicist Piet hein who once wrote:"
Knowing what thou knowest not, is in a sense ommiscience"
"Wanting to know everything can be a source of disatisfaction. Recognizing the wisdom in understanding what is not known, can be a release from frustration."
1 comment:
No comments? ... I can't just let this space stay blank! Perhaps it's too easy NOT to think that hard. That's just way too defining though. What a thought....
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