This is my second post in a long long time. I likely have no followers. I have started posting on my blog again to see what I might have to say? I do have some questions that occur to me?
I do like this quote. "Teachers teach more by what they are than what they say". Maybe in retirement my seeking a subject to write about will as part of that goal help me to figure how who, after all this, am I.
I don't know that "a blog" really is the place to find that out? On the other hand is this really the best blog location, for a blog anyway? (a very different question)
Should I be blogging for just the family and some friends, or for anyone who wants to look in? Do I need two blogs?
I have some plans to write a book and maybe some possible topics for chapters or pages could make its way into the blog?
Well, I am still working and will be for another few weeks. Then I am retiring.
I have always spent a lot of time using "Outlook" on my computer to do emails and to keep track of things. When you look at the inbox in Outlook you see on the left side the "Mail Folders". Under them you can create other folders. You can move all your incoming emails, that you want to keep, into a folder with the category of the emails name on it. You an pull up your "sent emails" and store them for reference. This is just a small amount of the ways to use this tool.
Over the last 8+ years in my current job I have created many many files. I have big categories. Purchasing, Human Resources, Distribution, Stores, Insurance and on and on. Within these areas I have smaller files. Employees by name. Store by store number. HR policies, ect and so on.
Since I will retire in a few weeks I have been reviewing these files. Many have emails going back to day one. Day one was back in May of 2008 for my current job.
I have taken the information in a lot of these files and passed them to those who will handle those areas after I leave. Even so, I have probably deleted over a thousand files and the contents, at least, so far, besides those passed on.
So in a way I am deleting the sum total of all the documentation of all this time. The 8+ years.
There must be some big profound lesson to be drawn from this other than that this was just a good way to hand off the baton.
So did something good come from all that I deleted? Was the file effort worth it. What value went away by deleting it? The files are not clean they are just gone
I still had the experiences.
1 comment:
At least one person who will likely see this blog will have thought long before opening the comments that "You really can't post those pictures". Well I disagree. If a picture is in google images then the whole reason it is there is that it can be copy and is in the public domain. In my opinion.
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