My Fathers Hand
I remember so well my Fathers hand. It was so big. When you looked at it you knew it had worked hard. It seemed so big but then I was small. As my hands grew they changed. They began more and more to look like his. Now that he is gone I often think of him as I look at my own hands. I wish I would have held his hand and I wish that I would have reached for it, more often ,when we met. I remember as he became older he reached out and hugged me. The first few times he did that it seemed so odd. As he got older he got softer. As he got older he told me on occasion that he loved me. I miss his hands and his concern.

Mike and I joined in our anticipation and enjoyment of a sandwich today............
Reuben Sandwich at Jason's Deli
in Roundrock today
Simple enough story. Nothing profound. Course that is "in the point" of view I guess.
This picture does'nt do this sandwich justice. It was taller. I took this picture off the internet. It sort of shows the saurkraut but the taste just doesn't come through.

that has got to be the biggest reuben I have ever seen! you said yours was even taller?
Like your theme of hands - would make a good scrapbook layout.
You are building some very precious memories for your son. Those strong and beautiful hands seem to be reaching through the generations...
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